International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
4.1 DDTM
The approach that was chosen for the generation of the dense
DTM uses refined interpolation techniques applied to 3D digital
map. The planimetric and altimetric information that is
contained in them can in fact adequately describe the territory
(height points, contour lines), the built entities (sections,
vertices) and the buildings (centroids of known heights). The
DDTM that were used to generate orthoprojections of satellite
images were generated using the GeneDDTM software
implemented in Visual Fortran at DIGET at the Politecnico di
Torino (Dequal et al, 2002).
Figure 3 — Part of the DDTM used for the generation of the true
orthophoto (on the right) and the relative digital map at 1:2000
scale (on the left).
4.2 Application field
The fields in which precision orthoprojection of high resolution
satellite images could be more profitable than the usual
procedure were investigated on the basis of the operative
characteristics of the sensors. From this point of view, a test
was first carried out of the conditions within which the
displacements of the objects that can be put down to the
presence of great discontinuities (buildings and infrastructures)
results not to be negligible compared to the expected mapping
scale to which the orthophoto should refer.
Displacements due to the presence of 3 different classes of
buildings defined according to their height: h;=10m, h,=30m,
h:=100m were considered. Then the negligibility limits were
reported that were considered to be equal to the tolerance of the
orthophoto (0.5 mm at the map scale) for the following scales:
1.2000, 1:5000 and 1:10000. These tolerances resulted to be 1
m, 2.5 m and 5 m, respectively.
In the graph of Figure 4 it is shown how with a variation of the
mean view angle of the scene (y) the entity of the displacement
is increased due to the buildings. The three curves that are
reported refer to the three different classes of buildings that
were considered. The variability of the mean view angle was
limited to an interval of (0-50) gon, considering the operative
characteristics of the satellites, where the orientation capability
of the sensor with respects to the nadir position never exceeds
this value.
An analysis of the graph allows us to see how, for a building
height equal to 30 m, taken as an example (central curve), it is
easy to establish the following mean view angle values so that
the displacements are kept within the permitted tolerance for
the orthophotos at different scales:
e lower than ~ 2.5 gon for an orthophoto in a 1:2000 scale;
e lower than ~ 6 gon for an orthophoto in a 1:5000 scale;
e lower than ~ 11 gon for an orthophoto in a 1:10000 scale.
Mean Off-Nadir Angle (gon)
0.001 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
| 100 r-— —ÓÓ—
idu hz10m
000900? —e— h=30m
th for 1 apenensseases 5 i hz100m
| 090992 c ris |. mmm ol 1:0000
EC” 775 [1:1000 [0e tol] 1:5000
[x € | . :
|. 8 SE 5000 sn toll 1:10000
| 1 1:2000 |
i i
| |
| A meer ere me ==
Figure 4 — Entity of the displacements (due to the presence of
buildings) in function of the mean view angle.
It has been shown that orthoprojection of non-nadir satellite
images requires in most cases a more accurate approach and
that altimetric height data of the buildings cannot be neglected,
above all in urban areas.
4.3 Tests
In order to verify the efficiency and real incidence on an
application case when adopting a “precision” approach for the
generation of orthophotos, a non-nadir EROS A1 image (GSD
= 1.9 m) was processed first using a traditional DEM (50 m
steps) and then a DDEM previously generated from 3D digital
map using the previously described software. The scene refers
to the city of Cuneo (Piedmont).
It can be seen in figure 5 how the viaduct is reported in its
correct position thanks to the altimetric information that is
derived from tic DDTM, but the radiometric values that
identify it are also repeated for the portions of scenes that were
hidden from the sensor and which are "uncovered" after
This lack of information, in a “rigorous” approach, is resolved
by removing the radiometric value from images acquired from
other points of view and whose orientations are known. These
can be images from the same sensor or from another sensor
(multi-sensor aprroach).
If no other data are available, it is possible to resolve this lack
of information using a masking of the hidden arcas with a
background value that is easy to identify, as shown in figure 6
and figure 7 (test on a QuickBird image). In this way, the
interpretation of orthoprojected satellite images is easier for
unskilled users that are not deceived from erroneous data.
Figure 5 — Details that show the overlapping in correspondence
to the viaduct using the DDEM (on the right) and the
duplication of radiometric tones over the hidden area.
Figure 6
Figure 7
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