Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
unsupervised land use classification, cartography of settlements, 
isolated buildings, plants and road infrastructure is feasible, but 
significant editing work and ground verification, wherever 
possible, is required to separate confused classes. This tool is 
particularly helpful if there are neither quality, nor up-to-date 
maps of the area available. 
SPOT-5 collected spatial data on the elements at risk need to be 
combined with demographic and socio-economic factors and 
indicators on the economic activities for cost purposes. The 
resulting cost study is then confronted to expected hazard 
magnitudes and frequencies for vulnerability definition. 
However, this method is far beyond being operational for 
landslide, mud and debris flow events, since little work has 
been done to assess the potential damages for a given terrain 
instability (Wunderle, 2002). 
SPOT-5 remote imagery is a useful tool for the detection of 
large landslides and to a lesser extent mud flows and debris 
flows (Table 1). A pseudo-color 2.5 m SPOT-S Pan+Hi image 
draped on a DEM for 3D simulation allows to delimit hazard 
areas at scales up to 1:25'000 (master plan) and to create a 
comprehensive inventory map of occurred hazard phenomena, 
consistent with field observations. The rate of vegetation 
disturbance yields to some extent a qualitative monitoring of 
the activity. However, the recognition of hazard characteristics 
depends to a great extent on the ability and experience of the 
interpreter. This remote sensing tool, although it does not reach 
the ground resolution of aerial photography, usefully 
complements this traditional surveying method. In Matagalpa, 
semi-automatic approaches, analyzing image radiometry are not 
suitable for retrieving landslide data. However, vegetation 
indexes (NDVI), best filtered with the drainage network are 
helpful for sorting out areas with debris flow deposits. 
For hazard susceptibility maps (Table 2), integration of SPOT-5 
products is less straightforward, since the derived thematic 
information has to be filtered with slope classifications. At 
Matagalpa, among the prime risk factors that indicates a 
predisposition to landslides, only the information about 
geological lineaments can be visually recovered from the 
pseudo-color SPOT-5 image. Additional data, such as barren 
soils and deforested areas can be extrapolated from land use and 
change detection maps. 
The contribution of SPOT-5 products for vulnerability purposes 
(Table 3) is relevant where poor map coverage is available or 
when up-to-date information is required. Land cover maps, after 
demanding editing work and field validation are helpful for 
mapping threatened elements such as settlements, buildings, 
plants and road infrastructure. The later information must 
nevertheless be combined with socio-economic data of the 
elements at risk to assess their actual vulnerability. 
In conclusion, SPOT-5 products are a complementary tool in 
the process of risk analysis (hazard inventory, second-order risk 
factors and vulnerable elements), which is tailored for mapping 
large (kilometer-wide) hazardous phenomena at the watershed 
scale. To fully take advantage of its potential, it needs to be 
integrated as part of a GIS, together with other relevant 
information, such as DEMs and geological and hydrographic 
maps. However, a field survey remains essential for validating 
SPOT-5 derived landslide inventories and land cover 
classifications. Most of limitations observed with SPOT-5 could 
probably be overcome with infra-metric resolution capabilities 
in optical bands and metric resolution radar C-band. 
Cannon, S.H., Haller, K.M., Ekstrom, I., Schweig, E.S.HI, 
Devoli, G., Moore, D.W., Rafferty, S.A., and Tarr, A.C., 2001. 
Landslide initiation locations in Nicaragua. USGS Open-File 
Report 01-412-A, U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA, 
17 p., 7 maps, http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/0fr-01-0412-a 
(accessed 26 April 2004). 
Carrefio, R, and Barreto, H., 2000. Evaluación indicativa de 
peligros derivados de fenómenos de inestabilidad y torrentiales. 
COSUDE, Managua, Nicaragua, 28 p. 
Dikau, R., 1999, The recognition of landslides. In: Casale, R. 
and C. Margottini (eds.), Floods and Landslides. Integrated 
Risk Assessment. Springer, Berlin, pp. 39-44. 
Havli¢ek, P., Hradecky, P., Kycl, P., Mléoch, B., Mrázová, S., 
Novák, Z., Opletal, M., Rapprich, V., Sebesta, J., Sevéík, J., 
Vorel, T., and Devoli, G., 2002. Estudio geológico de riesgos 
naturales, área de Matagalpa (Hoja de mapa 1:50'000 3054/IV) 
Czech Geological Survey in collaboration with INETER. 
Prague-Managua, 91 p., 4 maps. 
Lateltin, O., 1997. Recommandations 1997, prise en compte 
des dangers dus aux mouvements de terrain dans le cadre des 
activités de l'aménagement du territoire. Série Dangers naturels, 
OFEFP/OFEE/OFAD, OCFIM no 310.023f, Bern, Switzerland, 
empfmbg.pdf (accessed 26 April 2004). 
Liu, J.K., Wong C.C., Huang J.H., and Yang, M.J., 2002. 
Landslide-enhancement images for the study of torrential- 
rainfall landslides. 23" Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 
Kathmandu, Nepal, http://www.gisdevelopment.net/aars/acrs/ 
2002/env/193.pdf (accessed 26 April 2004). 
Schneider, T., 2001. Caractérisation multicritére des formations 
géologiques du canton de Vaud (Suisse) et de leurs 
prédispositions face aux dangers naturels. Mémoire de diplôme 
d’études postgrades en “Géologie de l’Ingénieur et de 
l’Environnement”, GEOLEP, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 
Wunderle, S., Van Westen, C., Pasquali, P., 2002. Integration 
of remote sensing techniques with statistical methods for 
landslide monitoring and risk assessment, DUP-SLAM2 final 
report, http://dup.esrin.esa.int/files/project/192-106-252-100 
200415131610.pdf (accessed 26 April 2004). 
This contribution to the SPOT-5 validation program has been 
undertaken in the frame of the project “Strengthening local 
capacities for the management of local resources of Matagalpa 
and Rio Grande watershed, Nicaragua” and benefited from the 
assistance of the CIGMAT resource center in Matagalpa. They 
should receive our best thanks for providing GIS products and 
for carrying out the GPS field survey and land cover validation. 
We would like to gratefully acknowledge U. Wegmiiller and A. 
Wiesmann from Gamma RS who processed the interferometric 
SAR data. Thanks are also due to S. Cannon for sharing the 
USGS landslide data on the Hurricane Mitch program. 
Technical support was generously provided by E. Bjorgo (data 
processing), J. Delgado (figures) and I. McClellan (English). 
Images © CNES 2003 courtesy of Spot Image. 
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