International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
Fig.. . e-Niteroi bridge band3 (channel 1) image
original and processed image.
3.3 Bridge model
3.°.! Rio-Niteroi bridge model
fal 2 the set of integer numbers. Let F be a finite interval
with an odd number of elements representing a vertical
iue of the dig ‘4 in which the distance between
tw- consecutive .> meter for convenience.
ee abe the of F,. Based on radiometric and
+ etre te .dge over the Guanabara bay, the
*»idge mode. a f, on F given by
ft ixelu- 15m +13]
otherwise xeF,
where s, / are, respectively, the background (water body)
and the deck radiometry.
3.3.2 Causeway bridge model
Let F be a finite interval of Z with an even number of elements
representing an horizontal line of the digital scene domain in
which the distance between two consecutive elements is one
meter for convenience.
Let uw, be the center point of F,. Based on radiometric and
geometric features of the bridge over the Pontchartrain Lake,
the bridge is modeled as the function f on F5 given by
fi ifxe [us —22,u5 - 13]
h(x)=4h fxe [us +13, uy + 22] xcfF
Ss otherwise
where s, /j, 5 are the background, first deck and second deck
radiometry information, respectively.
3.4 Bridge axis identification
According to Figure 5 and Figure 6, the bridge axis is a straight
line. Consequently, it can be represented by a linear model.
Let the bridge image g be a mapping from G = m x n, its
domain, to K, its gray-scale, where m = [1, mjc Zand n = (1,
original and processed image.
n] c Z, where m and n are the number of rows and columns of
the image g, respectively.
3.4.1 Rio-Niteroi bridge axis identification
Let ¢; be the mapping from n to m such that c,(/) (j € n) is the
row number in m, for which g(c,(/), j) is maximum in {g(,
Let a, b € R, such that
s. ((a. y b)- c, (j JY is minimum,
then a.j +h (jen) is the bridge center estimation along
column /
3.4.2 Causeway bridge axis identification
Let c; be the mapping from m to n such that c) (i e m) is the
column number in n, for which g(i, c;(i)) is maximum in {g(/,
A } jen
Let a, b € R, such that
X ((a .i + 5 )- e. (i ) is minimum,
then a.i - b. (iem) is the bridge center estimation along row i.
In both cases (Rio-Niteroi and Causeway bridge axis
identification), there are more measurements available than
unknown parameters (a and b) Therefore, the QR-
decomposition was used to generate a least square solution to
an over-determined system of linear equations (Kreyszig,
3.5 System point spread function
The overall CBERS-1 CCD on-orbit PSF is a composition of the
PSF of each sub-system PSF: optics, detector, electronics, etc. In
this work the system point spread function is modeled as a 2D
separable Gaussian function 7, ,, ON F; x F> centered at (uy, 42),
that is,
3.6 Bridge
3.6.1 Rio
The target i
bridge cent
For a given
Let Gi, be
elements, de
Letv= (pt
Let assume
Let 7, bea
T, (y):
In the abov
represents h
shows the R
362 Ca
In this simu
was used al
center and t]
For a given
Let G,, be
elements, de
Let assume
where v = (7
In the abov
represents h