Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

inbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
together with the image data by the ULTRACAM| inflight 
The traditional photogrammetric workflow is based on 60% 
forward overlaps. Therefore a stereo operation employs two 
intersecting projection rays without sufficient redundancy. The 
use of digital sensors can change this by increasing the number 
of images without increasing the project costs, as long as 
processing is automated. This encourages thinking about the 
use of higher than 60% forward overlaps. 
The benefit of high overlaps is obvious. Each terrain position 
is mapped. more than twice, redundancy is available and 
blunders and mismatches can be detected automatically. 
So the aero-triangulation will become more robust and DEMs 
will also be without mismatches and all terrain segments will 
have coverage. An integrated system with geo-positioning tools 
and multi-ray photogrammetric processing will result in a 
DEM-robot and will also produce true orthophotos without 
human interaction. 
5.1 Direct Georeferencing (DG) and Integrated Sensor 
Orientation (ISO) 
The use of directly measured EO-parameters in 
photogrammetric data processing can generally be 
distinguished in two different concepts: 
The use of directly measured image EO-parameters for 
photogrammetric data processing without conducting an AT 
over the entire image block presents the principle of DG. On 
the other hand, the simultaneous processing of GPS/IMU data 
and image information for the determination of the EO- 
parameters in an extended aerial triangulation is referred to as 
Integrated Sensor Orientation (ISO) [Heipke 2001]. 
Which approach is suitable for a specific task depends on many 
factors, e.g. the required accuracy, the image scale, the 
availability of ground control information. In general, DG is 
used for medium to small scale projects, while ISO is applied 
to large and medium scales [Kremer 2002, Kremer & Kruck 
In a completely digital workflow, the range of projects where 
ISO is the method of choice might become larger compared to 
the projects where DG will be used. Because the images are 
available in digital form anyway, the additional effort to 
perform a GPS/IMU assisted automatic AT for the complete 
block is quite small compared to the advantages of ISO 
compared to DG. 
On the 22"! of April 2004, a flight mission was done by near 
Graz, Austria. 
The system was installed in a Cessna 206 survey aircraft of 
Bildflug Fischer, Klagenfurt, Austria. 
The mission consists of a block of seven lines with two cross 
strips. A forward overlap of 90%, a sideward overlap of 85% 
and a flying height of 1400m above ground, resulting in ground 
sample distance (GSD) of 0.12 m, was planned. The images 
were triggered by the CCNS on the planned positions (an 
automatic mode is possible, where the camera is only sending 
the feedback pulse to the CCNS). 
Fig. 4: Installation of the ULTRACAM) in the Cessna 206 
survey aircraft 
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Fig. 5: Missionplanning for the project “Graz” with WinMP 
£4(2) 22-04-04_42: Trajectory [GPS] ei 
al Slama] se =f sl sen mT all [EER or [710 
Fig. 6: Recorded trajectory 

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