Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
that the nature of the terrain being imaged can be expected to 
have virtually no impact upon the metric performance of sensor 
orientation based on bias-compensated RPCs. The practical 
achievement of sub-pixel ground point determination is also 
demonstrated for base-level (most economical) IKONOS Geo 
and QuickBird Basic stereo imagery products. 
2.1 The adjustment model 
The RPC model provides a direct mapping from 3D object 
space coordinates (usually offset normalised latitude, longitude 
and height) to 2D image coordinates (usually offset normalised 
line and sample values). Here we give only a cursory account of 
this model in the form that provides bias-compensation. For a 
more comprehensive account of standard rational function 
models, as applied to HRSI, the reader is referred to Tao & Hu 
(2002), Di et al. (2003) and Grodecki & Dial (2003). For the 
present discussion we present the model in the form 
Dx A ERE iiS 
0 i : F,(U,V,W) 
F (UN W) (D) 
SB BIB s-————— 
0 i 2 EUV) 
where / and s are line and sample coordinates, and F; are third- 
order polynomial functions of object space coordinates U, V 
and W. The A4; and B; terms describe image shift and drift effects 
and they provide the 'bias-compensation'. Within this model 
there are three logical choices of ‘additional parameter’ (AP) 
sets to effect the bias correction: 
1) Ag Ay, ... By, which describe an affine transformation. 
il) Ag, Aj, Bp, Bj, which model shift and drift. 
iii) Ay, Bo, which effect an image coordinate translation only. 
The solution of the APs in Eq. I can be carried out via a multi- 
image bundle adjustment, as developed by Fraser & Hanley 
(2003) and Grodecki & Dial (2003). The model of Eq. 1 has 
also been referred to as the adjustable RPC model (Ager, 2003). 
2.2 Interpretation of orientation: relative and absolute 
If we ignore the additional parameters for the moment, then in 
the same way as do collinearity equations, Eq. | describes an 
imaging ray from object to image space, which we will consider 
to belong to a ‘bundle’ of rays (not withstanding the lack of a 
true perspective centre). If one imagines that spatial 
intersections of all corresponding rays forming the two or more 
bundles involved are being determined, then the net outcome is 
equivalent to a photogrammetric ‘relative orientation’, which 
will also be equivalent to that derived via a rigorous model to 
the accuracy tolerance previously mentioned. The reason the 
orientation can be thought of as ‘relative’ as opposed to 
‘absolute’ lies both in the inherent limitations in directly 
determining the true spatial orientation of every scan line, and 
in errors within the direct measurement of sensor orientation, 
especially attitude, but also position and velocity. Errors in 
sensor orientation within HRSI can, fortuitously, be modelled 
as biases in image space, primarily due to the very narrow field 
of view of the satellite line scanner (approaching a parallel 
projection for practical purposes). In the simplest case, a small 
systematic error in attitude determination is equivalent to a shift 
in image space coordinates. But, more than simple translation 
may be involved. 
The case of shift parameters Ao, Ba alone is one of where, 
effectively, there is a shape-invariant transformation of the 
relatively oriented assemblage to an accurately, absolutely 
oriented model, even if the bias-induced shifts are different for 
each image. To effect this absolute orientation, only one GCP is 
required. More GCPs will of course enhance precision, but their 
number and location is not important. It is hard to see how this 
relative-to-absolute orientation process could be influenced by 
terrain height or ruggedness, and indeed we will demonstrate 
that terrain seems to have no impact on the bias-compensated 
RPC approach, or even on the standard RPC forward 
Time-dependent errors in attitude sensors can give rise to both 
‘drift’ effects in the image coordinates and an affine distortion 
of the image. More subtle, higher-order residual distortions, for 
example in gyro systems and in scan velocity, may also be 
present, but we will keep the error compensation model at first 
order. Thus, in the case of the full affine correction model (Case 
i) and the shift-and-drift model (Case ii), the relative-versus- 
absolute orientation situation is slightly different, at least when 
the parameter sets A, and B,, or Aj, Bi, A; and B, are 
statistically significant. In these cases the absolute orientation 
process does imply a modification. of the RPC relative 
orientation (Eq. 1 without the four APs with subscripts 1 and 2), 
especially since a non-conformal transformation of image 
coordinates ocurs. Here, the number and location of GCPs is 
important, with a practical minimum number being 4-6. 
As will be seen, however, the parameters A, A,, B, and B, are 
rarely significant with IKONOS Reverse scanned imagery. This 
means that with such imagery we need only worry about 
providing one GCP to compensate for the shifts A, and B,. 
With QuickBird imagery on the otherhand, the authors’ 
experience suggests that the shift-and-drift and affine AP 
models can in cases lead to measurable improvements in the 
accuracy of sensor orientation and geopositioning (eg Noguchi 
et al., 2004). Thus, there is a very slight prospect of the nature 
of the scene topography influencing ground feature point 
determination since the relative-to-absolute orientation process 
does not constitute a shape-invariant transformation. 
2.3 Regenerating RPCs corrected for bias 
The ability to determine the bias parameters A, and By. is very 
useful, but of more utility is incorporation of a correction for 
the bias into the originally supplied RPCs. This allows bias-free 
application of RPC-positioning without reference to additional 
correction terms. This bias compensation is very 
straightforward, as shown in Hanley et al. (2002) and Fraser & 
Hanley (2003). Bias-corrected RPCs, incorporating shift terms 
only in this case, are generated by carrying out the following 
corrections to the two numerator terms in Eq. 1: the 
denominator terms remain unchanged: 
= ry; 5 A y A V p 
FU JW) =(a, —b,4)+(a, —b,4,) |] teda =byy b W 
ALI MAC. d Br rt Wr 
FU W)=(c, d,B,)+(e, dB) I TH (Cop dpBo) HW 
Here, à;, b;, c; and d; are the RPC terms forming F,, F>, F; and 
F,, respectively. 

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