Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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2.1 Specification of methodology 
In order to determine the factors influencing the result of 
orientation of stereoscopic scene HRG SPOT 4, the series 
of methodical research work was performed. The 
following factors were considered: 
- Filtration of raw SPOT 4 data in spectral and 
frequency domain; 
- A Accuracy of measurement and identification of 
control points and check points; 
- . Accuracy of measurement of image coordinates; 
- Accuracy of delimitation of satellite orbital 
- Distribution of ground control points. 
The specific of ‘measurements the each of 
photogrammetric point on stereo images SPOT 4 (the 
semi-automatic correlation method) did not require the 
detailed analysis of influence of radiometric quality of 
these images on accuracy of relative and absolute 
orientations. However, the ability of identification of 
control points and check points was examined on original 
scenes and on the images after radiometric corrections. 
The accuracy of control points depends on accuracy of 
their measurement in field as well as on accuracy of 
identification on SPOT 4 images. 
The image coordinates of control points, check points and 
tie points were measured by correlation methods using 
TRIFID software installed on the SSK Pro workstation, 
under the Intergraph photogrammetric environment 
(Image Station Multisensor Triangulation - SPOT). 
The analysis of results of bundle adjustment shows that 
the range of estimated accuracy of photogrammetric 
adjustment is good when the standard deviation of 
adjustment does not change. The choice of accuracy of 
measurement outside of this range worsens the credibility 
of estimation of adjustment. For the tested panchromatic 
stereo SPOT 4 scene the accuracy of photogrammetric 
measurement was accepted with range from 4pm to 6um. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
If GCP's are symmetrically distributed then twelve points are 
sufficient for orientation of stereoscopic SPOT 4 scene. 
The influence of accuracy of delimitation of satellite orbital 
parameters on absolute orientation results has been examined 
for established construction of bundle and determined number 
and distribution of control points as well as tie points on 
stereoscopic SPOT 4scene. This accuracy is characterized by 
standard deviation. It has been confirmed that the results of 
adjustment being the function of these standard deviations do 
not change significantly; therefore the approximate values of 
sensor parameters for orientation of stereoscopic scene HRV 
SPOT 4 were used. 
2.2 Results of geometric corrections 
The results of geometric correction of panchromatic 
stereoscopic scene HRV SPOT 4 for above-mentioned analyses 
were received, in reference to full scene and to the separated 
fragments. Results are shown in Table 1. 
In orientation process, except the approximate parameters of 
orbit, the control points measured on topographical map in scale . 
1:10,000 permits for orientation the panchromatic stereoscopic 
scene of HRG SPOT 4 with accuracy below half pixel. The use 
of control points measured in field by the GPS techniques or 
appointed in space triangulation process on the basis of aerial 
photographs in scale 1:26,000 permits to increase the 
orientation accuracy to 1/3 of pixel. 
Each scene has been oriented independently using from 15 to 36 
ground control points. Table 2 shows the numbers of ground 
control points and checkpoints on rectified scenes. Many natural 
GCP's have not been well identified. The planimetric accuracy 
of control points and checkpoints is about 1m. There is also an 
identification error that can reach up to 1m. For good B/H ratio 
Results of orientation with the use of Toutin model (PCI 
Geomatica v. 9.1 software) and ground control points are shown 
in Table 3. The accuracy of orientation of block panchromatic 
scenes HRS SPOT 5 is 2m in planimetry and 2m in height 
independently form terrain type. 
s ; : RMSE in meters on the: 
Range of Number of control Number of Control points Check Doms 
elaboration points check points X Y 7 Y Z 
Full scene 12 15 222 23 +} +50 +20 + 4.7 
First test region 14 7 $21 4 £17 312 +44 = 33 +34 
Second test region 16 13 210 +15 +00 | 130 +30 t3] 
Table 1. The accuracy of orientation of stereoscopic scene SPOT 4 
01 02 03 04 
Scene No. (5 062-252/1 18) (5 062-252/1 28) (5 062-253 18) (5 062-253 28) 
Ground Control Points 15 15 36 36 
Check Points 5 3 16 16 
Table 2. Numbers of GCP's and checkpoints used for orientation of the scenes 

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