Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

tanbul 2004 
ofiles of the 
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) shows the 
M and the 
file is very 
)EM (Fig. 5 
| reference 
e reference 
iuttle Radar 
vailable for 
vs the mean 
1x values of 
Min / Max 
-47 | +37 
-59 / +53 
-62 / +63 
158 / +191 
-22 / +25 
-98 / +62 
218 / +135 
484 | +394 
484 / +394 
ases, while 
with more 
, with very 
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a coarse 
fference in 
due to less 
s due to the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
sea level calibration. But it can be seen clearly that the standard 
deviations and min/max values become significantly higher in 
mountainous regions, which could be expected due to various 
effects (shadowing, foreshortening, layover etc.) and more 
difficult matching situation. In flat or moderate terrain both 
models are of similar quality and can easily be used for DEM- 
A DEM fusion has been performed with the support of accuracy 
layers from both DEM data sets. In the SRTM case this layer is 
produced on a routine base by using features of coherence and 
density of residuals in the DEM generation process. For the 
optical data, an accuracy layer was generated by using the mean 
standard deviation as a lower limit and the density of the 
matched points after the region growing process. The fused 
DEM shows lower standard deviations especially in moderate 
and mountainous terrain. Table 5 shows the results of the 
comparison of the reference DEM to the fused DEM. The 
absolute height was taken from the SRTM-DEM, therefore the 
mean height difference is as low. The standard deviation is 
improved in all cases compared to the DEM produced only by 
one method. This result shows that the usage of several DEM 
from different sources of similar quality can improve the overall 
Table 5: Area-wise comparison of height of FUSED-DEM 
and reference DEM 
Reference . | Size of Mean Height | STDV | Min / Max 
area Area Difference [m] | [m] 
Barcelona City | 71 km? 0.9 3.7 -23 / +28 
Rural Area 161 km? -1.3 49 | -62/ +48 
Moderate 105 km? -1.0 56 | -70/+78 
Montserrat 84 km? -1.5 11.1 |-183/ +201 
Whole area 623 km? -1.0 5.7 1-183 / +201 
From the results of the analysis based on the orientation data 
provided in ancillary data files it can be seen that small biases 
in all three coordinates, in the order of an HRS pixel size, still 
remain. These can be removed with the help of a few ground 
control points using bundle block adjustment. For the bundle 
block adjustment the software CLIC, developed by TU Munich 
is used (Kornus 1997). To apply the CLIC interior orientation 
model the values of the model parameters have to be derived 
from the given look angles of CCD elements. The type and 
values for the CLIC interior orientation parameters are given in 
table 9. Focal length and pixel size are taken from Gleyzes et al. 
2003). Standard deviations are estimated. In the MOMS case a 
CCD curvature parameter was additionally used, which was not 
introduced for SPOT because an equal distribution of GCP over 
the whole image swath is necessary for its determination which 
was neither available for the Bavarian nor for the Catalonian 
test site. 
Table 6: Interior orientation of HRS1/2 as input to bundle 
HRS] o HRS2 G 
f focal length [mm] |580.5 0.01. 1580.3 0.01 
Xo |principal point |0 0.5 0 0.5 
yo joffset[pixel] 6(39 um) 0.5 16 (104 pm) [0.5 
9 rotation of CCD [°] |-0.05649 0.001 | 0.00735 0.001 
ly stereo angle [?]  |20.0378 0.001 |-19.95754 0.001 
Because of the special optics employed for HRS the parameters 
of table 6 cannot fully describe the interior orientation. The 
remaining deviations are shown for HRSI in figure 6. These 
values are introduced into CLIC as ‘synthetic’ calibration 
All calculations are done in the LTS. Exterior orientation for 
HRS1 and HRS2 is directly used as specified by the image 
providers with the following standard deviations: 
0,7 06,70, -0.5m and 0,7 o, = o, - 0.000005? 
The relative accuracy of all exterior orientation values is 
therefore taken to be very high. More variation is allowed for 
some bias parameters of the exterior orientation which can be 
modelled separately in CLIC. Because of the nearly constant 
offset seen in the shifts between the orthoimages only the bias 
of the pitch angle ¢ for sensor HRS2 is specified with a higher 
standard deviation of 0.002° (input value for the bias itself: 0°). 
This value has been estimated from the shifts of the 
orthoimages. The bias values for x, y, and z have been set to 
0m with a standard deviation of 1 m. For each camera 15 
orientation images (857 image lines for one orientation interval) 
have been used for modelling the exterior orientation. 
Figure 6. Residuals of the HRS1 camera model fed into 
CLIC as “calibration file” 
From mass tie points generated by DLR matching software a 
well distributed subset of about 15000 points is introduced into 
CLIC. In the Catalonian case 28 ground control points are 
measured in six of the orthoimages provided by ICC. First, the 
GCP image coordinates are measured manually in the HRS1/2 
images, and then the HRS2 coordinate is refined by local least 
squares matching to subpixel accuracy. For the Bavarian case 
10 GCP are used. All GCP map coordinates are introduced into 
CLIC with standard deviations 
6,7 0, 10m. add, o, 5m 
Standard deviation of image coordinates (tie points and GCP): 
6, = o, = 0.2 pixel for tie points and 
6, = 0, =0.3 pixel for GCP 
Table 7 gives the values of the interior orientation parameters 
after bundle adjustment. No substantial changes can be 
Table 7: Interior orientation after adjustment 
Bavaria Catalonia 
f (mm) | 580.50407 | 580.29826 | 580.49962 | 580.29999 
Xo (um) -0.465 -0.528 0.642 0.250 
yo (um) | 40.760 89.790 37.426 103.473 
à (deg) |-0.05130° 0.01196° |-0.05606° 0.00734° 
Y (deg) | 20.03824° 1-19.9570° 120.03718° (-19.9577° 

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