Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
shifted on the screen. For convenience another monitor may be 
connected to the system. 
Having in mind that imagery reconnaissance is not only object 
detection but precise location as well, the Authors implemented 
in the system a module for position tracking on a numerical 
map based on the GPS data. Navigational and other 
alphanumeric data may by also annotated on the recorded 
Camera head 
During the system concept development phase it was assumed 
that it would be based on the European television standard 
(PAL) for color images and CCIR for monochromatic images. 
To record images in the specific spectral channels in a wide 
band of the EM spectrum, the system is composed of a few 
separate video cameras. 
Each system channel is related with a different spectrum region. 
The spectrum band of a channel is determined by the 
transmission bands of the applied optical filters. This solution 
enables quick modification of the spectral resolution of the 
system by means of replacing the applied optical filters. 
Three 1/3" class monochromatic cameras are applied in the 
multispectral video set. 
They provide imagery information from the same area in UV 
and NIR bands. The recording band is limited by the 
transmission of the applied filter on one end and by the CCD 
matrix sensitivity on the other. SONY DX-950P camera was 
used to acquire images in 3 spectral channels (R, G, B) of the 
visible spectrum. This camera is equipped with 3 photo-mosaics 
providing precise projection of the spectral information. 
Fig. 2. 3CCD Sony DX-950P camera. 
A software & hardware computer system was constructed for 
recording the digital data stream that includes the images from 
selected spectral channels. It is equipped with a special array of 
fast 140 GB hard disks that provides fast recording and 
retrieving of data. The HDs array enables continuous recording 
of uncompressed images from 6 channels at the same time for 
over 40 minutes and for appropriately time longer for fewer 
The recorded sequences of images may be displayed on the 
monitor screen both as images from specific channels and as 
images composed of various bands. During displaying a 
recorded sequence from any three channels selected from both 
bands another “composed” image may be created. This is to 
enable fast checking of the ,,common differentiating power" of 
the observed objects for the selected configuration of spectral 
The created composed image may be saved in a new video 
sequence in ,.avi" format. A single image from the sequence 
may also be saved as a disk file in ,..tif" format. 
Resolution is the factor determining the capability of 
distinguishing an object in an image. This section includes an 
assessment of the quality of the images based on their 
Determination of the ground resolved distance of the images 
Determination of the ground resolved distance (GRD) was 
based on a calibration target. 
A calibration target shall be understood as a special object 
deployed on the ground for the purpose of determination of the 
ground resolved distance of the observation devices. 
The object is defined by its dimensions as well as frequency and 
spatial characteristics of reflectivity. These objects are usually 
flat modular constructions composed of elementary planes that 
are deployed appropriately on a selected ground. 
A stripe pattern of specially defined dimensions and selected 
contrast between the dark and light stripes is painted on the 
surface of the object. 
Zaklad Rozpoznania Obrazowego WAT 
Fig. 3. Three-stripe calibration target. 
Images of the calibration target were recorded using the system 
and the ground resolved distance GRD was determined using 
the images. 
a d 4 
Fig. 4. Imagery acquired from the height of 300 m. 
GRD {m} 

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