Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
in the final stage. 
We stress however that the approach currently followed by 
GUS service providers, which heavily relies on manual in- 
terpretation (approximately half of the total production ef- 
fort), is the most suitable to obtain the accuracies required 
by the users. The methods that we have highlighted are in- 
deed a way to reduce the final manual re-classification step 
and therefore the time-to-market and the cost of land use 
mapping products, and this is available and used by some 
of GUS service providers using COTS software. 
Among the classification approaches, it is our opinion that 
morphological analysis, which is currently pursued by many 
authors, is able to provide in the short term some kind of 
improvement in this field. Similarly, methods aimed to in- 
tegrate texture measures may be useful to provide semi- 
land use class, i.e. something that is not a land use map, 
but more than a land cover one. These features are already 
used in standard software: what lacks now is a clear def- 
inition of which nomenclature is possible to extract with 
textures. More far in the future is, to our knowledge, the 
possibility to integrate GIS information with remote sens- 
ing data, at least at the European level. 
Summing up, limitations of the present version of land use 
mapping product are the limited use of spatial information 
in the images to improve land use mapping, the lack in def- 
inition of nomenclature, the problems in integrating GIS 
layers and remote sensed data, the large percentage of the 
work still done manually. Research lines that should be 
addressed to improve them are therefore: 
e criteria for the selection of simple spatial feature to 
improve land use mapping; 
e realization of simple procedures for incorporating GIS 
data into classification tools exploiting their charac- 
e definition of the land use nomenclature that it is pos- 
sible to extract from each sensor or, on the contrary, 
of the requirements of sensors for extracting a given 
3.20 REG block 
Among the REG block a particular interest is in sealing 
mapping products. This point is confirmed by the realiza- 
tion of a very recent symposium promoted by one of the 
European Environmental Agency Technical Committees, 
for the definition of what “sealing” really means or should 
As a matter of fact, sealed area maps are of particular value 
in relation to increasing urbanization, increases in surface 
run off and increasing concern with the unpredictability of 
weather patterns in the context of global warming. The 
map of sealed areas offers a means of addressing issues 
which are on the foreground on the political agenda and are 
therefore matters for which positive remedies are sought 
throughout the European context. 
A first way to provide sealing maps with different seal- 
ing factor comes from an accurate characterization of the 
cover classes in the urban area of interest. For instance, 
after determining the built up area with precision we may 
compute the percentage of coverage to provide the sealing 
map. Therefore, a first group of methods for the proposed 
task is made by procedures starting from high resolution 
data, typically SPOT or IRS-1 at 5 m spatial sampling, and 
classify these images with very high precision with respect 
to urban cover classes. 
The largest part ofthese procedures adds one or more bands 
to the original data. In Shaban and Dikshit (2001), for 
instance, textural features extracted from grey level co- 
occurrence matrix, grey level difference histogram and sum 
and difference histogram are compared and used to im- 
prove the urban classification accuracy. It was found that 
the best results are obtained by combining spectral and tex- 
tural features, without any advantage by a conventional 
Principal Component Transform before the combination. 
Moreover, usual separability criteria (like transformed di- 
vergence) are not useful to select the best combination. A 
similar approach is proposed in Chen ef al. (1997), where 
a fractal measure is used to improve the classification. The 
paper shows that the use of this information improves the 
accuracy values for heterogeneous classes, slightly degrad- 
ing homogeneous areas, e.g. water. 
A different approach is presented in Zhang (1999), where 
the textural measures are used to filter out the classification 
results to improve the accuracy of the built up classes. The 
homogeneity of the class map is computed ina 3 x 3 win- 
dow and in the four diagonal directions, and then filtered 
to discard uninteresting areas and improve by some sort 
of majority voting the initial guess based only on spectral 
The complementary approach to those in previous para- 
graphs is to compute information about the sealing density 
by means of a more direct approach. To this aim, we may 
define two major methodologies. The first one, exempli- 
fied in Karathanassi et a/. (2000), refers to the use of textu- 
ral features to directly decompose the urban environment 
into areas with different urban density. In this work the 
classes are defined by setting up thresholds in built.up to 
overall area ratios (« 0.3, low density, 0.3 to 0.7 medium 
density, > 0.7 high density). It is found that significantly 
larger window size than in [1] should be used, because we 
are not looking for buildings, but for blocks. Instead of 
3 x 3 co-occurrence measures, 11 x 11 or wider windows 
are used. Large improvements were obtained with respect 
to spectral features alone. 
Finally, the so-called Vegetation - Impervious surface Soil 
(VIS) model may be used to discriminate among different 
degree of impervious surface. This is done for instance in 
Phinn et al. (2002), where samples from these three classes 
are extracted using a first simple classifier, and then a man- 
ual analysis of the model allows finding end members for 
a refined segmentation. The paper shows that this method 
enables distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and

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