Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

| 2004 
2 of 
ip, or 
ip, or 
m (so 
m. In 
by a 
ial to 
e the 
; roll, 
, but 
| the 
ed in 
geographic coordinates (A; ¢;) taken from the GPS/IMU 
positions. A rotation can then be set up from n to e, another 
one to the local tangential system m centred at the geographic 
coordinates (A,, ¢,) and used in the collinearity equations. 
Additional rotations need to be introduced to take into 
account the different axes direction of the navigation and the 
local tangential system on the one hand, and the body and the 
image coordinate system on the other hand. Finally, the 
misalignment between the image coordinate system and the 
body system must be included. Since the misalignment is 
considered as constant, it must be expressed in the body 
system rather than in the image coordinate system. As in the 
case of the position equations the system is completed by bias 
and drift parameters. 
The non-linear observation equations for attitude are given by 
roll Vroll 
pitch |. (t) Vpitch 
yaw b 
= NS n a 
T [REOS 0)- R^ (o: 09): Ri (50,2) 
0 er 
R(t +d) (dc) Rl (m0, 0)- RD (Aroll, Apitch, Ayaw) ] 
( b roll Y! d roli Y! 
cb pitch | +(t+dt—to) d_ pitch 
b yaw b d yaw b 
(roll, pitch, yaw)", elements of rotation matrix between 5 
YrolbVpitdu aw and n and related residuals 
T function to extract a vector of rotation 
angles out of the rotation matrix 
œ,p,K angles of exterior orientation, time 
Ais O; geographic coordinates of IMU at the 
instant of exposure 
Ado geographic coordinates of origin of local 
tangential system 
Aroll, Apitch, Ayaw angles of boresight misalignment 
Re rotation matrix between Earth-fixed and 
navigation system 
Rw rotation matrix between navigation system 
at the origin of the local tangential system 
and Earth-fixed frame 
RU rotation matrix between local tangential 
system and fixed navigation system 
R"™, rotation matrix between image coordinate 
system and local tangential system 
Rod rotation matrix between body system 
altered by misalignment and image 
coordinate system 
RU rotation matrix of boresight misalignment 
b roll, pitch, yaw bias in attitude (one parameter per strip or 
one or the whole block) 
d roll, pitch, yaw drift in attitude (one parameter per strip or 
one or the whole block) 
t, dt, t, see above 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
2.4 Least-squares adjustment 
Equations (1) to (3) form the mathematical model of 
integrated sensor orientation, which is also used to determine 
the system calibration parameters necessary for direct sensor 
orientation, as mentioned above. Different sets of calibration 
parameters can be chosen. Besides the  boresight 
misalignment, the bias parameters of equation (2) are often 
selected as calibration parameters. Depending on the 
available data and the intended use of the calibration results, 
also the interior orientation parameters of the camera, and the 
synchronisation offset dt can be considered as unknowns. 
Of course, it must be ensured that the selected parameters can 
be computed in a numerically stable way from the provided 
information. For instance, assuming a flat test field a 
correction to the calibrated focal length and a bias parameter 
in Z can only be determined if imagery from at least two 
different flying heights is available, and a correction to the 
principal point in flight direction together with a bias in flight 
direction requires at least two strips flown in opposite 
directions. Also, the synchronisation offset dt is highly 
correlated with the correction for the principal point in flight 
direction, a separation needs again two different flying 
heights. Finally, in order to interpolate the corrected exterior 
orientation parameters at the instant of image exposure after 
having estimated dt at the end of each adjustment iteration, 
high resolution information for position and attitude must be 
The unknowns of the approach are computed in a least- 
squares adjustment, based on the principle 
v'Pv -> minimum (4) 
As usual, P is the weight matrix of the observations. It should 
be noted that often no stochastic information is available for 
the GPS/IMU measurements after the Kalman filtering if 
commercial software is used for GPS/IMU pre-processing. 
2.5 GPS network solution 
We now address the GPS network solution. It is well known, 
that the observation quality in differential GPS depends on 
the length of the baseline (Seeber 2003). In other applications 
GPS network solutions, i.e. solutions involving more than 
one reference station, have found major interest and are 
increasingly also used in practical applications. In 
photogrammetry, such possibilities have not yet been 
Based on the described formulae, we can create a network 
solution in two different ways: first, we can consider each 
available reference station individually and set up equations 
(2) and (3) for each image as often as there are reference 
stations. An alternative is to combine the observations of the 
different reference stations during GPS/IMU pre-processing, 
and to subsequently set up equations (2) and (3) only once 
per image. The first possibility has the advantage of 
simplicity, since pre-processing can be done in the 
conventional way. The second possibility has the advantage 
of being able to analyse in detail the different high frequency 
GPS/IMU observations, and to eliminate any error at an early 
stage. Also, different sets of calibration parameters can be 
taken into account for the different reference stations. Since 
at present we do not have the possibility to do GPS/IMU pre- 
processing, we have decided to use this first possibility for 
our studies. 

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