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international Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
PUEY. 2y=0, va, Xr eV va, val
; 1 2)
TE AY teda Za TE Ed
my gm» Ha
DO Y Zim Su dues (3)
i=0 j=0 k=0
0sm,s3:.0sm, $3,0sm.s3 em, -m,m, $5
Equations (1) are known in literature as Upward RFM as they
allow the image coordinates to be obtained starting from the 3D
coordinates of a ground point. In order to proceed with the
estimation of the transformation parameters a; bj c; e d; (i =
0219), it is necessary to trigger a least square iterative process
afier having linearised equations (1). This procedure has been
implemented in IDL language (Interactive Data Language) so
as to be able to adjust for the lack of transparency of
commercial software packages.
Some critical elements of the algorithm are here underlined.
First of all, in order to avoid numerical calculation problems
(truncation or under/overflow errors), it is necessary to
normalise both the image coordinates and those of the object in
the interval (-1;+1) (OpenGIS-OCG, 1999). Furthermore, as the
denominators of the polynomials assume very different values,
in function of the distribution of the GCPs and of the altimetric
range, it is probable that the coefficient matrix of the least
square system results to be ill-conditioned. As a consequence,
the normal matrix can result to be singular, in particular when
polynomials of a high degree are used. The iterative process
often does not converge in this case. :
If we presume that the camera model is not available to the
users, it is necessary to choose the ground control points in a
conventional way, that is, through collimation of the
homologous points on the cartography/DEM or through specific
GPS survey campaigns. As it is not possible to obtain a regular
distribution of the GCPs, it is therefore necessary to implement
a numerical regularisation algorithm to make the iterative
process converge.
Tikhonov algorithm is one of the most commonly used
regularisation algorithms for the resolution of ill-conditioned
systems: it consists in the adding of an arbitrarily small constant
A” to the diagonal of the normal matrix in order to improve the
conditioning number. The resolution equation of the least
square system (4) is then changed as shown in (5)
Xo ac may um o (5)
The choice of Tikhonov's parameter is not univocal and it is in
fact obtained by empirically elaborating numerous solutions
while varying the X parameter, choosing the one that minimises
the rejects on the control points.
The numerous tests that have been carried out have shown how,
even though the iterative process converges, the subsequent
orthoprojection step, in some cases, have some problems that
are connected to distortion of the generated images which are
probably due to the use of polynomials of too high a degree. To
verify the correctness of this hypothesis and in order to avoid
having to “a priori” choose the degree of the polynomials that
has to be used (that is, the number of parameters for each
polynomial), an adequacy analysis of the model was
implemented. It is based on two different statistical tests in
order to automatically determine whether a coefficient is
necessary and which coefficients are not necessary.
The xy? test with allows to verify whether the model was
overparametrized. In the case in which an overparametrization
is shown, another test on the significance of the estimated
unknowns is performed to determine how many and which
polynomial coefficients are not necessary.
The standardised Z parameter is calculated according to the
following relation:
W=— (6)
ae ^ Rn e «tl dr MT. ^ . .
where: x, = the i" estimated coefficient and, 6, — i^ estimated
r.m.s. In the case in which the following statistical test (7) based
on the Student distribution, is verified the relative coefficient x;
is placed equal to zero:
Wish (7)
Where: /,, = the value of the Student distribution for the
relative value of redundancy (n —r), n = number of equations, r
= number of unknowns
The coefficient is annulled through the addition of a new
condition equation to the initial system and by inserting an
elevated weight in the corresponding position of the weight
2.2 Neural Network Model
The neural network approach to the orthoprojection of
satellite/aerial images can be considered an innovative attempt
to solve the problem of the correction of images through non-
parametric methods.
The neural network consists of mathematical models whose
operative philosophy is inspired by cerebral biological
dynamics: the calculation process is schematised as a flow of
distributed information whose elaboration occurs inside
dedicated calculation units, which are known as "neurons" of
the network. Some of these receive information from the
external environment, others return answers to the environment
and still others, if there are any, communicate with only the
units inside the network: they are called input, output and
hidden units, respectively, as shown in figure 1.
input layer
‘ k
X. v output layer -
er rf \ i E
— 0 Kk ; + 3 dE
au Su 7 z Ke Jd
X x
da” ve
EN Nm [
EC , x / wA ] — ) E. 1
/ x F
f o eu
bnc ion
cba /
hidden layer
Figure 1 — Concept scheme of a two layer (hidden and output)
computational MLP neural network