Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
subject and Heipke, 2002); both are shortly addressed in the 
next paragraphs. 
Just to roughly summarize, it is so far acknowledged that in 
operational terms both approaches lead to accuracies more or 
less comparable on the ground; one-step methods require less 
ground control or, with less reliability, none at all. 
There are still some open issues, though. From a theoretical 
standpoint, the lack of information on the covariance matrix of 
the IMU/GPS solution (usually not provided by the proprietary 
processing software) still prevents to specify correctly the 
stochastic model in both approaches; from a more operational 
standpoint, how often should the calibration procedure be 
repeated and what is the minimum reliable block configuration 
to calibrate successfully, though several papers have been 
published on the subject, has not yet being practically translated 
in technical recommendations and an operational procedure. 
2.2 Previous work on this topic 
One of the major efforts up today towards clarifying the 
performance of IMU/GPS systems has been the OEEPE test 
“Integrated Sensor Orientation” (Heipke et al, 2002). Within the 
test activities, the authors used a “two-step” calibration 
procedure (Forlani, Pinto 2002) which modifies, as far as the 
stochastic model is concerned, the method proposed in 
(Skaloud, 1999). Later on, a l-step procedure has been also 
implemented (Pinto, Forlani, 2002), looking for the minimum 
reliable configuration for the calibration block, especially in 
terms of number of GCP necessary. 
In the following we present an improved 2-step method, based 
on a more realistic stochastic model, again after a proposal by 
(Skaloud, 2003). By applying all methods to the Pavia dataset 
we try to find out whether this more complex model yields 
benefits in terms of accuracy of the calibration compare to the 
others; beside, we check how the performance of the various 
approaches changes with changing calibration block 
2.3 The “two-steps” procedure 
Let’s start from the collinearity equation: 
rer + RÍsrf (1) 
where: r= position of point i in object space, a cartesian 
system L conveniently located in the block area; 
r= image coordinates of point / in camera frame c; 
r' RE, s; = EO parameters of image / (position of the 
projection centre, rotation matrix from c 
to L), scale factor for image point /. 
Let assume the IMU/GPS positions be referred to the projection 
centre and the IMU angles providing the rotation from IMU 
(the body frame b) to L; r can be also obtained as: 
Ei ug L bis a 
r= tf mers + Ri” [SiR Hal (2) 
where: Y IMUGPs = IMU/GPS-derived position of the projection 
centre of image /, in the local frame L; 
RJ = rotation matrix from body frame b to L frame; 
R,°, a’ = calibration parameters: rotation matrix from c 
to b frame; offset between the IMU/GPS- 
derived and the  photogrammetrically- 
derived perspective centre position in the b 
In the “two-step” procedure the EO elements obtained by a 
standard ground-controlled bundle block adjustment are 
compared with the EO elements measured by the IMU/GPS 
data in the same flight. The calibration parameters (besides the 
misalignment angles in the matrix R.’, an offset a° between the 
IMU/GPS solution and the photogrammetric solution for the 
camera projection centres was considered) are estimated as a 
weighted average of the discrepancies between the EO of the 
block adjustment and those provided by INS/GPS. 
Since no information is available for the latter, only AT results 
are used to get a weighted average of a, a, a, c, $, K; the 
weights are derived from the standard deviations of the EO 
parameters estimated in the AT. This should yield a more 
consistent result, since whenever block geometry is weaker 
(e.g. on the border strips) the EO elements, which may be 
biased and poorly determined, will count less for the 
determination of the calibration parameters. Correlations 
between EO elements arising from block adjustment have been 
The effectiveness of this weighting procedure was reflected in 
“OEEPE test” (1:5000 block) where RMS on check points 
computed by direct georeferencing, were in the order of 7 cm 
for N, E and 12 cm for elevations. 
2.4 The “one-step” procedure 
Comparing (1) and (2), the EO of image / is computed as: 
HH = r'wugps + R o, ul 
uh 3) 
RI - RJ RP - Rd: RS RJ R^ 
where: R, = rotation from b to /j (the navigation system) 
. measured by IMU; 
Rye = rotation from / to the geocentric frame G; 
RG" = rotation from object frame L to the G frame. 
We therefore substitute r“mmuyors + Ra" a^ for rt and the product 
AR A R, RP for R in the collinearity equations, removing 
the dependence on EO parameters. The modified equations are 
then linearized with respect to the components of the vector a 
the angles o, ¢, K of RZ, the components of ors and finally 
with respect to the ground coordinates of the tie points. The 
functional model for the block adjustment is complemented by 
the pseudo-observation equation of each IMU/GPS data (either 
positions and angles) and the pseudo-observation equation of 
the coordinates of the GCP. This is the base of the “one-step” 
calibration procedure. 
As far as the stochastic model is concerned, due to lack of 
information (in terms of a variance-covariance matrix of the 
solution) from the IMU/GPS data processing, often considered 
a proprietary information, we assign positions and angles 
accuracies according to manufacturer’s specifications, therefore 
neglecting correlations arising from pre-processing. 
2.5 An improved “two-steps” method 
In a recent paper (Skaloud and Schaer, 2003) discuss the 
correctness of the one-step and two-steps procedures. Since the 
two methods are equivalent if the variance covariance matrices 
are correctly propagated, Skaloud favours the two-steps because 
its implementation is easier: at least the EO variances should be 
part of the standard output of any bundle adjustment program, 
while including IMU/GPS observations with time dependent 
correlations in a one-step bundle software would be difficult. 
The importance of properly accounting for the temporal 
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