Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
"one-step" O9 RMS AGCPs RMS NGCPs 
with 1 GCP [um] [-. (m). «| o (em) 
11 strips 94 5211091104133 | 27 (121 
4 cross strips | 98 | 52 |109|164| 81 | 8.7 1248 
2 strips 100) 53 (109 1653183157 12 
Table 10 - RMS on the artificial (119) and natural (45) GCP for 
the calibration parameters estimated with one-step 
and 1 GCP only. 
The preliminary results of two calibration methods for 
IMU/GPS systems applied to a 1:8000 block flown over the 
testfield of Pavia have been presented. Although it should be 
stressed that analysis of the large amount of data collected in 
the framework of the national research project COFIN 2002 is 
just at the beginning, the advantages of one-step method already 
emerged in other test seem to be confirmed and stand on a 
minimal control on the ground and on an equivalent if not better 
accuracy compare to the two-steps method. As far as the refined 
model for the two-steps method, we could not verify yet any 
improvement (nor we found biases in the one-step solution). We 
hope to get soon more detail on the GPS solution to possibly 
adjust to the actual values at least of the variances of GPS 
positions, which may be misjudged (see the systematic 
discrepancies on the horizontal components at the check points) 
and to extend the analysis to the other blocks to find out 
whether these conclusions get more support or not. 
References from Journals: 
Gruen, A., Cocard, M., Kahle, H.G. (1993). Photogrammetry 
and kinematic GPS: Results of a high accuracy test. PE&RS 
Vol. 59, N? 11, pp. 1643-1650, November 1993. 
References from Other Literature: 
Casella, V., Galetto, R., (2003). An Italian national reasearch 
project on inertial positioning in photogrammetry. Proc. of the 
Workshop “Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS 
Sensor Orientation”, 22-23 September 2003, Castelldefels, 
Spain, on CD. 
Cramer, M., Stallman, D., (2002) System Calibration for direct 
georeferencing. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, vol. 34 B3, Comm III, Graz — Austria, pp. 
El-Sheimy, N. (1996). A mobile multi-sensor system for GIS 
applications in urban centers. IMU/GPS in aerial 
photogrammetry. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, vol. XXXI, Part B2, Vienna — Austria, pp. 
Forlani G., Pinto L. (1994). Experiences of combined block 
adjustment with GPS data. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol. 30 Part 3/1, Monaco, 1994, 219-226. 
Heipke, C., Jacobsen, K., Wegmann, H. (2002). Analysis of the 
results of the OEEPE Test Integrated Sensor Orientation. 
Heipke C., Jacobsen K., Wegmann H. (Eds). Frankfurt am 
Main — Germany. OEEPE Official Publication n° 43, 2002, pp. 
Kruck, E. (2001). Combined IMU and sensor calibration with 
BINGO-F. Proc. of the OEEPE Workshop “Integrated Sensor 
Orientation, Hannover, 17-18 Sept. 2001, CD. 
Mostafa, M. (2002). Camera/IMU boresight calibration: new 
advances and performance analysis. ASPRS Annual Meeting, 
Washington, DC. 
Pinto. L., Forlani G. (2002). Integrated INS/DGPS Systems: 
Calibration and Combined Block Adjustment. Heipke C., 
Jacobsen K., Wegmann H. (Eds). Frankfurt am Main — 
Germany. OEEPE Official Pubblication n. 43, pp. 85-96. 
Pinto L., Forlani G. (2002). A single step calibration procedure 
for IMU/GPS in aerial photogrammetry. In: International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 34 B3, 
Comm III, Graz — Austria, pp. 210-213. 
Skaloud, J., Schaer, P. (2003). Towards a more rigorous 
boresight calibration model. Proc. of the ISPRS WG 1/5 
Workshop “Theory, Technology and Realities of Inertial / GPS 
Sensor Orientation”, 22-23 September 2003, Castelldefels, 
Spain, on CD. 
This work has been financed in the framework of the National 
Research Program COFIN 2002 by the Ministry of the 
University and Scientific Research of Italy. Thanks go to proff. 
Galetto e Casella of the Pavia University for coordinating the 
project and making available the reference coordinates of the 
GCP. Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree di Parma (Italy) is 
acknowledged for processing and providing image and 
IMU/GPS data. 

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