Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
2. Real-Time parameter estimation not feasible in 
e Advantages: 
|. Real-Time parameter estimation capability. 
2. The state vector dominates the scene.’ That is, 
there is a clear definition of what the system is. 
e Disadvantages: 
1. Connectivity of parameters through static obser- 
vation equations is not supported. 
2. Filter divergence. 
3. Computation of covariance matrices for all the 
state vectors cannot be avoided. 
The above list is by no means comprehensive but, in our 
opinion, the only situation where the SSA is clearly su- 
perior is real-time parameter estimation. This statement 
should not be taken as a recommendation. In real life 
problems, other factors may be taken into account. For in- 
stance, in INS/GPS trajectory determination, a SSA based 
software engine can be applied to both real-time and post- 
processing computation modes. This aspect may be funda- 
mental before making implementation decisions. 
A time dependent network is a network such that some of 
its parameters are time dependent; i.e., that some of its pa- 
rameters are stochastic processes. Analogously, we define 
that to solve a time dependent network is to perform an 
optimal estimation of its parameters which include some 
stochastic processes. (However, this is easier said than un- 
derstood and done. In this section we clarify the meaning 
of the above statement and in section 7 we suggest some 
implementation mechanisms.) We recall that optimality in 
estimating a stochastic process means to estimate the best 
expectation function path 2(1) in the sense of having min- 
imal E (|z — ||?) as mentioned in section 2. 
Note that we are asked to solve for more information in 
time dependent networks that in time independent ones. 
Accordingly, as it was to be expected, we will be given 
more information before the estimation process. This new 
information is the dynamic observation model for the ran- 
dom process. If we now rename our traditional observa- 
tion equations as the static observation model(s), then the 
global picture of time dependent networks becomes clear 
and clean. 
An static observation model is an equation of the type 
f(t.{+v,æ(t)) = 0 (1) 
3For some models this advantage could be a disadvantage. See sec- 
tion 3 for a related discussion. 
where v is a normally distributed variable of null expecta- 
tion. A dynamic observation model —or a stochastic dy- 
namic model— is an equation of the type 
Fi op) rwy, r(, 3:0) 0 (2) 
where v(t) is a white noise process. In more global terms, 
we will refer to the family of static observation equations 
as the network static model. And to the family of dynamic 
observation equations? as the network dynamic model. Typ- 
ically, a particular dynamic model (2) will be given for 
t € S’ where $' C S. Note that a dynamic observa- 
tion equation may include time independent parameters 
and that a static observation equation may include time de- 
pendent parameters but not its derivatives. Note, as well, 
that the static model may be of the form (1). This is not 
only consistent with the concept of an static observation 
equation but necessary when it contains a time dependent 
The dynamic model is a key component of a time depen- 
dent network. Indeed, all what we know about z(4) before 
solving the network is that x(£) is a stochastic process. In- 
deed, the static model contributes to the determination of 
x(t). However, without the dynamic model there is no “dy- 
namics” in the process; i.e., we cannot guarantee that the 
set {#(t)|t € S’} is a continuous path. In principle, strictly 
speaking, mathematical continuity does not tell us much 
about the roughness or smoothness of the solution path but 
practical experience proves its effectiveness. (The lack of 
dynamic modelling results, in practice, in somewhat rough 
solutions for 4(t). A typical example of this is found in 
the determination of GPS trajectories under the network 
approach when compared with the same trajectory deter- 
mined under the state-space approach which are, usually, 
Note, last, that in practice, we do not have to compute the 
auto-covariance function; we just have to provide a mech- 
anism to compute it if requested. 
We illustrate the above simple definition with two exam- 
ples: a geodetic monitoring network and an airborne imag- 
ing network (block) with INS/GPS aerial control. These 
two examples are time dependent networks as they include 
dynamic observation models and time dependent param- 
eters. Note, for instance, that the orientation parameters 
of a block can be seen as a set of time independent, unre- 
lated parameters {mili =1...., n} or as a time dependent 
parameter {p(t)|t € [a.b}.a.b € R}. 
The airborne network (block) with INS/GPS aerial con- 
trol is a time dependent network because its unknown ori- 
entation parameters position, velocity and attitude depend 
on the time. The “flight” is a stochastic process. This 
one is a stochastic process over [fo. tj], where to and f; 
are the initial and the final time of the flight respectively. 
The stochastic process is just defined over a finite time pe- 
riod and we cannot predict the system beyond /; because 
An this paper no distinction is made between "equations" and "mod- 
els" (both terms including the stochastic and functional components). We 
will use both terms as appropriate to highlight the parallelism between 
the dynamic and static aspects of the problem. 

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