Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
INS/GPS observations are required for the dynamic ob- 
servation equations. The general network model is made 
up of the dynamic observation model —INS observation 
equations— and the static observation model —GPS ob- 
servation equations, ground control points and the pho- 
togrammetric collinearity equations. 
The geodetic monitoring network is a time dependent net- 
work in that it is a network of observed and measured 
points at given epochs and we want to know the situation 
of the network points within the time observation epochs 
and in future time epochs. We have the measured points at 
epochs [fo, £1, ---. ty] and we want to determine the po- 
sition of the network points at epoch £; + At. This is, in 
principle, a stochastic process over [fo, --oc). This model 
is made up ofthe static observation model —GPS static ob- 
servation equations, known control point equations, known 
constant 3D coordinate differences for points in a same tec- 
tonic plates, etc.— and the dynamic observation model — 
known variable coordinate differences according to some 
geophysical deformation model. 
The implications of the definition of time dependent net- 
works of the preceding section are obvious. However, for 
the sake of clarity we underline them under the theoretical, 
algorithmic, software and production viewpoints. 
7.1 A unified theoretical approach 
The classical network is a set of instruments, observations 
and parameters. They are related through static observa- 
tion models. The network approach is a procedure to es- 
timate the parameters. The inputs are the values of ob- 
servations and, if needed, the initial approximations of the 
parameters. The outputs are the estimated values of the pa- 
rameters. On demand, the network approach can generate 
the covariance of the parameters and/or the auto-covariance 
The time dependent network concept that we propose in 
this paper is a set of instruments, observations and time 
dependent and independent parameters. They are related 
through static and dynamic observation models. A time de- 
pendent parameter generates a set of equations, one equa- 
tion for every time epoch. Now, the network approach is a 
procedure to estimate both time dependent and time inde- 
pendent parameters. The inputs are the values of the obser- 
vations and, if needed, initial approximations of the param- 
eters (note that, in this case, initial approximations are for 
time dependent and independent parameters). The outputs 
are the estimated values of the parameters including the 
stochastic processes. On demand, the network approach 
can generate the covariance of the parameters and/or the 
auto-covariance function. We insist on the parallelism of 
the time dependent and time independent network con- 
We claim that the time dependent network concept pro- 
posed provides a unified theoretical framework that cov- 
ers the estimation of time dependent and time indepen- 
dent parameters. The time dependent network is based on 
static and dynamic observation models. The time indepen- 
dent network is (solely) based on static observation mod- 
els. Thus, the classical network can be seen as a particular 
case of the new time dependent networks. 
This unified approach is the basis for the reasonable de- 
velopment of time dependent network determination soft- 
ware, which is at the same time rigorous and simple. We 
discuss this aspect in the next section. 
7.2 A unified algorithmic and software approach 
A modern well designed software system of the class we 
are discussing here is based in the object-oriented paradigm. 
Combining object-oriented design and the previous theory, 
a simple and powerful time dependent network determi- 
nation software can be generated. This software system 
shall include these fundamental entity classes: observa- 
tion, instrument, parameter and model. See (Colomina et 
al., 1992) for a related discussion and modelling in time 
independent networks. 
The observations may have an associated time (time epoch 
of the observation). We call them time-tagged observa- 
tions. However, we emphasize that our observations, al- 
though time dependent, are stochastically independent as 
they are only subject to a white noise process. In principle, 
it should not come as a surprise that for a time dependent 
networks, all what we have to do is to generalize time de- 
pendent parameters and dynamic observation models from 
time independent parameters and static observation mod- 
els, respectively. 
common math and modelling base 
Figure 1: Unified SW approach 
Interestingly enough, in our unified software approach, the 
mathematical foundation libraries are not much different 
from the classical approach. This applies both to internal 
software aspects and to interface aspects. Moreover, with 
minor changes, most of the organizational parts and dis- 
crete mathematical components of existing [well designed] 
network adjustment packages can be kept. Even more in- 
teresting is the fact that the NA and SSA computational 
engines can share the same model libraries, as the estima- 
tion engines work with the same models, their software im- 
plementation and their external interfaces. In other words, 
the parallel development and maintenance of an NA and an 
SSA engine within the frame of a general system is possi- 

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