Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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Istanbul 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
presented a considerable variation of the surface. Important 
variation of the surface can have significant consequences in 
land development planning and legal aspects. 
For large extensions in flat terrains and peri-urban parcels, the 
variation of the distance between the surveyed border and the 
extracted data was less than the pixel resolution — 5m — of the 
images from which the orthoimage was deduced. Although for 
rugged terrains, the difference was less than 10m. This 
variation depended on the nature of the fence, vertices under 
live linear enclosure were easily identified although the ones 
located under dense vegetation and large canopy were identified 
with less precision. It was also the case when non-physical 
boundaries existed — only agreements between neighbours or 
legal invisible boundaries — as presented mainly in peri-urban 
areas and parcel presenting survival cultures (corn or bean 
The variation of surface and distance also depended on the 
number of vertices; in this study most of the parcels surveyed 
presented squared shapes, reducing the number of vertices. The 
identification on the orthoimage of parcels presenting curved 
boundaries, as it is the case when the border is a river, will be 
less accurate. If this condition is combined with topographical 
accidents, parcels of reduced size as well as a dense vegetation 
cover, the use of SPOT 5 orthoimage for cadastral purpose will 
be limited. 
The use of SPOT 5 orthoimages as a tool for the indirect 
method for cadastral projects seamed interesting for latifundium 
properties presenting low variation of topography and for 
medium extensions. Nevertheless, small rural properties, peri- 
urban and urban estates were not well identified presenting, an 
important variation of their surface as well as a deformation of 
their shape as it was the case for parcels smaller than 500nY and 
urban buildings. In the case of urban centres, steep gradient 
areas, regions’ presenting an elevated density of parcel and 
dense vegetation fences, the use of SPOT 5 orthoimage is 
limited. Even if it is not feasible for collecting regional data or 
data requiring continual validation because of the cost and 
logistical difficulties in tropical areas, Harvey and Hill (2000) 
estimated that aerial photographies make a very useful data 
source due to their textural feature and superior spatial 
resolution. Still, because of the cost of acquiring data and the 
time involved in analysing large data sets in aerial 
photographies, where the required information can be extracted 
from high resolution satellite imagery — latifundium estates for 
example or extended non agricultural areas — it appears to be the 
most feasibly technology to adopt in land surveying projects. 
And where the use of the image presents its limitations, a 
combination of direct surveying methodologies and orthoimage 
identification can be made. 
As noted previously, the average difference between the 
identified border and the reference data varied between 3.7 and 
8.5m. The tolerance varies depending on the type of cadastre, 
different types exist depending on the information provided and 
the use of it. For example physical cadastre considers only the 
measurement of the parcels. À legal cadastre consists of te 
measurement of the parcel and the legal rights of this one. 
Fiscal cadastre defines the parcel as the base for land taxes. 
Polyvalent cadastre or multi-purpose ones is a combination of 
the distinct types of cadastre. In Guatemala where a cadastre 
for legal purpose is considered, the tolerance for urban parcels 
is 0.3m and for rural properties is Im. In Colombia, the 
tolerance varies on the land tenure; in the Netherlands the 
difference of 0.28m for urban parcel is accepted and of 0.57m 
for rural properties. Wilcox (1984) noted that the rural 
tolerance in the US varied between 0.1m and 0.6m, and 0.3m 
for urban and suburban areas. This study demonstrated that the 
difference of distance surpass the established national tolerance 
making inadequate the we of the orthoimage for delimitation 
purpose in Guatemala. Nevertheless, the use of SPOT 5 
orthoimage as an input for indirect methods for land surveying 
can be considered in countries having fiscal and physical 
cadastre, where the accuracy of identification is not as strict as 
Guatemalan cadastral norms. 
High-resolution satellite imagery with its utility for surveying 
large areas in a time and cost effective manner, was considered 
as an interesting input for indirect land surveying methodology. 
The principal objective of this paper was to investigate the 
potential use of SPOT 5 orthoimage for cadastral surveying. 
Maps (1/50 000, 1/25 000 and 1/10 000) constitute useful tools 
as they bring important technical elements assisting the 
established cadastral activities. For countries like Guatemala, 
where planning cadastral activities are prepared with outdated 
topographical maps, SPOT 5 imagery brings a significant 
support to cartography. 
Comparisons between data from total stations — GPS 
measurements and orthoimage identification for different types 
of parcels were evaluated. Good results were obtained for large 
and medium extensions; although it presented its limits for 
identify accurately small parcels, peri-urban and urban estates. 
The accuracy of identification depends directly on the size and 
shape of the property, the topography of the area, the type of 
fences and vegetation coverage present on the study area as well 
as the scale of the orthoimage used in the identification process. 
SPOT 5 orthoimage is considered a interesting alternative 
input for indirect methodology for latifundium and medium 
estate with low topographical variation. However for snall 
properties, urban cadastre and building identification it is 
recommended to use traditional surveying methods. Even if in 
this study, the difference between identified vertices and the 
ones located with traditional methods surpassed the Guatemalan 
cadastral tolerance, the use of SPOT 5 orthoimage as an input 
can be consider in countries regarding cadastre with less strict 
Axes, F., 2004. Spot 5 imagery as a tool for land management 
and agriculture monitoring, towards the accession to the 
European Union. SPOT Image. 
Bernard, M., and Munier, P., 2003. FIG Working Week 
“Evolution in the use of space imagery, trends and challenges". 
Paris, France. 
http://www ddl.org/figtree/pub/fig 2003/PS 3/PS3 1 Bernard 
Munier.pdf (accessed 20 Jan. 2004) 
Campell, B., 1996. Introduction to Remote Sensing. 2" edition, 
Taylor and Francis Ltd, London. 
Elayachi, M., Salimi, H., Souhaili, S., 2001. FIG International 
Conference New technology for a new century "GPS DAO — 
application to use GPS for topographic and cadastral plans", 
Seoul, Korea. 
http://www ddl.org/figtree/pub/proceedings/korca/full- 
papers/pdf/sessionI4/elayachi-salimi-souhaili.pdf (accessed 20 
Jan. 2004) 
Garcia, M., 2001. Feasibility evaluation of the SPOT satellite 
for parcel boundaries identification. Thesis presented to obtain 

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