Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

LI Shi-zhong *, HU Xin, Lv Yuan, HU Guo-jun 
Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 710054 Xi'an, China 
-xalsz(@0163.net,HuXin327(@sina.com,lvyuang2000@sina.com,hgj 2000@163.com 
Commission THS, WG THS/3 
KEY WORDS: Data Transmission, Micro Satellite for the Remote Sensing, Error Control, Coding and Decoding, Communication 
Control Unit 
With the development and the maturity of modern small satellite technology, it is promising and significant to use the new 
technology for the Remote Sensing. The paper presents a set of adaptive forward error correction coding theme and finishes analysis 
and design for the satellite-earth communication control unit in the light of error control coding and decoding principle and 
corresponding high level data link control. We do an experiment using the CCD photographic image of 1632x1032 array at noisy 
channel. The statistics of the experiment result indicate: Applications of error control technique enhance the reliability of the down- 
link of telemetry parameters such as satellite down-link state, orbit, satellite-borne computer and of photographic image data of CCD 
The modern small satellite, which was developed in the middle 
of 1980s, is growing promptly in the world and applied widely 
in commerce and civilian by reason of its many remarkable 
characteristics such as multiple use, small size, light weight, 
low cost, short development period, flexible orbit setting and 
convenient launching etc. Additionally, the Surrey University in 
British, a representative of small satellite development, and 
some universities and research institutes, bring forward and 
manufacture many kinds of small satellites and micro satellites 
successively, that shows abroad application foreground of small 
satellite technology. With the development of economy and 
technology, especially the advance of the concept "Digital 
Earth", the requirement for different sorts of earth observation 
information is increasing rapidly. Therefore, using small 
satellite technology to strengthen national economic 
construction associating with the economic foundation is 
imperative under the situation. The paper presents a set of 
adaptive forward error correction coding theme and finishes 
analysis and design for the satellite-earth communication 
control unit in the light of error control coding and decoding 
principle and corresponding high level data link control. 
Error control coding is also called channel coding in the 
transmission of spatial data. The channel coder is to change 
input digital sequences of the coder into input coding sequences 
of the channel. On the contrary, the decoder is to change output 
coding sequences of the channel into output digital sequences of 
the decoder. Thus, we can lessen the effects of channel noise to 
minimum. That is to say, we can lessen the contrast between 
output digital sequences of the decoder and input digital: 
sequences of the coder to minimum. The means is to bring in 
redundancy via channel coder and resume digital information as 
precisely as possible by using the redundancy in decoder. If 
selecting a kind of efficient coding and a good project for 
decoding, only the lower values of load-to-noise ratio and 
signal-to-noise ratio than those of no coding transmission are 
needed so far as the fixed error rate and the data transmitting 
rate are concerned! ?* 
2.1 Coding Type 
Commonly there are 2 types of usual codes in the spatial-link 
model. One is called Block Codes. The coder cuts continuous 
data stream into blocks of k bits and codes each block solely. 
That is to take k bits of informational codes into n bits of 
channel codes(n>k).The group of channel coding is a codeword 
and n is the length of codeword. Another is Trellis Codes. 
While carrying out coding operation for informational data 
stream, it needn't cut the stream into blocks but processes 
continuously. Trellis coder turns a long informational data 
stream (which is semi-boundless hardly) to a sequence which 
includes redundant code bits. Convolutional Codes are an 
important subclass of Trellis Codes. They have the widest 
application among Trellis Codes because their coding methods 
are simpler than other Trellis Codes. 
2.2 Cyclic Redundancy Checking Codes 
The (n, k) Cyclic Redundancy Check Codes (CRCC for short) 
are a kind of Linear Block Codes. Its code length is n and its 
number of informational bits is k. They have the following 
attribute: Each cycle shift of any codeword will get another 
codeword of the group. That is to say if (Cii, Cy», Cs5,..., Co) 
is one codeword of the (nk) group, then (C45, C,5...., Co, 
C,.; )is also one codeword of the (n,k) group. Its principle is 
shown in Figurel. There are digital sequences p(x), P(x), G(x) 
* LIShi-zhong. Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 710054 Xi'an, China. 

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