Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
HRS Inner Orientation 
HRS? - Along track 
HRGs Inner Orientation - ALONG Track 
HRS2 - Actoss track 
04 == TT 0.4 1 T HRGZPan eem Penn HRG2 B2 
03 + 03} " Q2 promt meee Og T 
0.2 + Qr 
= 01 d esf dm A 0.1 0.05 | 
# 0 [ E. 0 A 1 * © 
& 01) | * jos 1 2$ 0 | 3d $ 
E 7 9- [ 7 oif NA 005 - 1 
0.4 : 0.4 Á 02 L L 0.1 1 1 
0 — 300 600 9000 12000 0 300 6000 9000 12000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 0 1500 300 4500 6000 
detector detector detector detecter 
HRS$1 - Along track HRS1 - Across tack HRGI Pan HRG! B2 
0.4 7 : (0.4 —————— 02 T T 0.1 : 
03 + 03 + 4 X 7 
02} 02 | | olf 005 |, PR 
= 91 = Qi [ TT 2 lll 5 X su 
z 0 Æ 0r P T x 0 j 2 0 
Dok & 01k , ut = - = 
0.2 223 ke 0.1 F : -005 + | 
03} 03 
0.4 L i ote 0.2 2 : -0.1 1 i 
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 
detector detector detector detector 
Residuals across track show a small magnification error of 
3.5x10^ for HRSI and 2.6 x10? for HRS2 as well as fifth 
degree polynomial shape. After introducing these observations 
into the PSTS, residuals can be estimated for both intruments CONCLUSION 
as follows : 
The absolute method for inner orientation measurement of 
Along track « 0.09 pixel RMS SPOTS instruments implemented here is appropriate for 
Across track « 0.05 pixel RMS 
most of which being due to the accuracy of the reference data 
set as described in the error budget. This explains in particular 
the higher residuals along track were we have 20? looking 
angle, hence predominent effect of DEM. 
objectives of inner orientation of the HRG and HRS 
instruments with an accuracy better than 0.1 pixel RMS. 
However, the main limitations encountered are linked to the 
accuracy of the reference dataset : good enough for a 5 meter 
resolution instrument, it needs to be adapted for higher 
accuracy instruments. 
This is the case of the Pleiades payload with its 0.70 meter 
5.2 HRG Inner orientation resolution instrument for which we are now considering a new 
Main inner orientation errors appear across track on both 
HRGs for panchromatic mode, with a total effect up to 0.5 
‘reference « super site » also located in South Eastern France, 
in the area of the Salon-en-Provence town. 
pixel. After including fifth degree polynomials into the HRG 
PSTS, the remaining measures are within 0.04 pixel for HMA 
and 0.025 pixel for B2 modes. 
The following figures represent the measures and associated 
polynomial models for HRGs instruments 
HRGs Inner Orientation - ACROSS Track 
Baudoin, A. 2004, The HRS-SAP initiative: A scientific 
assessment of the High Resolution Stereoscopic instrument on 
board of SPOT 5 by ISPRS investigators., ISPRS Congress 
Istanbul 2004 
a S aee UR Bouillon, A. 2002, SPOTS HRG and HRS first in-flight 
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9. D Breton, E, 2002, Pre-flight and in-flight geometric calibration 
a r^ A 7 v1 pe A ol of SPOT5 HRG and HRS images. ISPRS Comm. I, Denver, 
BR oup m 2 à * out vU Ned CO, 10-15 Nov 2002. 
02 : 0.1 2 
on 09 too 130-1300 3000 4500 — 6000 Falala L., 1998, Estimation des Irrégularités des Barrettes 
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Imaging Systems » Bordeaux, 2-5 Nov 1999, SFPT bulletin 
Spot Image, 2002, SPOT Satellite Geometry Handbook, S- 
NT-73-12-SI, Editionl, RevisionO 
Valorge, C., 2003, 40 years of experience with SPOT in-flight 
calibration, ISPRS International workshop on radiometric and 
geometric calibration, Gulfport, 2-5 Dec 2003

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