Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
The points matched in 3 combinations yield, as expected, the 
best results with RMS height differences of about 4 m in the 
moderate terrain of the TS #2 and #5 and of about 5 m in the 
mountainous terrain of TS #4. There also exist some blunders 
with differences up to nearly 90 m. 3-ray-points matched in 2 
combinations lead to acceptable 4-5 m height differences in 
moderate terrain. In mountainous terrain, however, the RMS 
differences increase to nearly 12 m and the blunders to more 
than 160 m. For 2-ray-points this situation is even worse. In 
figure 7 the histogram of the height differences for TS #5 is 
depicted as an example separately for the 3 point groups. 
e 15 ] 3 rays 
= | | | (3 comb.) 
> 10 4 
e | | | —— 7 (0YS 
9 5 | | | (2 comb.) 
8 | E | 
uL | | | | 2 rays 
0 : iy 
-30 20 10 0 10 20 30 
Height difference [m] 
Figure 7: Histogram of height differences dh [m] for TS #5 
Table 8 shows the respective statistics on height differences 
obtained from a pure HRS data set without considering the 
HRG data. This implies new matching runs without transfer 
points (see section 3.3) and also no estimation of correction 
polynomial coefficients (see section; i.e. the matched 
image points are directly transferred into object space using 
the supplied auxiliary data and the local adjustment described 
in section 3.5.1. The standard deviation are approximately 
20% worse compared to the results achieved with bundle 
adjustment and matching in 3 combinations (see table 7). 
Additionally a systematic height error of approximately 9 m 
occurs, which still is subject to further investigation since the 
results of the bundle adjustment did not show a comparable 
systematic effect (see tables 5 and 6) 
image columns and rows and by increments of 250 m in 
object height (from —250 m to 2250 m). From these points 
the best coefficients of the rational functions are determined 
by least squares adjustment. For forward and backward 
looking directions rational functions of degree 3 in numerator 
and denominator are used. In case of the nadir looking 
direction a 3™ order polynomial is adjusted, since it has not 
been possible to adjust any polynomial denominator without 
zeros in the domain of the image footprint. 
3.6.1 Matching in image space (region growing) 
In a first step the rational functions are used, as an alternative 
to the strict model, to transform the image points, matched in 
3 combinations using the region growing algorithm (see 
above) into object space. The statistics on the height 
differences between the resulting object coordinates and the 
coordinates computed with the strict model are listed in 
table 9. The difference turned out to be not significant and 
confirms the findings of an earlier analysis using MOMS-02 
images, where it was concluded that stereoplotting with 
rational functions is as accurate as using a rigorous model 
(Alamüs et al, 2000). Therefore, no new DSM are produced, 
i.e. it is assumed, that this rational function approach is also 
represented by the strict model DSMs. 
TS N Min Mean Max RMS G 
#2 601041  -93 -0.6 15.7 0.6 0.2 
#4 ' 485449 -16.6 -0.3 18.1 0.5 0.3 
45 678164  -8.5 -0.4 14.8 0.5 0.2 
TS N Min Mean Max RMS o 
#2 997949 -63.4 8.6 121.2 9.8 4.7 
#4 _ 940159 -155.1 9.1 288.3 14.0 10.7 
#5 2956022 -100.5 9.6 75.9 10.6 4.6 
HG 5375775 1317 * 18.6 154.1 21.1 9.9 
Table 8: Statistics on height differences dh [m] between the 
3D object points derived from HRS data only and 
the reference DTM 
It was stated above, that the nadir looking view of the HRG 
channel does not contribute very much to the height 
accuracy. This is true from the geometric point of view in the 
case of well identifiable check points. Here, in the case of the 
automated mass point generation process by image matching 
we can see, that the third view considerably improves the 
results in terms of accuracy and reliability, especially in 
mountainous regions. 
3.6 DSM by rational functions 
As a second method of DSM generation rational functions 
are employed. Two sets of 1331 equally distributed points 
per image are transformed into object space; one for the 
HRS/HRG data using the 9 estimated correction parameters 
(see, the other using pure HRS data without applying 
correction polynomials (see The points are equally 
distributed in a cube, defined by increments of 1200 pixels in 
Table 9: Statistics on height differences [m] between the 
points, matched in 3 combinations, derived from 
rational functions and from the strict model 
3.6.2 Matching in object space (ISAE) 
In a further step the commercial software ISAE (Krzystek, 
1991) is used, which applies feature based matching in object 
space. Two DSMs are generated from HRS1 and HRS2 
images using two different sets of rational functions. The 
first one is deduced from the data cube sets derived from 
HRS/HRG using the 9 estimated correction parameters and 
the second one from pure HRS data without applying 
correction polynomials. A grid step of 45 m and an a priory 
accuracy of 2.5 m is selected. In both DSMs more than 17 
millions of matching points with more than 5 points per mesh 
are found. An internal height accuracy of 0.9 m is obtained 
for the first DSM and 1.3 m for the second, which proved to 
be too optimistic compared to the empiric quality measures 
presented in the next section. 
Table 10 lists the statistics on the height differences dh' 
between the DSM raster point heights (10 m grid) and the 
reference DTM. In addition to the pure point errors dh listed 
in table 7, these dh' values also include the DSM 
interpolation error. Without considering the HRG data the 
standard deviations for the TS 42 and #5 located in moderate 
terrain deteriorate only about 1096 compared to the results 
achieved with HRG and bundle adjustment in addition to the 
already mentioned systematic height error of 9 m. In the 
mountainous terrain of test area #4 the results deteriorate 
about 60%, which again underlines the importance of the 
third view in mountainous terrain, at least for this DSM 
generation method applying region growing image matching. 
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