Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

tanbul 2004 
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the DSM 
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the results 
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this DSM 
> matching. 
TS N Min Mean Max RMS o 
#2 — 510531 66:5 0.7 49.7 4.5 4.4 
#4 — 424112 -124.5 1:4 125.7 9.3 9.2 
#5 478139 -106.5 1.6 95.6 4.6 4.3 
HRS/HRG data, 9 estimated CFC 
#2 507413 -60.8 8.8 1019 © 101 4.9 
#4 413740 -151.9 — 9.3 280.5 : 172 14.4 
#5 476494 -95.5 9.8 71.5 10.9 4.7 
HRS data, no bundle adjustment 
Table 10: Statistics on height differences dh' [m] between thé 
DSM raster points (10m grid) obtained with region 
growing image matching and the reference DTM 
Figure 8 shows the DSM of the entire image scene at 45 m 
grid size derived with ISAE. The corresponding statistics on 
the height differences dh' is listed in table 11. Without 
considering the HRG data the results deteriorate about 10%, 
in the mountainous terrain of TS #4 even 45%. Compared to 
the results in table 10 the results are 20-25% worse. The 
standard deviation for the full scene is 8-9 m. 
TS N Min Mean Max RMS G 
#2 25025 414 07 7551 54 53 
#4 21445 069" 0.2 1073 117 "1Ys 
#5 24322 .33.0" 1.9 32.5 5.4 5.1 
Full scene 1576146 -143.4 1.7 1854 84 8.3 
HRS/HRG data, 9 estimated CFC 
#2 25628 673 1.7 1304 SO S 
#4 21445 '-1352^ 41 3336 172 167 
#5 24322 -1449 30 31H199 65 5.8 
Full scene 1579054 -423.0 3.0 457.44 9.7 9.2 
HRS data, no bundle adjustment 
Table 11: Statistics on height differences dh" [m] between the 
DSM raster points (45 m grid) derived from ISAE 
and the reference DTM 
Figure 8: Color coded DSM represe : a 2 
and HRS2 channels at 45 m grid size. The location of the four check areas is marked in red. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
This report describes the DSM generation using SPOTS HRS 
and HRG-supermode images. Correction polynomials for the 
provided look angle values of each camera (interior 
orientation) are estimated by bundle block adjustment using 
17 ground control points in 4 control arcas located in the 4 
corners of the covered surface. The application of correction 
polynomials for position and attitude (exterior orientation) 
proves to be not necessary. The burídle adjustment results in 
a point accuracy of 2 m in Easting, Northing and Height, 
which is demonstrated by 17 independent check points, 
distributed in 4 check areas. 
An automated region growing image matching algorithm is 
applied to generate mass points in image space, which later 
are transformed into object space. Without manual editing 
and/or filtering of the resulting point cloud an RMS height 
error of approximately 4 m (5 m in mountainous terrain) is 
obtained for 3-ray-points matched in 3 combinations (nadir- 
backward, nadir-forward, backward-forward). For 3-ray- 
points matched in 2 combinations and for 2-ray-points the 
RMS error is worse especially in mountainous areas. It turns 
out, that the point cloud of the applied matching process can 
be produced automatically with sufficient density in wide 
parts, but not in all parts of the images. The algorithm fails in 
areas with poor image contrast and/or homogenous texture 
like forests, broad streets, large agricultural areas, etc. Here 
manual interaction is required in order to avoid gaps in the 
point cloud and, consequently, in the produced DSM. This 
part of the work flow can be rather time consuming and 
therefore has been excluded from that study. In other words, 
the presented results reflect the accuracy potential of SPOT-5 
HRS which can be achieved by largely automatic processing 
and which still can be improved to some extent by manual 
tation of the entire image scene (approx. 80 km x 60 km), generated by ISAE using the HRSI

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