Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
: Correction RMS (m) Maximum (m) Correct 
3 Method X Y X Metho 
e Parametric, 1,22 1,00 5,89 3,03 Paramel 
2 RPC 2,75 151 6,47 3.2] RPC 
i Table 5. Comparison of RMS and maximum errors over 91 Table 7. Co 
$, ICPs of parametric model and RPC computation with IC] 
5 10 GCPs 19 
T For row IK( 
0 error of 10 n 
0 |] 2 93 4 5 6$ 7 8$ 910 4 12]13 14 15 406 17 18 19620221 T T rection was f 
Number of GCPs points f 9.00 1 \ 
= i \ — ee Pr AIN CLIC 
= 800} approach l. For flat 
1 "a M . F P N ar Be i 
Figure 6. Accuracy of IKONOS for Nowy Targ E rn | $7 met 
7 —— PC approach DC 
+ 600 | GPS su 
1 = Ei a NI 
Correction RMSE (m) Maximum (m) $ sol] | d ques 
| of a nu 
Method X Y X Y $ 4.00 i N E 
ge | x provide 
Parametric | 0,85 1.22 1,62 3.23 g opt = EA eed method 
à i 
RPC 1,03 1,20 2,92 2,05 g wlti Se order to 
= a A eame C ri er e ie 
€ 100. —ÓÀ € € ÁT 
Table 4. Comparison of RMS and maximum errors over 27 0.00 dm 2. Incase 
ICPs of parametric model and RPC computation with 0 1 3.3 4 $5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14.18 16 17 18. 19 20 41 the sam 
10 GCPs Number of GCPs points of 2m 
PM for 
10.00 = : > . Y . 0 
| ; Figure 9. Accuracy of IKONOS for Nowy larg area with “Z’ 3. Formo 
= A ; values from DEM tical DI 
E | \ — — — = Parametric approach S 
z sl Frey of some 
m | 7 7x : 
© WE \ GCP is 
Es 1 ———— RC € roact : 
$- 9951-3 | Pho SOrtecti RMS (m Maximum (m 
g | lorrection s s 
= 0 ; 4. For OB 
: | Method X Y X Y 
= 4.00 « \ ! E c RMS sl 
= Sax Parametric| 1,44 0,95 2,94 2,09 At thes 
S 300 NN b M the: 
5 \ RPC 0,90 0,83 2,90 2,68 GCP eq 
lad 2.00 — 
N re i se ees : 
z See 
= 100 
0.00 Table 6. Comparison of RMS and maximum errors over 27 
PIE Ts sm ran M ORoOnT ICPs of parametric model and RPC computation with Commercial 
Number of G CPs points 10 GCPs with the use 
GCP and av 
: : ; iie AE S tho-adjustme 
Figure 7. Accuracy of QuickBird for Nowy Targ area with “Z” pin v Ts 
m s x 10,00 poms c e V 
values from GPS \ | 
= 000 by | i 
= i \ — — = Parametric a. GCP p 
z 80 i approach : 
& i \ and int 
© 700 | 
- i | —Ó— RPC approach 
— mn 6.00 a foc 
E = | \ b. The tes 
= = 500 | \ error st 
£ a i 
e 9 400 i l 8-10 of 
= = 3, ~ 
t = 3,00 —— pe — - for that 
= 2 \ 
e La 
= ü 2.00 
= = a. m m c. The pa 
> TT a TE . + 
2 m um distribu 
z 0.00 
z 0-1 2 3.4 5 6 7.8 9 107 12 13 M/15 16 17 18. 19. 20 21 = 
; Number of GCPs point gran 
umber oi s points 2H 
= better 
84.3.5 SN Figure 10. Accuracy of QuiekBird for Nowy Targ area with 
Number of GCPs points «7" values from DEM e. . The in] 
(S GP RUNE on the | 
Figure 8. Accuracy of QuickBird for Nowy Targ GPS sv 

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