Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

'anbul 2004 
pdating process 
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quite outdated, 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV. Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
and finally HRG image was orthorectified. In figure 5, topographic 
vectors overlaid on the orthorectified image can be seen. 
Figure 5. Overlay of vectors on the orthorectified image. 
After preparation stage, such as orthorectifying satellite image based 
on old topographic maps and mathematical model, old digital map 
superimposed on the orthorectified image. Then 2.5m resolution 
panchromatic image and ground data collected from the field 
submitted to one image-interpreter. She worked with drawing 
software and carried visual interpretation. on that image in a 
monoscopic way. Changes were defined and grouped in four codes in 
change detection phase (field work). Features that were deleted 
relative to the old topographic maps, added features, geometric 
changes and descriptive changes were reserved in the first, second, 
third and fourth code respectively. 
The existing following features exist in the study area were 
considered and evaluated: 
= Communication Lines such as roads, railways, etc and 
associated features e.g. railway stations, bridges, etc; 
= Administrative features including buildings, walls, stadium, 
airport, Tunnel, Pool, Storage and fence; 
* Power lines and pipelines such as electrical, gas and water 
supply features and associated features e.g. water well, oil 
or gas well; 
=» Hydrological features, including rivers, streams, canals and 
= Land cover and vegetation, including cultivated areas, wet 
lands, orchards and etc. 
The interpreted features were grouped by layer. 
Major problem which effects use of satellite images for topographic 
maps revision lies in the low resolution of the satellite images and 
therefore in the information content of the resulting revision maps. 
The acceptable images should provide information content required 
for revision of 1:25000 scale topographic maps. 
By using orthorectified images, updating old topographic maps is 
possible. Image processing software with the ability of superimposing 
vector on raster has been used to carry out this operation. 
Results of feature extraction showed that there were no difficulty to 
detect and identify area features such as towns, smaller villages and 
isolated buildings. All linear features such as roads, tracks, railways, 
etc were extracted easily, except in some places where the contrast 
was relatively low. Finally, the point features such as water / gas 
wells, single trees were impossible to be detected and identified on 
the image. For each layer, quality criteria according to the 
interpretation results are defined as follow (total = 100%): 
i fe | i i : 
0 me e p Hr ESL E mem T 
& = 8 5 8 g z oO ê e UR 2 € o 82 E 2 
2 = = = 5 = = = S : P © 3 o > = © 
= w S m 3 e sS = zu a = 5 Ii 
= 0 t£ tü e I o = 9 3 o = 
d = © ee o 
3 g i 
Figure 6. Results of detection and identification of features on SPO1 
5 HRG image for 1/25000 scale map revision. 
Changes can be detected based on comparison between aerial photo 
acquired on 1991 with SPOT HRG image acquired on 2003. Rivei 
Figure 7. SPOT 5 HRG image acquired on 2003. 
For each feature type, detected changes with respect to the old 
topographic map sheets are defined as follow (total 100%): 
1004 35 
0 te 2 2 = = © = > z v 9 
rT 9 7 9 9 9 3 9 s E Ÿ E $9 S * S 
8 E à 8S c 0 à S > 8 É 2.2 72 & 
S2 2 = 8 3 «8 85 9 $S $ à 2 $.2 
= Li =: 2 n c U 32 5 = 9» > 
= o = m = n 2 5 = > 
i z 3 = 9 o O e 
3 & iL 
Figure 8. Detected changes from 1991 until 2003.

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