Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

ınbul 2004 
jl. 36, No. 
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Alsat-1: First Results of Multispectral Imager 
A. Rachedi * *, N. Hadj-Sahraoui *, A.Brewer" 
* Centre National des Techniques Spatiales, BP13, Arzew 31200, Algeria - (rachedia, hadjsahraouin)@cnts.dz 
? Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom, - a.brewer@sstl.co.uk 
ThS 3: Small Satellite for Earth Observation 
KEY WORDS: Small/micro satellites, Observations, Camera, Imagery, Sensor, Pushbroom 
In November 2002, the 28", at 06:07am GMT, was launched the 1* Algerian satellite from the cosmodrome of Plesetsk in Russia 
into a 700 km sun synchronous orbit. Alsat-1 is an enhanced earth observation microsatellite (<100kg), stabilised in 3 axes for image 
acquisition mode. It was designed for disaster monitoring and is part of the international constellation dedicated to Disaster 
Monitoring (DMC), 
Alsat-1 payload is a multispectral imager, with two banks of 3 channels. Each bank works in a push broom mode and covers half of 
the whole image size with 5% overlap. The total swath width is 600 km and images are taken at 32m GSD, on three spectral bands 
(Green, Red, NIR), identical to those of Landsat-TM. A windowing mode was implemented to add more flexibility to the system and 
to prevent the saturation of the three storage units: Two adding up Solid State Data Recorder (SSDR) totalising 1Gbytes data and 
one redundant unit of 128MBytes. The image data are sent to the ground station thanks to the high rate transmitters working in S- 
band at 8Mbps. 
Since Alsat-1 launch, the imager has taken more than 300 images. Their first evaluation showed a comparable quality to those from 
the similar satellites (Landsat-TM). The paper presents an overview of the Alsat-1 characteristics and shows the first results of the 
multispectral imager. 
Alsat-1 is an earth observation satellite which evolves in a sun- 
synchronous retrograde circular orbit. Designed to be part of a 
constellation for daily disaster monitoring, Alsat-1 is equipped 
with two banks of cameras giving a total of 600km field of view 
at 32 meters ground sampling distance in three spectral bands: 
Red, Green and Near Infra-Red. This field of view allows the 
constellation to cover the whole earth within 24 hours. In 
absence of disaster, Alsat-1 is dedicated for Algerian purposes: 
mainly for remote sensing applications 
Alsat-1 has a three axis stabilization in imaging mode and 
evolves in a BBQ mode out of imaging time. The attitude 
determination and control subsystem gives a good attitude 
pitch/roll/yaw stability during imaging (=5 m®/s) and the Orbit 
filter provides a maximum track error of the scene position of 
5km (GPS On during one orbit a day). 
The imaging system allows windowing and it is supported by a 
total storage capacity of two 0.5Gbytes of data which could be 
downloaded to a ground station at 8 Mbps (within 
10min/SSDR). The downlink and the uplink, both operate in S 
band at 8 Mbps in normal operation and 38.4 / 9.6 kbps during 
commissioning for the downlink and uplink respectively. 
* Corresponding author. 
Most of the Alsat-1 subsystems were designed with no single 
point failure to be highly resilient to non-nominal situation. 
Therefore, most of the critical subsystems for the mission are 
redundant, such as: 
— 2 x receivers/transmitters to communicate with the 
— 2 x Power Supply Modules (PCM) and one Power 
Distribution Module (PDM) providing two redundant 
power lines from each single switch. 
— 2 x On Board Computers (OBC) manage the satellites tasks 
(OBC-386 as primary & OBC-186 as secondary). 
— 3x Image Data Storage Memory (2x0.5 Gbytes SSDRs and 
one 128 Mbytes SA1100). 
— 2 x ADCS modules. Each controls one magnetometer, two 
sun-sensors, and three coils of the three magnetorquers. 
— 2 x boom controllers to insure the pyro-firing for boom 
Alsat-1 as part of the constellation is equipped with a 
propulsion system with 50mN thrust and two tanks with a 
capacity of 2.5 litres each. The propulsion system is needed to 
— The circularization of the constellation satellites is 
maintained so the sun-synchronicity of the mission too. 
— The station acquisition which allows the satellites to equally 
separate from each other so the daily global coverage is 
— The station keeping of the satellites to avoid them to deviate 
from their original orbit under drag effect and keep the daily 
global coverage. 

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