Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
The tenth acquisition technique has been added to fulfil the 
need of 3D information mainly requested for cartography, 
hydrology and risk management. Radar interferometry (IF) 
has been found the best technical way, from space, to provide 
such information with a metric accuracy, improving current 
altimetric information given by SPOT 5 with its HRS 
instrument. Such data could be provided by 3 micro satellites 
placed almost on the same orbit as a SAR satellite, according 
to the Interferometric Cartwheel concept created by D. 
Massonnet (Massonnet, 1999). 
These 10 sensors have been compared in terms of user’s 
interest, operational maturity, compliance with National and 
European space policy (innovation, industrial impact, 
sovereignty, ..) and cost. The user’s interest is shown in 
table 2. 
Application Sensor needs for the application domain 
Mapping HR, WF, X ,IF 
Agriculture SS, WF. C 
Forests SS WE 
Geology HR, 1, WF, CIF 
Marine C X 
Risks X,C WF TH,IF 
Table 2. Sensor needs for application domains 
3.1 Several possible programmatic frameworks 
Even if all these sensors have an interest for some users it 
could not be possible for CNES to develop them all together. 
Cooperation(s) and/or partnership(s) had to be identified to 
develop the most important Pléiades components (a 
component is a constellation of small satellites associated 
with a single sensor) 
Three types of co-operative framework had been identified: 
-  multi-national cooperation under ESA 
responsibility, whenever possible, especially for 
developing new systems; 
- PPP, public private partnership when the market 
could be sufficient to cover the recurrent costs. 
- bilateral cooperation for components with a strong 
Defense interest; 
Among all the possible components two of them have been 
considered with the highest priority: Optical High Resolution 
and SAR X for which a bilateral co-operative framework has 
been searched as those systems have a strong Defense 
interest. As it will explain in the next paragraph such 
cooperation has been found with Italy, to share the 
development of these two high resolution systems. 
In spite its great interest the Wide Field component has not 
been considered with the highest priority, as SPOT-5 fulfill 
perfectly this mission for the time being (as ENVISAT is 
currently fulfilling the SAR C mission). Nevertheless the 
continuity of these missions should be guaranteed and 
follow-on systems have to be decided soon. 
For the Interferometric Cartwheel which has a great technical 
interest several programmatic and cooperation frameworks 
are still possible and evaluated, but no decision is expected in 
the near future. 
Due to its potential market interest, especially for precision 
farming, the superspectral system has been proposed through 
a Public Private Partnership (PPP) but up to now such 
solution could not be implemented. 
Other systems considered as less operational in a near future 
time scale (L and P band SAR, thermal and hyper spectral 
imagery) are not envisaged to be developed by CNES. 
3.2 An agreement found with Italy 
Since beginning 1999 possible co-operations were envisaged 
and the most fruitful co-operation scheme was found with 
Italy, as its approach for its COSMO-SkyMed program was 
very similar to Pléiades, with a its dual oriented objectives 
and multi-sensors approach. 
An intergovernmental Agreement was signed by France and 
Italy in January 2001. It is an Umbrella Memorandum of 
Understanding, which gives the overall objectives and 
implementation rules of the co-operation. Its main purpose is 
the development and exploitation of a Dual System, ORFEO, 
with two high resolution components, one with two optical 
satellites under the leadership of France, the other with four 
SAR-X satellites under the leadership of Italy. The extension 
of the co-operation to other countries can be envisaged, and 
France has already set up co-operation agreements with 
Belgium, Sweden, Spain and Austria. 
3.3 Pléiades HR realization confirmed 
The agreement with Italy has allowed CNES to concentrate 
its studies on the optical high resolution system whereas SAR 
data should be acquired from COSMO-SkyMed. Definition 
studies have confirmed the main technical choices and the 
possibility to develop and launch the two satellites within the 
foreseen cost envelop. Therefore the C/D phase was 
confirmed by the CNES Board mid 2003. Cooperation 
Agreements have been signed with some European partners: 
Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Austria. Now the two satellites 
are under construction with Astrium as prime contractor and 
Alcatel Space as a major sub-contractor. 
The first satellite should be ready by mid 2008 and the 
second one by end 2009. 
4.1 Main Mission Requirements 
Pléiades HR is designed to fulfill civilian and Defense needs 
which implies confidentiality and security constraints from 
one side as well as easy and quick access through Internet 
from the other side. At system level optical data from 
Pléiades HR should be, as much as possible, easily 
combined with other types of data and especially SAR from 
Pléiades HR will provide Earth observations in black and 
white (panchromatic band) with a 0.7 m resolution at nadir, 
and in color (four spectral bands in the visible and near infra 
red range) with a 2.8 m resolution at nadir. 
The image swath will be larger than 20 km. 
The Pleiades HR satellites will orbit the Earth during at least 
5 years on a quasi-circular, sun-synchronous orbit of 695 km 
altitude, with a 10h30 descending node local time. 
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