Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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P. Aplin 
School of Geography, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK - paul.aplin@nottingham.ac.uk 
KEY WORDS: Ecology, vegetation, habitat, monitoring, spatial resolution, QuickBird, IKONOS, Africa 
Much ecological analysis requires detailed spatial observation, traditionally conducted through field measurement. Remote sensing 
has been tested extensively as a means of ecological investigation, but many such studies were limited by the relatively coarse 
spatial resolution of the imagery used. The new generation of fine spatial resolution satellite sensors provides an opportunity for 
detailed and accurate ecological studies, reducing the need for expensive ground survey. This paper covers two main topics. First, 
the current status of the general field of ecological remote sensing is described, with particular reference to recent developments in 
spaceborne data availability. Second, specific research findings related to habitat monitoring in southern Africa are presented. 
Vegetation distributions are investigated at a range of spatial and temporal scales using various sources of remotely sensed data. The 
vegetation information is then integrated with animal population data to further our understanding of the dynamic relationship 
between the two. 
Ecology is 'the scientific study of the interactions between 
organisms and their environment. (Begon e al. 1990, p. x). 
Ecological investigation undertakes to understand, describe, 
predict and control these organisms. Generally, such 
investigation requires spatially explicit data, given the 
fundamental need for knowledge about the location and 
distribution of species (Turner e/ al. 2003). The traditional 
means of collecting ecological data is through manual, field- 
based observation. This approach has the benefit of generating 
highly accurate measurements, but, due to its labour-intensive 
nature, it is generally impractical for anything other than local 
scale studies. The implications of ecological analysis, though, 
extend well beyond the local scale, and there is considerable 
need for, and interest in, ecological investigation at wider 
spatial scales, from the ‘landscape’ (Gulinck er al. 2000) to the 
entire globe (Los er al. 2002). Consequently, remote sensing 
has become common in much ecological investigation, 
providing the only realistic, cost-effective means of acquiring 
data over large areas (Nagendra 2001, Kerr and Ostrovsky 
While remote sensing has become a key mechanism for 
generating ecological data, certain limitations exist regarding 
the spatial detail of these data. Notably, until recently, the 
spatial resolution of spaceborne remotely sensed imagery was 
“far too coarse to detect most organisms’ (Turner et al. 2003, p. 
306), preventing detailed ecological analysis. Specifically, 
ecologists were restricted largely to 10 m and 20 m spatial 
resolution imagery (panchromatic and multispectral, 
respectively) from the Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre 
(SPOT) satellite's High Resolution Visible (HRV) sensor, 30m 
spatial resolution imagery from Landsat's Thematic Mapper 
(TM), and other coarser spatial resolution imagery (e.g., 
Franklin et al. 1994, Luque 2000). However, given that ‘many 
phenomena of interest to ecologists... occur over large extents 
but at local scales’ (Read et al. 2003, p. 592), the level of 
spatial detail provided by SPOT HRV or Landsat TM imagery 
is likely to be insufficient for much ecological investigation. 
Recently, a new generation of fine spatial resolution satellite 
sensors has emerged (Van der Meer ef al. 2002, Aplin 2003a), 
capable of providing imagery with a level of detail that may be 
sufficient for meaningful and accurate local scale ecological 
investigation (de Leeuw er al. 2002, Clark ef al. 2004b). In 
particular, imagery with a spatial resolution of 1 m 
(panchromatic) and 4 m (multispectral) or finer is available 
from instruments such as IKONOS and QuickBird (Sawaya ef 
al. 2003). Given that these ‘observations are at a spatial scale 
equivalent to field measurements typically carried out in 
ecological and land cover research’ (Goward ef al. 2003, p. 80), 
the implications for ecological investigation are significant. 
This paper reviews the general field of ecological remote 
sensing, with particular reference to recent developments in fine 
spatial resolution satellite sensors, and presents ongoing habitat 
monitoring research in southern Africa. Initially, remote 
sensing-based ecological investigation is introduced generally, 
followed by a discussion on the ecological implications of fine 
spatial resolution imagery. Next, African applications of 
ecological remote sensing are described, leading finally to a 
summary of ongoing habitat monitoring research in Kruger 
National Park, South Africa. 
The relationship between remote sensing and ecology is not 
particularly well-defined and is almost certainly under- 
exploited (Gulinck ef al. 2000). A mismatch in aspirations and 
practices seems to exist between the two disciplines, preventing 
close integration. Ecologists, in general, seem reluctant to adopt 
new approaches, particularly involving observation at, from 
their viewpoint, relatively coarse spatial scales (Turner er al. 
2003). Remote sensing specialists, for their part, have perhaps 
focused on technological issues as their principal concern, 
rather than ecological problems. Closer integration, likely 
involving creativity and compromise, may benefit both 
Despite the basic divergence between remote sensing: and 
ecology, there are many successful examples of ecological 
remote sensing applications. Turner ef al. (2003) describe the 
distinction between direct and indirect approaches, also referred 
to by Nagendra (2001). Direct ecological remote sensing 

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