Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
The ground control points were originally provided by IGN 
for the OEEPE test of SPOT data and were mainly extracted 
from 1:25000 maps. A total of 38 GCPs were measured in 
HRS images having a very good distribution all over the 
whole HRS images. As will be mentioned later, the 
distribution of the GCPs all over the images is very important. 
4.1 Application of the sensor model 
4.1.1. Fundamentals. For this assessment various versions of 
the UCL satellite sensor model are used, depending mainly on 
the reference coordinate system. All versions rely on the 
rigorous collinearity equations with the following 
+ The satellite is moving along a well defined, smooth, close 
to circular elliptical orbit. 
* The images are acquired with a pushbroom scanner using a 
constant time interval. As a result the coordinates along the 
flight path have the same scale. 
* A single image consists of a number of consecutive one- 
dimensional scan lines. The relationship among sampling 
lines is characterized by the dynamic orientation 
parameters which are modelled with low order 
polynomials as a function of the sampling time. 
+ A stationary world is assumed, and a moving camera. 
* The sensor array is approximately perpendicular to the 
direction of motion. 
* Attention must still be paid to the solution instability that 
can arise from over-parameterization of the model. . 
»* The attitude (o, ¢ and k rotations) of the satellite remains 
constant during the acquisition time of each image with 
respect to earth reference coordinate system. 
* During the satellite's flight a perspective projection is 
maintained across track. On the other hand a curvilinear 
projection is maintained along the flight direction. 
A specific model for along track stereo satellites sensors 
using photogrammetry in combination with astrodynamics is 
also used in an Inertial Coordinate System. The fundamental 
point of this model is that, the motion of the satellite is a 
Keplerian motion during the acquisition of along track stereo 
images. For HRS stereo images the acquisition time interval 
between the two images is about 91sec. Generally, for all the 
models the position the velocity vector and the rotation angles 
are computed with respect to Reference Coordinate system. 
4.1.2 Flexibility of the sensor models. The developed sensor 
model is very flexible. It is possible to have the following 
* à direct solution using the information provided from the 
metadata file; 
+ a refinement of the direct solution using one or two GCPs, 
including also the self calibration process; 
- using three or more GCPs without use any information for 
exterior orientation from the metadata file. 
On the other hand, the specific model for along track stereo 
satellites sensors will be improved so that the information 
which is extracted from the metadata will be used not only to 
solve the model, but also, to refine and improve the solution. 
Finally another model for along track images has already been 
developed, where the orbital elements are computed directly 
using three GCPs. The along track images are treated as one 
entity, where the unknown parameters are the orbital elements 
of each image instead of the state vector. 
4.1.3 Image space coordinate system. For push broom data 
one sampling line can act as the base line for computing the 
exterior orientation parameters of others lines; this line is 
assumed to be the centre line of the pushbroom image, and the 
origin is the middle point of this line, because the acquisition 
time of this line is known, accurately. The directions of the 
image coordinate system are the following: 
* The x-direction is the flight direction. 
* The y-direction is perpendicular to x-direction 
4.1.4 Object space coordinate system. In this assessment, 
mainly a geocentric coordinate system is used for the sensor 
model testing. The position and the velocity vector as they 
extracted from the metadata file are in the ITRF90 geocentric 
reference coordinate system. Because the WGS84 is very 
close to ITRF90 with accuracy better than a meter, the 
WGS84 1s used as the default geocentric coordinate system. 
Also the sensor model is solved in the default geodetic system 
of the area of interest which is the French NTF system. The 
reference ellipsoid is Clarke 1880. The Lambert III projection 
is used. 
Finally an inertial coordinate system is used, in order to meet 
the principal assumption of Keplerian motion of the modified 
sensor for along track stereo satellite sensors. 
4.2 Calculations from the metadata file 
The following information from the metadata file is used in 
the sensor model in order to solve directly in WGS84: 
= Position and velocity vectors of the satellite measured by 
the DORIS system every 30 seconds with respect to 
ITRF90 (International Reference Frame 1990). 
= Absolute attitude data measured by the on-board star 
tracking unit for about seven times per second with respect 
to the local orbital coordinate frame. 
= The look direction table for the central pixel of the array. 
= The scene centre time and the sampling time. 
For the direct georeference procedure some calculation should 
be made in order to find the position vector, the velocity 
vector and the attitude in the centre of each image. 
4.3 Solution in Geocentric Coordinate system (WGS84) 
4.3.1 Introduction. As already mentioned, the sensor model 
could be solved directly using the metadata information 
without ground control points. Unfortunately, because the 
rotation angles of the centre point of HRS images are not 
calculated correctly, the rotations are treated as unknown 
parameters. In this case two GCPs are needed for the solution 
where the state vector has already been extracted from the 
metadata, correctly. 
4.3.2 Direct solution. The next step is to check the stability 
and the rigorousness of the model itself, because the position 
and the velocity vector are calculated from the metadata not 
from the resection process. Seventeen independent check 
points (ICP) are selected covering the whole area of the 
images. The same points are used within the tests. The main 
point is to understand the behaviour of the solution. Using 17 
check points the intersection is solved and the results in 
WGS84 geocentric coordinates given in table 2. 
Having in mind what is mentioned in the section 2.2, that the 
planimetric accuracy should be between 10-15 m the achieved 
accuracy is in within these limits. Although the following 
comments should be made:

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