Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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developed at Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) for 
medium-resolution sensors in the visible and infra-red (MODIS, 
MERIS, Landsat, SPOT, ASTER, etc.) as well as in the 
(Toutin, 1995), was adapted these last years for high resolution 
data, such as SPOT-5 HRG across-track data (Toutin, 2004). A 
preliminary version has been recently developed for SPOT-5 
HRS in-track stereo-data and is used in this study. 
2.1 Study Site 
The study site is an area north of Québec City, Québec, Canada 
(47° N, 71° 30° W). This study is an urban, rural and forested 
environment and has a hilly topography in the south with a 
mean slope of 7°, and mountainous topography in the north with 
a mean slope of 10° and maximum slopes of 30°. The elevation 
ranges from 0 m at the St-Lawrence River to 1000-m in the 
Canadian Shield. Québec City is in the south-east part. 
Figure 1. SPOT-5 HRS fore image, acquired north of Québec 
City, Canada (120 km by 60 km; 10 m by 5 m pixel 
spacing). The yellow box represents the across-track 
stereo-pair (60 km by 60 km) and the green box the 
Lidar (5 km by 13 km). 
SPOT-5 © 2003 CNES and Courtesy SPOT-IMAGE 
2.2 Data Set 
The +22° in-track stereo-images (120 km by 60 km; 10 m by 5 
m pixel spacing; base-to-height ratio, B/H, of 0.85) were 
acquired September 18, 2003 as a courtesy of SPOT-Image, 
France with 5% of clouds and their shadows (Figure 1). The 
SPOT-5 images are raw level-1A data, orbit oriented, with 
detector equalization only. Ephemeris and attitude data are 
available in the metadata as well as general information related 
to the sensors and satellite. 
In addition, SPOT-5 HRG across-track stereo-pair (Figure 1 
yellow box; 60 km by 60 km; 5 m by 5 m pixel spacing; B/H of 
0.77) was acquired on May 5 and 25, 2003 with viewing angles 
of +23° and -19°, respectively. The May 5 image displays snow 
in the forests (upper part) and frozen lakes (lower left and 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensin g and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
centre), for almost 50% of the image, but not the May 25 
image. These differences in snow/ice generated large 
radiometric differences in SPOT stereo-images. However, 
these differences provide an opportunity to test DEM 
generation method and address potential problems in difficult 
conditions instead of working in a perfect environment. 
To evaluate the accuracy of the stereo-extracted DEMs, 
accurate spot elevation data was obtained from a LIDAR survey 
conducted by GPR Consultants (www.lasermap.com) on 
September 6", 2001 (Figure 1 green box). The Optech ALTM- 
1020 system is comprised of a high frequency optical laser 
coupled with a Global Positioning System and an Inertial 
Navigation System. The ground point density is about 300,000 
3-D points per minute and the accuracy is 0.30 m in planimetry 
and 0.15 m in elevation. Since it was impossible to cover the 
full SPOT stereo-pair (60 km by 120 km), ten swaths covering 
an area of 5 km by 13 km (Fig. 1) and representative of the full 
study site were acquired. The results of the LIDAR survey are 
then an irregular-spacing grid (around 3 m), due also to no echo 
return in some conditions such as buildings with black roofs, 
roads and lakes. Since the objectives of this research study 
were to evaluate the stereo DEMs, the LIDAR elevation data 
was not interpolated into a regular spacing grid so as to avoid 
the propagation of interpolation error into the checked elevation 
and evaluation. 
Since the processing steps of DEM generation using either in- 
track or across-track stereo images are well known, the six 
processing steps are summarized in Figure 2 (Toutin, 1995): 
1. Acquisition and pre-processing of the remote sensing data 
(images and metadata) to determine an approximate value 
for each parameter of 3D physical model for the two 
2. Collection of stereo GCPs with their 3D cartographic 
coordinates and two-dimensional (2D) image coordinates. 
GCPs covered the total surface with points at the lowest 
and highest elevation to avoid extrapolations, both in 
planimetry and elevation. Ninety-eight and thirty-three 
GCPs were acquired for in- and across-track stereo-pairs, 
respectively from 1:20,000 topographic maps (2-3 m 
accuracy in the three axes). The image pointing accuracy 
was less than one pixel. 
3. Computation of the stereo models, initialized with the 
approximate parameter values and refined by an iterative 
least-squares bundle adjustment (coplanarity equations) 
with the GCPs (Step 2) and orbital constraints. Both 
equations of colinearity and coplanarity are used as 
observation equations and weighted as a function of input 
errors. Theoretically three accurate GCPs are enough to 
compute the stereo model, but more GCPs were acquired 
either to have an overestimation in the adjustment and to 
reduce the impact of errors or to perform accuracy tests 
with independent check points (ICPs). 
4. Extraction of elevation parallaxes using multi-scale mean 
normalized cross-correlation method with computation of 
the maximum of the correlation coefficient. This method 
gave good results and was commonly used with satellite 
VIR images (Gülch, 1991); 
5. Computation of XYZ cartographic coordinates from 
elevation parallaxes (Step 4) using the previously- 

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