Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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T. Hashimoto ^ *, K. Yamamoto", T. Igarashi * 
* Japan Aerospace and Exploration Agency (JAXA)/Earth Observation Research and application Center (EORC), 
1-8-10, Harumi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-6023, Japan 
(hashi, kath, igarashi)@eorc.jaxa.jp 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammety, Geometric, Accuracy, Optical, Sensor, Correction 
The Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS)-II was successfully launched in December 2002 by Japan Aerospace and 
Exploration Agency (JAXA: former NASDA). The Global Imager (GLI) onboard the ADEOS-II is an optical mechanical scanner 
with 36 channels and the spatial resolution of 1 km and 250m at nadir. It observes about 1,600km in width with the FOV of +/-45 
degrees. The same areas are observed every 4 days. JAXA has conducted the initial checkout of GLI image properties just after the 
launch of the satellite. In the checkout activities, the absolute geometric accuracy was examined. The accuracy was evaluated 
utilizing ground control point(GCP)s which were automatically extracted by the template matching between GLI image chips and 
coastline database. The examination for many images showed the geometric accuracy was about a few kilo-meters on the ground. 
Most of the errors were static, in other words, every image has the almost same geometric errors in both amplitude and direction. 
Such error patterns were seemed to be induced by the miss-alignments of the GLI sensor. The authors corrected the alignments of 
the GLI sensor based on the collinearity condition in the photogrammety. After the correction, the geometric accuracy was improved 
to about one pixel even in 250m channel images. 
1.1 GLI sensor 
The GLI is an optical sensor which observes solar light 
reflected from the Earth's surface including land, ocean and 
cloud, or infrared radiation, globally and frequently measures 
the physical data such as surface temperature, vegetation 
distribution, and ice distribution. These data might be used for 
acquiring the global circulation of carbon, monitoring cloud, 
snow, ice and sea surface temperature, and grasping the primary 
marine production. The GLI succeeds the mission of the Ocean 
Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) onboard the ADEOS 
that was launched in August, 1996, with more precision and 
more observation targets. The GLI has 23 channels in visible 
and near-infrared region (VNIR), 6 channels in short 
wavelength infrared region (SWIR), and 7 channels in middle 
and thermal infrared region (MTIR) for its multi spectral 
observation. The ground resolution is 1km at the nadir, a part of 
the channels in VNIR and SWIR has a resolution of 250m at the 
nadir which are used for observing vegetation and clouds. The 
observation region by mechanical scanning is 12 or 48 pixels 
(12km) in the along-track direction and 1600km in the cross- 
track direction. The cross track scanning is performed 
mechanically by rotating the scan mirror. It has also the tilting 
function for preventing sun glint. The tilting angle is about +20 
degree or -20 degree from the progressing direction. 
e Sun-synchronous sub-recurrent orbit 
altitude 802.92 km inclination 98.62 deg 
eriod 101 minutes recurrent period | 4 days 
Table 1. Orbit of ADEOS-II 
Corresponding author. 
The GLI data are received at the Earth Observation Center 
(EOC) of JAXA, and processed to standard products. They are 
transferred to the EORC for generating higher level products. 
1.2 Scan Geometry of GLI 
The GLI scans the geo-surface from the East to the West. The 
light from the Earth is reflected on the scan mirror, and 
reflected on 45 deg. mirror, main mirror and sub mirror, then 
reached the detectors as shown in Figure | (JAXA/EORC, 
2003). The detectors are arrayed on five different focal planes 
(refer to Figure 2). Both sides (A and B) of the scan mirror are 
used for scanning. The difference of normal vectors of both 
sides results in the different distortion on the image. 
Finally, the view vector (b.,b.,b,) in the satellite 
coordinates is expressed by the function of following 
(b. 5 b,)= f(@, 0. m, n, A! B, a, 5) (1) 
where — « —scan angle 
0 — tilt angle 
(m, n) 7 detector address 
A/B — difference of mirror A/B side 
a — alignment for scanning axes 
s = SaUGLI alignment

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