International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004
accurate aerotriangulation. AP coverages flown in the
scope of IGN Topographic data base with a RMS error
of 40 cm on the aerotriangulation are identified as a
good candidate.
* Altimetry should be controlled through an elevation
model (including superstructures) with an accuracy
better than 1 m. No such data existing over France, the
APs were preprocessed and the reference DTM
provided by IGN was refined to produce a terrain
model suited to our objectives. In order to minimize
residual errors, the site should not have extreme slopes
and stable superstructures, forbiding montainous as
well as over urbanized areas.
2.1.3 Completeness of the measurement : In order to
completely qualify and measure the SPOT 5 look angles, the
reference data must cover the full swath which is, for HRG
instruments, 60 km wide roughly in the east-west direction.
The reference data, in effect, cover that swath but HRS
images, twice as wide, could not be entirely covered once.
Furthermore, when the HRGs improved steering mirrors allow
to accurately overlap the reference site across track, no such
device is available on HRS instruments reducing the
opportunities to acquire the site during the in-flight
2.1.4 Quality of the statistics : the final estimation of the
inner orientation of the instruments is obtained through the
average of several measurements, say 200 per km of image for
the modes with best resolution. Therfore a set of reference
data 5 km wide with 80% overlap ensures a redundancy of
1000 measurements per look angle.
2.1.5 Accessibility of the site : the relative shortness of the
in-flight commissioning phase together with the need to
minimize the diachrony between the reference data and the
SPOTS data implied the choice of a site with low cloud
coverage statistics.
2.2 The initial reference site
A first attempt to apply an absolute method for inner
orientation of SPOT images was led by L.FALALA and P.
GIGORD in 1998 [Falala 1998]. The site of Yvetot in French
Normandy region was selected without considering all the
above characteristics and led to an unsatisfactory result
although the main ideas of the method were implemented at
that time. In order to improve the results, a site .more suited
was then looked for taking into account most of the
This drove to the choice of a site located in the South East of
France between the Luberon chain and the Durance river,
ensuring an acceptable meteorology. The landscape is mainly
covered with scrubland and orchards and the topography is
mostly made of gentle hills except in the eastern area.
Within the scope of the regular BDTopo ® , IGN has flown a
1/30000 scale APs coverage of the site in March 1997. From
this coverage we acquired the 48 APs of a strip roughly 60 km
wide spreading over the SPOT swath, the width of the strip
being rougthly 8 km, together with the associated orientation
models obtained through regular bundle adjustment ; these
APs were scanned at a pixel size of 50 cm and further
resampled to a 1.5 metre resolution.
Following is a sample of the 1.5 metre resolution data.
Along with the APs came a DTM from the IGN BDZ ; this
DTM was improved to an estimated 1 metre RMS error over
the site through the use of the scanned set of APs.
The following Figure shows the refined DTM over the whole
swath of the dataset.
Digital Elevation Model
The method was then experimented on SPOT limages with
this set of data.
2.3 The second generation site
The time lap between the reference data and the SPOTS in-
flight commissioning where most acquisitions occured in July
2002 introduced both seasonal and long term diachrony in the
process. It was therefore decided to acquire a complete new
set of high resolution aerial imagery with the new generation
4000x4000 digital camera PELICAN at a resolution of 50 cm
and 80% overlap. The reference site is covered with 5 tracks
of 200 images each, flown on July 2002.
Following is a sample of the PELICAN data
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