Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

savanna is a consequence of a strict cloud detection. Based upon 
these comparisons, it is difficult to say which product is the best 
over sites where large differences are observed. 
The last step of the POLDER-2 validation will be the 
comparison of LAI and FVC to the reference products 
generated from the ground measurements collected by the 
VALERI (VAlidation of Land European Remote Sensing 
Instrument) project (www2). From April to October 2003, 6 
sites were instrumented around the world. The data are still 
under processing. 
The Level 3 algorithms developed to process the POLDER-2 
data are based upon the inversion of a linear reflectance model 
to estimate directional-hemispherical reflectances and NDVI, 
and upon a neural network inverting a radiative transfer model 
to calculate LAI and FVC. Before these inversions, a filtering 
module scans the bi-directional BRDF and removes the 
contaminated observations. 
Directional coefficients, DHR, NDVI, LAI and FVC are 
generated from Arpil to October 2003. They are validated using 
temporal and spatial criteria of consistency, comparison with 
POLDER-1 products, comparison with concomitant MODIS 
products and, finally comparison with ground measurements. 
Considering the first three steps, the POLDER-2 biophysical 
parameters are relevant to characterize the land surface. The 
spatial distribution and temporal evolution of ecosystems are 
well reproduced, and the values are realistic. Some 
discrepancies appears with MODIS products. Final comparisons 
with concomitant ground measurements from VALERI 
reference products will be soon performed. 
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instrument characteristics and scientific objectives, /EEE Trans. 
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Andreoli and B. Hosgood, 1996, Estimating leaf biochemistry 
using the PROSPECT leaf optical properties model, Remote 
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Knyazikhin, Y., J.V. Martonchik, R. B. Myneni, D.J. Diner and 
S.W. Running, 1998, Synergetic algorithm for estimating 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
vegetation canopy leaf area index and fraction of absorbed 
photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS and MISR 
data, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 103, 32,257-32,275. 
Kuusk, A., 1995, A fast invertible canopy reflectance model, 
Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 51, 342-350. 
Lacaze, R., P. Richaume, O. Hautecoeur, T. Lalanne, A. 
Quesney, F. Maignan, P. Bicheron, M. Leroy, F.M. Bréon, 
2003, Advanced algorithms of the ADEOS-2/POLDER-2 Land 
surface process line : application to the ADEOS-1/POLDER-1 
data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing Symposium, Toulouse, France, July 21* -25'^. 
Leroy, M. et al., 1997, Retrieval of atmospheric properties and 
surface  bi-directional reflectances over the land from 
POLDER/ADEOS, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 102, 17,023-17,037. 
Lucht, W., C. Barker Schaaf and A. Strahler, 2000, An 
algorithm for the retrieval of albedo from space using 
semiempirical BRDF models, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote 
Sens., 38, 977-988. 
Maignan, F., F.M. Bréon and R. Lacaze, 2004, Bidirectional 
reflectance of Earth targets: evaluation of analytical models 
using a large set of spaceborne measurements with emphasis 
with the hot spot, Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 90, 210-220. 
Myneni, R. B., R. R. Nemani, and S. W. Running, 1997, 
Estimation of global leaf area index and absorbed PAR using 
radiative transfer model, /EEE Transaction on Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, 35, 1380-1393. 
Nilson, T. and A. Kuusk, 1989, A reflectance model for the 
homogeneous plant canopy and its inversion, Remote Sens. 
Environ., vol. 27, 157-167. 
Noilhan, J. and P. Lacarrére, 1995, GCM grid-scale evaporation 
from meso-scale modeling, J. Clim., 8, 206-223. 
Price, J.C, 1990, On the information content of soil reflectance 
spectra, Remote Sens. of Environ., vol. 33, 113-121. 
Roujean, J.L., M. Leroy and P. Y. Deschamps, 1992, A bi- 
directional reflectance model of the Earth's surface for the 
correction of remote sensing data, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 97, 
Sato, N., P.J. Sellers, D.A. Randall, E.K. Schneider, J. Shukha, 
J.L. Kinter III, Y.T. Hou, and E. Albertazzi, 1989, Effects of 
implementing the simple biosphere model (SiB) in a general 
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application to canopy reflectance modeling: the SAIL model, 
Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 16, 125-141. 
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L. Blad,1985, Simple equation to approximate the bi-directional 
reflectance from vegetative canopies and bare soil surfaces, 
Applied Optics, vol. 24, 383-387. 
wwwl: ftp://ersa.bu.edu/pub/rmyneni/myneniproducts/MODIS/ 
Www2: http://www.avignon.inra.fr/valeri/

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