Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

Istanbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BI. Istanbul 2004 
the surface | 6. DSM GENERATION even in areas of steep mountains there are many successfully 
lge matching | : matched linear features. More than 8.4 million points gave been 
ing window The test area includes a mountainous area (rolling and strongly matched and 80% of them are marked as i reliablei points. 
nage contents | inclined alpine arca) on the South part and some hill areas Some areas, as lakes and rivers, can be manually set as i dead 
he edges, is (rough/smooth and weakly inclined areas) on the North part. In areasi with a user-friendly interface. In Figure 10 the 3D 
| order to capture and model the terrain, our image matching visualization of the generated DEM is shown. It can be seen that 
re introduced software not only generates a large number of mass points the shape of the DSMs is similar to the reference surfaces, but 
onstructed in (feature points and grid points) but also produces linear ^ smoother. This can be expected from the limited resolution of 
| matching on features. The TIN based DEM was generated from the matched the satellite images. 
> approximate | mass points and the edges (as break-lines). An example of edge 
's a matching | matching is shown in Figure 9. As can be seen in this Figure, 
itegy (Otto et 
ady measured 
(1) the local 
ence of the 
level (2) the 
iediate DSMs 
ınders can be 
ris assigned. 
hing statistics 
n of the grid- 
S image data, 
our matching 
in cross-track | 
ion (parallax | 
etter accuracy | 
1, but causes | 
1) matching 
| images have | 
x 10m and (a) 
ct the MPGC 
g) was run on 
inal matching 
reduction of 
ints, which is 
lity of false 
yme manually 
pointsi. This | 
ult areas (two Figure 10. (a): 3D visualization of the reference DEM 2 (5m grid, on the left) and the generated DSM (15m grid, on the right); 
(b): 3D visualization of the reference DEM 5-2 (25m grid, on the left) and the generated DSM (25m grid, the right). 

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