Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
computed stereo-model (Step 3) with 3D least-squares 
stereo-intersection; and 
6. . Generation of regular grid spacing with 3D automatic and 
3D visual editing tools: automatic for blunders removal 
and for filling the small mismatched areas and visual for 
filling the large mismatched areas and for the lakes. 
GCP collection 
Least-squares stereo 
bundle adjustment 
1/ 20,000 
topographic maps 
Stereo images 
3D CCRS multi-sensor 
physical model 
Stereo model 
Multi-scale mean 
normalized correlation 
3D stereo intersection 
3D automatic and 
visual editing tools 
Final DSM 
Digital terrain 
surface model 
Statistical evaluation of 
elevation errors 
Figure 2. Processing steps for the generation of DEMs from 
stereo-images and their evaluation with LIDAR 
The DEM is then evaluated with the lidar elevation data. About 
5 300 000 points corresponding to the overlap area were used in 
the statistical computation of the elevation accuracy. Different 
parameters (land cover and its surface height), which have an 
impact on the elevation accuracy, were also evaluated. 
4.1 Results on The Stereo-Model Computations 
As a function of the number of GCPs used in the stereo bundle 
adjustments, two sets of tests were performed for each stereo- 
pair. Set 1 was conducted with all the GCPs while Set 2 was 
performed with a reduced number of GCPs (10-18) and the 
remaining points as ICPs. In Set 2, 10 GCPs were used because 
previous results demonstrated that this was a good compromise 
with this dataset to avoid the propagation of input data error 
(cartographic and image pointing) into the 3-D physical stereo- 
models (Toutin, 2004). 
Residuals (m) (m) 
X Y Z X Y Zz 
Test GCP/ 
Stereo ICP 
|-HRS 98/0 10.1 7.6 3.8 - - - 
1-HRG 33/0 2.6 3.1 3.3 - - - 
2-HRS 10/88 7.1 6.4 3.1 139 3.7 4.7 
2-HRG 10/23 ES 1.4 1:3 2.6 2.2 2.9 
Table 1. Results from the least-square bundle adjustment of the 
3D physical model for the stereo-pairs (HRS in-track and HRG 
across-track): with the number of GCPs and ICPs, XYZ RMS 
residuals and errors (in metres) on GCPs and ICPs, respectively. 
Table 1 gives for each stereo-pair the number of GCPs and 
ICPs, the root mean square (RMS) residuals and errors (in 
metres) of the least-square adjustment computation for the 
GCPs and ICPs, respectively. GCP RMS residuals reflect 
modelling and GCP accuracy, while ICP RMS errors reflect 
restitution accuracy, which includes feature extraction error and 
thus are a good estimation of the geopositioning accuracy of 
planimetric features. However, the final internal accuracy of the 
3D modeling will be better than these RMS errors. 
Due to the large redundancy of equations in the adjustments of 
Set 1, the RMS X-Y residuals are on the same order of 
magnitude as the input data errors, being a combination of 
image pointing error (one pixel) and planimetric error (3 m) in 
addition to the propagation of Z-error (3 m) depending on the 
viewing angles. With HRS stereo-pair, the differential pointing 
error due to a rectangular pixel is well reflected in all RMS 
results On the other hand, the RMS Z residuals (3.8 m and 3.3 
m) approximately reflect GCP image pointing error (3 to 5 m) 
with B/H of 0.85 and 0.77 for the HRS and HRG stereo-pairs, 
respectively. The use of overabundant GCPs in the least- 
squares adjustment reduced or even cancelled the propagation 
of the input data errors into the 3-D physical stereo-models, but 
conversely these input errors are reflected in the residuals. 
Consequently, it is “normal and safe” to obtain RMS residuals 
from the least squares adjustment in the same order of 
magnitude as the input data error; however, the modelling or 
internal accuracy is better (less than one pixel). 
Set 2 of the tests enabled unbiased validation of the 3D 
positioning and restitution accuracies with independent check 
data. First, the RMS residuals on GCPs are 20-40% smaller 
than the RMS residuals resulting from Set 1 because fewer 
GCPs, and thus less equation redundancy, were used in the 
least-squares adjustments. On the other hand, RMS errors on 
ICPs are 9-14 m and 2-3 m or when compared to sensor 
resolution, one-and-half and half-pixel for in- and across-track 
stereo-pairs, respectively. The worse results with in-track 
stereo-pair are due to the preliminary version of the 3D physical 
model for HRS data. Equivalent results with the final version 
of the 3D physical model for HRS data should be thus obtained 
for the stereo modelling (half-pixel). 
Finally, the Z-RMS errors on [CPs are a good indication of the 
potential accuracy for the DEMs. However, these RMS errors, 
which include the extraction error (image pointing error of half- 
pixel) of ICP features, are only an estimation of the 3-D 
restitution accuracy of planimetric and elevation features, but 
the internal accuracy of stereo-models is thus better, in the 
order of sub-pixel. 
4.2 Results on DEM Evaluations 
The second result is the qualitative and visual evaluation of the 
full DEMs and the quantitative and the statistical evaluation of 
the DEMs with the LIDAR data. Figure 3 is the full DEM (120 
km by 60 km; 10 m by 5 m grid spacing) in the image reference 
extracted from the in-track stereo-pair and Figure 4 is a sub- 
area (5 km by 5 km; 5-m grid spacing) over the LIDAR area 
but in the map reference. The black areas (5% of the total area) 
correspond to mismatched areas due to clouds and their 
shadows, as well as the lakes and the St. Lawrence River. The 
black dots in Figure 4 are the blunders, which were 

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