Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
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Table 1. Different battery technology capacities 
We can clearly see that using the Li-Ion batteries a program 
can save quite a lot on the mass and volume properties of a 
satellite. In the early days of the Li-Ion development, these 
batteries were considered a risk and had not been tested in 
flight conditions. Also since their recharge and power 
consumption requirements were quite strict, designer tended to 
shy away from the use of Li-Ion cells for development. But 
with the extended use of the Li-Ion type batteries and the 
development of monitor and charge electronics, assembling a 
battery usage circuit has become significantly easier. Today a 
cell phone battery, which uses prismatic cell structures, can 
power a store-and-dump type of satellite almost through its 
whole life cycle. 
There have also been some breakthroughs in solar cell 
efficiency. Through the introduction of multiple junction cells 
like triple junction solar cells, efficiencies of up to 27.5% have 
been achieved. 
Yet besides these innovations and breakthroughs in solar cell 
and battery technology, the power subsystem is a very tricky 
area, still filled with areas of “black magic.” Designs with 
improvements in these areas come rather from the industry 
than educational or non-profit institutions and therefore the 
price is set by these companies. The price of this subsystem 
can not be brought down just through an initiative by 
universities by building such hardware in-house and free flow 
of information. The end users and research institutions have to 
be innovative when getting the required solar cells and 
batteries. In many cases the aerospace-rated batteries have a 
terrestrial application counterpart; by thoroughly testing these 
in vacuum and thermal chambers some of these terrestrial 
batteries can be used on space missions. For the acquisition of 
solar cells, institutions can contact solar cell manufacturers for 
"reject" high-grade cells that have not met very strict 
constraints but still are efficient enough for small programs. 
Of course, the best design strategy in building a small power 
subsystem is to bring down the power consumption of other 
subsystems as well as to keep the number of voltage levels 
required by the whole satellite to a minimum. This can be 
achieved by having a technology comparison meeting at the 
start of the project and deciding on components for each 
subsystem that require as little power as possible but also 
share a common supply voltage. This way the amount of bulky 
DC-DC converters on board can be kept to a minimum, which 
also keeps the thermal household more stable. 
3.5 Solutions in Mission Operations 
Mission operations, although neglected in many small satellite 
development projects, is one of the bigger contributors to the 
overall mission cost of a project. Mostly, ground stations do 
not come cheap and the amount of coverage one can get out of 
only one ground station is so limited that the satellite has to 
incorporate means to store and transfer larger amounts of data, 
which transfers to the project as added communication and 
command and data handling costs. However, mission 
operations is also a field where cooperation can be easily 
achieved and major cost savings can be accomplished. 
However, the first initiative before achieving cooperation 
between institutions and countries is to establish 
communications hardware standards. The reason for 
establishing such standards is more to establish frequency and 
networking standards rather than to provide a shorter list of 
communications equipment. The goal is to make every ground- 
station capable of establishing a link with any satellite and 
through the use of the internet, route the data to the end user 
without having to reconfigure the ground station’s hardware or 
To accomplish the use of multiple ground stations by multiple 
users, a network of ground stations can be connected to a 
resource manager website, where the operators of the satellites 
have individual accounts. Through this website the operators 
can enter in their orbital parameters and desired contact times. 
Then the resource manager can allocate ground station time 
based on these parameters, as well as other parameters such as 
the occurrence of a critical event in orbit, satellite status 
(Nominal, Safe mode, Deployment) and also fairness. In this 
manner, a true world-wide ground station network can be 
established and become greater than the sum of its parts. 
Through the use of TCP/IP for communication, not only 
between the ground stations but also between the spacecraft 
and the ground station, the hardware and maintenance costs of 
ground stations can be minimized since there are widely 
available TCP/IP hardware and software solutions. 
3.6 Solutions in Software 
Software is one of the first areas where projects today can and 
are saving money since the development of software requires 
less expensive hardware than the other subsystems and is only 
intensive in labor which many research institutes and schools 
can provide easily in form of research assistants and students. 
This does not mean, however, that software comes completely 
free and one can not accomplish cost savings in that field. 
Today many satellites run on either commercial real-time 
operating systems or custom written firmware. The wide- 
spread use of embedded linux applications has brought a new 
possibility for the satellite designer. This new operating 
possibility is not only completely free, but also comes with a 
big community of software developers and libraries that can be 
employed when putting together the software for the 
spacecraft. These systems similarity with desktop linux 
systems also means that software developers will be in known 
territory, programming with a system familiar to them which in 
turn reduces development times. 
The use of TCP/IP in the communication scheme between 
ground station and spacecraft, as suggested earlier, also has the 
added benefit of minimizing the required software 
development. Once the driver has been written to put TCP/IP 
on the physical communication link between the satellite and 
the ground-station, the rest of the software is a trivial piece 
that has already been solved and the communication between 
the two nodes is not much different than bringing up a website 
on your home computer. In case of our suggested 

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