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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
The relative azimuth of viewing and illumination directions was
determined on the slanting plane and vectors were thus
projected onto that plane. Point Æ = 7, and surface normal n
uniquely define a plane in E? space; point PS r
plane if and only if
lies on this
#-(F-ñ)=0. (3a)
Written in three-dimensional coordinates, the plane equation
MX+My+MZ=N-h=d, (3b)
where n; are the components of the surface normal.
By setting 7 = 0 , the plane origin equals the origin of £^. Let
us relocate the surface normal and viewing and illumination
vectors to this origin. Thus d=0 in equation (3b), because # is
now perpendicular to any vector lying on the plane. Projections
of vectors 5 and € on xy-plane are denoted by s and c and
are derived by setting the third coordinate of s and c to zero.
Projections § and ¢ on an arbitrary surface can be derived by
solving the following equation
—MX — M9 Y
za 2" M #0, (4)
where x and y are first two components of vector s or c .The
relative azimuth of viewing and illumination directions on an
arbitrary surface is then calculated.
2.9 Atmospheric effects
Atmospheric influence on electromagnetic radiation is a severe
obstacle to remote sensing. In image analysis and interpretation
of aerial images, one typically has difficulties due to the
different effects caused by atmospheric scattering and weather
conditions (Widen, 1999). The atmosphere has an influence on
the measured signal comparable to the BRDF effect on the
ground (Beisl, 2001) and can drastically alter the spectral nature
of the radiation at-sensor level (Schowengerdt, 1997).
Atmospheric effects must therefore be eliminated before any
analysis (Beisl, 2001).
The atmospheric influence on HRSC-A images was reduced by
estimating the atmospheric parameters from the images
themselves. The dark object subtraction (DOS) was chosen as a
method for correcting” of the images for atmospheric effects.
This method focuses on estimating the upwelling atmospheric
path radiance, with the view path transmittance assumed to be
one. This assumption is reasonable. enough, since the path
radiance is the most dominant atmospheric effect in the visible
spectral region (Showengerdt, 1997). The use of DOS, as
documented, does not hinder application of more developed
methods such as ATCOR (Richter, 2000) for later atmospheric
correction of sampled data.
DOS coefficients were determined for each image strip by
histogram analysis. The DOS coefficient of an image was first
set at zero and then incremented stepwise by one. Pixels
representing the current value were inspected, and if they were
acceptable as a dark object, the coefficient was incremented and
the evaluation performed again.
Figure 2. The effect of DOS.
2.10 Classification
A target represented by a single sample point was identified by
classifying the images with a maximum likelihood classifier and
by manual clustering. DOS-corrected images were fused by
constructing four image mosaics for a flight period, one per
flying direction. Consequently the sun movements could be
taken into account more precisely in the sampling process.
The primary classification was conducted manually, using
visual interpretation of the HRSC-A images, maps, terrestrial
photographs and field investigations performed at the time of
image acquisition. Although some of the classes are not fully
identified for species, they are thoroughly clustered. For the
Kuckuberg test site, primary classification was performed in a
manner similar to that of the Sjókulla area, but border areas
between different class types were left out.
A maximum likelihood classifier was used to construct the
secondary classification. Three parallel HRSC-A images and a
conducted normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) were
used as input. The initials for image clustering were calculated
from statistics on the images using principal axis means.
Classification was performed with a 98% convergence
The secondary classification can be used in data analysis, for
instance to distinguish deep shadowed targets from the others. It
also provides additional information on internal variation within
a target class caused by soil moisture, vegetation closure
(sparseness) and other such factors.
3.1 Sampling
The image sampling is illustrated in Figure 3. Iteratively solved
samples are shown on top of a sampled image strip (50 points
per line). The residual for viewing direction was 0.2?. This is
considered to be reasonable and acceptable for the
determination of bidirectional reflectance. The developed
algorithms were found to be efficient and operational for this