Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
External quality control rr report Contractor 
: A a "Audi —#iPhotographing re > 2 
— Checking of quality repdrts ilm development | 
— Acceptance control 
Quality report 
«—« tet 
“Result | 
Audit : ; 
ie Scanning 
+ ICP 
rej | 
Acceptd nce, I— der 
control T. 
Figure 1. QC-strategy of image production. 
The CIR orthophotos are also extensively used in the forestry 
applications. Orthophotos used in forest planning are 
radiometrically enhanced to assist forest interpretation. Most of 
Forestry Centres receive images from companies as tuned all 
the way, while some do most of the enhancement process 
themselves. The radiometry of these images have been 
estimated only visually, criteria have been subjective and 
varied depending on the person. Because of this, the QC of 
radiometrically-enhanced orthophotos has been a difficult task 
for both to the image producer and customer. 
The main objectives of this study were to develop automatic 
procedures for 100%-histogram control of scanned images and 
to develop an objective way for judging radiometry of enhanced 
orthophotos. The existing FLPIS orthophoto QC-system will be 
improved based on the results. 
2.1 Digital image composition and colour spaces 
À normal digital colour image consists of three channels: red 
(R), green (G) and blue (B) and one pixel is composition of 
these three (R, G, B). At the moment 24-bit colour images are 
used, they contain one 8-bit value (0-255) for each channel. 
Hence, there "are up to 256^3 = 16777216 different 
combinations of red, green and blue Digital numbers (DN) that 
one colour pixel may have. In the future with new digital 
cameras and image processing software also 10-tol4-bit data 
per channel may be used, film-scanners can already produce up 
to 12-bit per channel images. 
In addition to R, G and B-channels, several composition 
channels based on these three can be calculated from image. 
Luminosity describes the panchromatic information of the 
image and in Adobe Photoshop it is calculated with a formula 
(1) (Kosaka, 2000). 
L 2 0.30*R 4 0.59*G -- 0.11*B (1) 
Intensity (I), hue (H) and saturation (S) colour space is 
advantageous to RGB in that it presents colours more nearly 
perceived by the human eye. Intensity is comparable to 
luminosity and describes the overall brightness of the scene. 
Saturation represents the purity of colour and varies from 0 
(grey) to 1 (pure colour). Hue is representative of the colour or 
dominant wavelength of the pixel. It is a circular dimension 
. and varies from 0 at the blue midpoint through red and green 
back to the blue midpoint at 360. Several formulas for RGB to 
IHS —transformation can be found from the literature (Carper er 
al., 1990; Gonzalez and Woods, 1992), but in this study the 
formula given by Conrac (1985) was used. 
2.2 Histogram 
The image histogram describes the statistical distribution of 
image pixels in terms of the number of pixels at each DN. 
Particularly, it contains no information about the spatial 
distribution of those pixels; two visually different images may 
have identical histograms. Sometimes, however, spatial 
information can be inferred from the histogram. For example, a 
strongly bimodal histogram usually indicates two dominant 
materials in the scene, such as land and water (Schowengerdt, 
The most widely used histograms are R, G, and B. The RGB- 
model is applied for producing three-channel colour composites 
on colour monitors, scanners and other devices, therefore their 
histograms are the most efficient to calculate. Histograms of 
other composition channels may give information that would be 
hard or even impossible to interpret straight from the RGB- 
histograms. Luminosity-histogram can be used to monitor the 
number of totally black or white pixels on the image. Hue- 
histogram can be used to monitor the effect of image 
enhancement operations, and it is a better indicator of the 
overall tone of the image than RGB-histograms (Koutsias ef 
al., 2000). A histogram can be calculated either for whole 
image or for a smaller part of it. 
Several statistical quantities can be calculated from histograms: 
— Average. Describes the mean value of the DNs. 
— Standard deviation. Describes, how widely the DNs 
are spread around the average. 
— Coefficient of Variation. Describes the percentual 
deviation of the DNs (=standard deviation / average). 
— EC Coefficient of Variation (European Comission, 
2004). (=standard deviation / 256). 
— Median. Describes the center of the histogram; there 
are an equal amount of DNs on both sides of median. 
— Mode. Describes the DN that is the most common. 
— Efficiency. Describes how many of DNs is used out of 
256. Opposite to unused DNs. 
-  99%-efficiency. Describes the width of 99%-part of 
the histogram (= tail 0.995 - tail 0.005). 
— Minimum. The smallest DN used. 
- Maximum. The largest DN used. 
—  Unused Center. The number of unused DNs between 
minimum and maximum. 
=: i. Tails, 0.001,.0.008,.0.01,.0.05.: 0.999, 0.995, .0,99, 
0.95. Describes the place were corresponding amount 
of histogram is on the left side. 
= 0 & 255. Describes the amount of 0 and 255 DNs. 
- 0% & 255% (saturation). Describes the percentual 
amount of ( and 255 DNs compared to whole image. 
SITZ] = 

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