Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
32 Terms and Definitions 
32. Standard Definitions: Terms and definitions provided 
in the resources cited above are not included in this paper, but 
there is overlap between some of those terms and those 
discussed at the Task Force Workshop. These will have to be 
reconciled in future deliberations. 
3.2.2 Task Force Workshop Terms: 
absolute geolocational accuracy: the closeness of the 
agreement between image-defined location of a point or feature 
with respect to ground coordinates and the true location of that 
feature, typically expressed as a circular error or linear error. 
See also systematic error, and random error, both of which 
affect absolute accuracy. 
absolute radiometric accuracy: the difference between the 
radiance measured by the sensor and the true radiance of a 
source. Radiometric accuracy is determined by comparing a 
calibrated source that can be traced to a radiometric standard. 
Absolute radiometric accuracy depends on stability, 
polarization, stray light, linearity and other components 
band-to-band registration: refers to how well the same scene 
is recorded in different spectral bands (Kramer 2001). It is the 
relative geometric registration between bands, usually specified 
in terms of a fraction of a pixel. 
bidirectional reflectance distribution function: the ratio of 
radiance leaving a target to the irradiance incident upon the 
calibration: the process of quantitatively defining the system 
responses to known, controlled signal inputs. 
central wavelength: For a given spectral band, the central 
wavelength is the wavelength at the centre of the spectral 
circular error-90 (CE90): a metric to describe horizontal 
accuracy (X and Y coordinates) in map or image products at the 
90% confidence level (that is, 90% of well-defined points tested 
fall within a certain radial distance). CE90 defines the radius of 
a circle that encompasses 90% of the points. 
combined standard uncertainty: combination of the 
uncertainty components considering their interdependence or 
contrast transfer function (CTF): a 2-dimensional measure of 
a system's sensitivity to detect rectangular patterns of 
diminishing spatial width. 
a) Edge target = difference between the dark and bright area 
pixel values measured in digital numbers (DNs), divided by the 
1-sigma standard Deviation (SD) noise level. 
cross-talk (optical & electronic): In an imaging system, 
spectral cross-talk is a measure of electromagnetic energy 
leakage from one spectral band (spectral response for a given 
band) to another. 
dynamic range: the ratio of the maximum observable energy 
and the minimum still useful energy (max signal/min signal); it 
is defined as 10 log. The maximum signal is the signal at which 
the system saturates while the minimum signal is usually 
defined as the noise floor. All radiant energy less than the 
minimum vanishes into noise, while the energy above the 
maximum disappears into the saturation of the detector. 
(Kramer, 2001) The dynamic range of an imaging system refers 
to the range of radiance or reflectance values (and digital 
numbers) that can be measured (recorded). Systems with low 
dynamic range will saturate when measuring bright (highly 
reflective) targets or not be able to resolve features at low 
radiance levels. The dynamic range, or range of brightness 
values, is also often defined by the system quantization, or the 
number of bits. An 8-bit system will allow for 28 = 256 
brightness levels, while a 16-bit system will allow for 216 — 
65536 brightness levels. 
edge spread function (ESF): the image signal corresponding to 
an edge as an input signal (CCRS 2004). a measure of a 
system's ability to distinguish a straight, high contrast edge. 
effective instantaneous field-of-view (IFOV): the resolution 
corresponding to a spatial frequency (ground resolution) for 
which the system MTF is 50%. 
emittance: the ratio of a target's radiance to the radiance 
emitted from an ideal blackbody at the same thermodynamic 
temperature of the sample 
expanded uncertainty: the product of the combined standard 
uncertainty and a coverage factor (k) whose value is chosen 
based on a desired level of confidence (usually k = 2). 
general image quality equation (GIQE): Leachtenauer et al. 
(1997) provide a mathematical relationship between GSD, 
RER, image enhancement, and SNR to estimate image quality 
objectively. The GIQE also includes ringing and edge sharpness 
effects associated with an edge response. One commonly 
accepted form of the GIQE expresses this relationship in terms 
of the National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS). 
Geo-locational accuracy (circular error-90 [(CE90]): a 
standard metric to describe horizontal accuracy in map or image 
products at the 90% confidence level (that is, 90% of well- 
defined points tested must fall within a certain radial distance). 
ground sample (ing) distance (GSD): the distance between the 
center of adjacent pixels in an intrinsic sensor image (that is, 
not a re-sampled image); the distance between the centres of 
adjacent pixels. See also instantaneous field-of-view. 
instantaneous field of view (IFOV): the (angular) aperture 
within which the sensor is sensitive to electromagnetic 
radiation. It may be expressed either as a small solid angle or as 
a unit area (Kramer 2001). When expressed in degrees or 
radians (solid angle), this is the smallest plane angle over which 
an instrument is sensitive to radiation. When expressed in linear 
or area units such as meters or hectares, it is an altitude 
dependent measure of the ground resolution of the sensor 
(CCRS, 2004). Often, GSD is equated with the spatial 
resolution of a pixel, or simply with IFOV. However, this need 
not be the case. If the radiometric and electronic performance of 
a sensor allow, GSD can be made smaller than IFOV to achieve 
better image quality because of the reduction of smear (Kramer, 

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