Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
determined DSM / DEM, reference data from the Bavarian 
Survey Administration have been made available by the DLR 
Oberpfaffenhofen. The location of the reference areas is shown 
in figure 2. For the areas Prien, Peterskirchen, Gars and Taching 
laser scanner data with a spacing of 5m and a vertical accuracy 
better than 0.5m are available. Each of these areas does have a 
size of Skm x Skm. For the 10km x 10km area of Inzell in the 
moderate northern part laser scanner data with SZ < 0.5m and 
in the mountainous southern part a DEM based on digitised 
contour lines from maps 1 : 10 000 with an accuracy of only 
SZ=5m and a spacing of 25m has been distributed. The 
reference DEM of the 30km x 50km area Vilsbiburg has a 
spacing of 50m and a vertical accuracy of 2m. 
The image orientation has been determined with the Hannover 
program BLASPO using just the information of the view 
direction together with the general orbit information and control 
points. The image positions of the control points and some seed 
points for the image matching have been measured manually 
using the Hannover program DPLX. From the shell of DPLX, 
the matching program DPCOR can be started. DPCOR is using 
the least squares matching in the image space. The core of this 
program was developed by C. Heipke. The matching in the 
image space is independent from any orientation information. 
Only some seed points (corresponding points in the both 
images) are required for the matching based on the region 
growing. Also control points can be used as seed points. The 
automatic matching has been done for every third pixel with a 
window size of 10 pixels x 10 pixels leading to sufficient 
independent ground points in a raster of approximately 15m x 
Based on the orientation determined by BLASPO, the ground 
points of the DEM points are computed by an intersection. The 
orientation by BLASPO will be adjusted in a tangential 
coordinate system to avoid the negative influence of the map 
projection. In the program COMSPO, the intersection is 
followed by a transformation to the map projection, so finally 
the height information is available in a chosen national 
coordinate system. For a more fast data handling the not totally 
regular distributed ground points are interpolated into a raster 
arrangement by program LISA. 
The so derived height model includes the visible surface of the 
objects, that means it is a digital surface model (DSM) and not a 
digital elevation model (DEM) of the solid ground. The points 
not belonging to the bare ground have to be removed before a 
comparison with the reference DEMs. This has been done with 
the Hannover program RASCOR (Jacobsen 2001, Passini et al 
2002). RASCOR is using a sequence of different methods for 
the filtering of a DSM in raster form. The operational use 
showed, from a random arrangement a raster arrangement can 
be interpolated and this can be analysed by RASCOR with 
sufficient results even under the condition of not using the 
original data. 
RASCOR is analysing the DSM and based on this it is 
determining the procedure and tolerance limits automatically 
without user interaction. RASCOR starts with an analysis of the 
height distribution itself. Based on the structure of the achieved 
histogram of height distribution an upper and lower limit of the 
accepted height can be identified automatically. This methods 
requires flat areas, it does not work in rolling and mountainous 
terrain. It is followed by an analysis of the height differences of 
neighboured points. The accepted height limit of neighboured 
points is depending upon the slope and the random errors. With 
this method only small objects and the boundary of larger 
elements can be eliminated, but it is still very efficient. 
Even large buildings can be found by a sudden change of the 
elevation in a profile to a higher level and a later corresponding 
change down, if no vegetation is located directly beside the 
buildings. This method can be used for laser scanning, but it is 
not optimal for DEMs determined by automatic image matching 
where the buildings are looking more like hills. 
Other larger objects not belonging to the bare ground are 
identified by a moving local profile analysis; at first shorter and 
after this longer profiles are used. The required length of the 
moving local profile is identified by an analysis of a sequence 
of shorter up to longer profiles. In flat areas the individual 
height values are checked against the mean value of the local 
moving profile, in rolling areas a linear regression is used, in 
mountainous areas polynomials have to be used. It will be 
combined with data snooping taken care about a not even point 
distribution caused by previously eliminated points. All these 
methods are applied in X- and Y-direction. Elements which 
have not been removed by this sequence of tests are analysed 
by a moving surface which may be plane, inclined or 
polynomial. The size of the moving surface is identified by the 
program itself by checking the data set with a sequence of cells 
with different size. As final test a local prediction can be used, 
but it is usually only identifying few points not belonging to the 
ground after the described sequence of tests. 
In the case of the check for height differences of directly 
neighboured points, the upper point will be eliminated if the 
tolerance limit will be exceeded. The other methods are using a 
weight factor for points located below the reference defined by 
the neighboured points. This will keep points located in a ditch 
or cutting in the data set. Usually points determined by laser 
scanning do not have blunders causing a location below the true 
position, but this may happen in the case of a DSM determined 
by automatic image matching, justifying a weight factor. 
In forest areas at first only the trees are removed by the 
program, smaller vegetation is remaining, so a second iteration 
is necessary. A second iteration in other cases may remove also 
terrain points leading to a more generalised DEM. This may be 
useful for the generation of contour lines, but it is not optimal 
for the correct description of the terrain. 
The derived DEMs have been investigated by a comparison 
with the reference DEM. Because of the general different 
situation of points located in forest or open areas, a separation 
of both terrain types has been made in the used Hannover 
program for the DEM analysis DEMANAL. DEMANAL can 
use a geo-referenced layer for different terrain types. It also 
determines the dependency of the vertical accuracy as a 
function of the terrain inclination. It is possible to lefine 
tolerance limits for the terrain inclination and the discrey ancies 
of the DEM-points. The forest layers have been extracte:' from 
the topographie maps 1: 50 000. 
The identification of the trigonometric points in the HRS- 
images was not so simple. Not in any case the correct location 
based on the trigonometric point description could be found. 
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