Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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Unlike with frame-based photography, the three-line geometry 
is characterized by a nearly parallel projection in the flight 
direction and perspective projection perpendicular to that. The 
sensor model for the TLS images is based on modified 
collinearity equations and uses different forms of trajectory 
models. These models are used for the improvement of the 
measured exterior orientation parameters for each scan line by a 
modified photogrammetric bundle adjustment procedure, called 
LAB (Linear Array Bundle adjustment). This is part of a 
comprehensive package of new methods and the related 
software for the processing of TLS imagery, which is described 
in this chapter . 
3.1 TLS Digital Photogrammetry System 
The outline of the TLS data processing chain is shown in Figure 
9 (Gruen et al., 2003). 
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i GOP Information | 
| Oniginal TLS | GPS amd INS “Came 
{ Tae Data i Parauiclers 
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In Mono or Stereo Mode 3 f es Vector |! Mass Points 
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Ortho-Imagc Generation 
Figure 9. TLS data processing chain 
The processing modules include: 
User interface and measurement system: The user interface 
allows the display, manipulation and measurement of 
images. It includes the mono and stereo measurement 
modules in manual and semi-automated mode. It employs 
large-size image roaming techniques to display the TLS 
forward, nadir, and backward (plus other channels if 
available) view direction images simultaneously. 
Triangulation: This module consists of two stages. At the 
first stage, the directly measured GPS/IMU data is taken as 
input and the exterior orientation elements for each scan- 
line are calculated/interpolated for the time of image 
Capture. The output of this procedure is called "raw 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
orientation data”. The raw orientation parameters are 
already of fairly good quality and may be used in some 
applications right away. For high accuracy applications 
however we recommend a triangulation. The related 
software is a modified bundle adjustment called TLS-LAB. 
The software includes a special TLS camera model and 
offers three different trajectory models: DGR (Direct 
Georeferencing Model), PPM (Piecewise Polynomial 
Model) and LIM (Lagrange Interpolation Model). The 
self-calibration — technique for systematic error 
compensation is currently implemented (Gruen, Zhang, 
2003). The triangulation module also covers new methods 
for semi- and fully-automated pass and tie point 
measurement. Tie points in  mult-strip/cross-strip 
configuration, with different image scales and image 
directions can be measured semi- or fully automatically 
through least squares matching. 
Image Rectification: Here the raw level image data is 
transformed into quasi-epipolar form in order to reduce the 
large y-parallaxes caused by high frequency variations of 
the parameters of exterior orientation. This is absolutely 
necessary for smooth stereo viewing. Rectification comes 
in two modes. The coarse version just uses the orientation 
elements as given (or already derived from triangulation) 
and projects the raw images onto a pre-defined horizontal 
object plane. The refined version uses an existing 
DTM/DSM (of whatever quality) in replacement of the 
object plane. This latter method reduces the remaining y- 
parallaxes substantially. It should be realized that the 
notion of “epipolar” images does not exist for this kind of 
linear array-based images. Therefore these transformed 
images can be regarded as “quasi-epipolar”. 
DSM/DTM generation: A new matching strategy is 
devised and implemented for the automatic generation of 
Digital Surface Models (Zhang, Gruen, 2004), from which 
Digital Terrain Models may be derived. This strategy 
consists of a number of matching components (cross- 
correlation, least squares matching, multi-image matching, 
geometrical constraints, edge matching, relational 
matching, multi-patch matching with continuity constraints, 
etc.), which are combined in particular ways in order to 
respond to divers image contents (e.g. feature points, edges, 
textureless areas, etc.). The matching mo^le can extract 
large numbers of mass points by using m -.-images. Even 
in non-texture image areas reasonable matching results can 
be achieved by enforcing the local smoothness constraints. 
Ortho-image generation: This is a special solution for fast 
derivation of ortho-images given the sensor geometry, 
orientation and the DTM/DSM. 
3D object extraction and modelling: For 3D object 
extraction two different semi-automated modes have been 
realized: (a) Point-based object extraction: This is 
achieved by interfacing the TLS software with CyberCity 
Modeler. For details see Gruen et al., 2003. The key points 
are manually measured in stereomode, producing a 3D 
point-cloud. The 3D model is generated automatically. (b) 
Line-based object extraction: The lines of interest are 
measured manually and monoscopically in the nadir image, 
while the corresponding lines in the forward and after 
images are then matched automatically. 

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