Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
From the analysis of other three-line-scanner imagery as e.g. 
the German MOMS-02 camera we already know, that the 
presence of a nadir view primarily improves the horizontal 
accuracy and does not directly affect the height accuracy 
(Ebner et al., 1992). This also can be observed comparing the 
results of the tables 5 and 6 with the tables 3 and 4. The 
statistics on the height differences remains more or less the 
same, while the horizontal differences at the 17 check points 
increase - but still remain far better than 1 pixel. 
3.5 DSM by strict model 
After the adjustment the imaging geometry is known and 
image points can rigorously be transferred into object space 
using the estimated internal and external orientation 
parameters. From the resulting 3D mass point cloud TIN 
models are produced, which later are exported into 10m 
raster DSMs. 
3.5.1 Mass point cloud transformation into object space 
The mass point cloud is transformed point-wise into object 
space by a local adjustment based on equation [6], which is 
the inverse form of equation [1] using the estimated model 
parameters listed in table 2. For each point and image 3 
equations are defined: 
2 (U) x 
X=X,+tu R,'R 
Y=Y +4 Ry Ry -(u)y [6] 
Z-Z tu: Ry: Ry); 
Using the X, Y, Z object coordinates and the scale factor pt as 
unknowns, 9 equations are formulated to solve for 6 
unknowns (X, Y,Z.1, 15,15) in the case of 3-ray-points, and 6 
equations for 5 unknowns (X,Y,Z,t,15) in the case of 2-ray- 
points. The transformation is d dd separately for the 
above mentioned 3 point groups: 2-ray-points, 3-ray-points 
matched in 2 and in 3 combinations. The test sites #1, #3, #7 
and #8, which contain control points are excluded from the 
following accuracy assessment. 
3.5.2 Comparison with the reference DTM 
After the transformation the height coordinates are compared 
to the reference DTM heights, which previously have been 
interpolated for the respective horizontal coordinates. In 
figure 5 the height differences of the mass points for TS #5 
are depicted in a color coded representation: 
blue: dh « -5m 
— lightblue: | -5m«dh «-3m 
= green: -3m < dh < 3m 
— Orange: 3m < dh < 5m 
= red: dh > 5m 
As can be seen, the matching algorithm works quite well, if 
the image contains sufficient contrast and texture. On the 
other hand, in those parts with poor contrast and/or texture 
the matching failes, causing gaps in the 3D point cloud and, 
consequently, in the DSM. In the orthoimage in figure 6 the 
pointless areas can clearly be identified as areas with low 
contrast (like the wide road in the central lower image part) 
or homogeneous texture (like the forest in the upper right 
corner of the image). It also can be seen, that red points, 
indicating height differences bigger than 5m, mainly appear 
in the urban area in the left part of the image or in forest 
zones, e.g. in the upper right image part. This illustrates well 
the difference between the surface model deduced from the 
point cloud and the reference terrain model representing the 
bare Earth’s surface. Table 7 shows statistics of the complete 
comparison between point heights and reference DTM. 
Figure 5: Color coded height differences wn points and L 
reference DTM for TS £5 (section: 5.3 x 3.6 km) 
min 6: rd te of TS #5 AES. 5, 3 Te 3. L6 km) | 
TS N Min Mean Max RMS c 
42 601042 -27.5 0.3 30.2 3.8 3.8 
44 . 485450 -85.5 0.3 88.0 3.2 5.1 
#5 678165 -49.4 1.5 33-9 4.0 T7 
#6 446380 -39.7 109 66.9 13.0 72 
Point group 1: 3-ray-points from 3 matching runs 
42 164411 -69.1 0.1 56.3 4.1 4.0 
#4 119301 -1422 1.6 1654 11.6 11.4 
#5 86635 -1090 1.1 99.0 5.1 5.0 
#6 68979 -106.7 8.1 95.9 12.4 9.4 
Point group 2: 3-ray-points from 2 matching runs 
#2 134013 .-175.3 0.1 99.8 5.4 5.4 
#4 57965 -141.1 1.7 2036 13.8 15.7 
#5 103744 -223.6 1.3 226.3 6.0 5.9 
#6 35571 1516. 66 151.9 124 10.6 
Point group 3: 2-ray-points 
Table 7: Statistics on height differences dh [m] between the 
3D object points and the reference DTM 
The results are derived from the complete unfiltered sets of 
the automatically matched points, including blunders and 
points on top of vegetation and buildings. For time reasons 
no filtering or editing was done. In this respect, the RMS 
values must be interpreted as conservative with a 
considerable potential for improvement. Since TS #6 covers 
the Barcelona urban area and contains only few ground 
points, the accuracy potential of SPOTS should rather be 
deduced from the results of the other test sites #2, #4 and #5. 

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