Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Flights 3 and 4 have been executed about 3 weeks apart, with a 
300 mm lens. Their structure is similar to that of flights 1 and 2, 
but the 1:18000 scale block is missing, because there was no 
practical point in acquiring images at that scale with this lens. 
Flight 3 is composed of the 1:5000 and 1:8000 blocks, with the 
structure described above. Flight 4 is composed only of the 
1:8000 block. 
The images (the total number of images is close to 1000) have 
been scanned with a pixel size of 14 microns. 
1.3 Test field and Ground Control Points 
A test field 6 x 4.5 km wide was set up in the city and its 
surroundings, which includes either artificial targets (AGCP) 
and natural points (NGCP). The GCPs have been measured 
with GPS in fast static mode, using three fixed receivers, set up 
on vertices of a pre-existing GPS network. To point out and 
eliminate possible setup errors, all points have been measured 
twice some months later. The estimated inner accuracy of the 
network is better than 1.5 cm. 
The AGCP set consist of 169 artificial square targets either 
metal plates fixed to ground or painted, 35 x 35 cm wide, 
homogeneously distributed. The size of the markers has been 
chosen in order to be optimal for images in the scale range 
1:5000 — 1:8000. Most of the markers have been painted on 
paved roads or flat concrete structures. 
A smaller set (62 points) of natural GCPs was also available. 
1.4 Reference data for calibration 
The research unit of the authors of this paper took care of the 
measurement and analysis of the block flown at image scale 
1:8000 with a 300 mm focal length. The block is made of 11 
strips, 7 flown in East-West direction and 4 across the block. 
The cross strips are flown twice on the same line but in reverse; 
one of the  East- West strips is also flown twice. To provide 
calibration data and reference data to check the results, a 
manual AT was measured. It is planned within the project to 
interchange the different flights in order to have independent 
calibration and test data. At the time of writing, tough, no other 
300 mm block was available, so we decided to used the same 
block for both purposes. On the 144 images, 466 tie and pass 
points have been measured manually with the software GDS 
(Geosoft — Italy). Besides, 199 GCP have also been measured: 
154 AGCPs and 45 NGCPs; out of the AGCPs set, 35 points 
have been used as control in block adjustment. Therefore, 
overall 164 check points were available (figure 1). 
The reference system used in the adjustment is a local 
tangential frame, with origin at the ellipsoid and y axis in the 
meridian plane. The bundle block adjustment and the 
calibration of the IMU/GPS system have been performed with 
the program Calge of the Politecnico di Milano (Forlani and 
Pinto, 1994). 
In order to verify the accuracy of the AT and the stability of the 
solution, two different configurations for ground control have 
been used. In the former, 35 GCP distributed along the block 
edges and on the overlap between strips; the latter, with only 4 
ground control points at the block corners. No additional 
parameters were used. 
Fixing the exterior orientation (EO) of the images to the values 
computed from the previous adjustment, the coordinates of the 
164 available check points (119 artificial, 45 natural) were 
determined by forward intersection. Table 2 summarizes the 
statistics of the forward intersection. 
Figure 1 — Plot of the 1:8.000 scale block with location of 
control (large pink dots) and check points (red dots) 
Block control c, | RMS AGCPs | RMS NGCPs 
configuration [um] (cm) (cm) 
| X yz IXY zZ 
IAT “35 AGCP” 57 123123160155 9313.6 
'AT4 “4 GCP” 57 |34|32 |449| 49 |10.7 403 
Table 2 - Forward intersection: accuracy of the EO from the AT 
measured on the check points. 
As expected, also because of the normal focal length, the error 
in elevation increases significantly with 4 GCP only, but 
accuracy in X,Y is only slightly affected, witnessing the inner 
consistency of the block. The estimate for sigma naught is 
about half a pixel, which is reasonable for manual 
measurements on digital images and is unchanged with less 
control. The accuracy of the NGCPs is about half of that 
provided by AGCPs. 
2.1 Introductory remarks 
A system calibration is required to account for the spatial 
offsets and misalignment between IMU, GPS and camera 
frames; moreover, reference to a common time scale is to be 
maintained, to allow the interpolation of the IMU/GPS 
navigation data to the mid-exposure time of the images. 
The spatial offsets IMU-camera can be best obtained by 
theodolite measurement, with an accuracy in the order of a 
centimeter; an alternative is to include them in the functional 
model, perhaps as nuisance parameters, together with the 
misalignment angles. Misalignment angles cannot be measured 
directly to the necessary accuracy, so they are obtained by 
minimizing the differences from the exterior orientation 
provided by a standard photogrammetric solution and that 
measured by the IMU/GPS sensor. 
This calibration problem, which is common also to mobile 
mapping system (El-Sheimy, 1996) to our best knowledge has 
been first addressed in aerial photogrammetry by the University 
of Calgary group (Skaloud et al, 1994). Since, several authors 
(Skaloud, 1999; Kruck, 2001; Cramer and Stallman, 2002; 
Mostafa, 2002) have proposed variations or alternatives to this 
original approach. Calibration techniques can be grouped under 
two broad categories, the so called two-steps and one-step 
methods (see also Skaloud, 2003 for a review on this specific 

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