Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Es [T0 ES UTC = =o x] decreases. Also, the other problem is that the user just can 
Filename: [SPOTS Pacht Browse] decide based on the error analysis over check points and he has 
no ability to adjust the model. 
Name: {SPOT 5 Rasht REgion, HRS Study 
Description: | The rigorous model for SPOT 5 in PCI software can handle 
[ Math Modelling Method-——— E - Üptions —— RU UR URS SPOT 5 Level 1A. 
| C Aerial Photography | | í* Toutin's Model ASTER, EOC, | 
| C Satelite Orbital Modelling ~~ ERS.IRS.IKONOS.JERS.LANDSAT, | 2.2 Data Input 
| © Polynomial || QUICKBIRD, RADARSAT, SPOT | ; 
7 ThnPiate Spime || © RADARSAT Specific Model | The PCI software has the capability to read the DIMAP (tiff) 
| | 1" Balionsl Furictions | Low Bescldtion: AVHBR | format, which SPOT IMAGE distributes the data in that format. 
| € None [Mosaic Only) | | 
2.3 Ground Control Point, Check Point, and Tie Point 
Accepi] Cancel | Help | Collection 
Figure 1. Modeling selection in OrthoEngine v8.2.3 In this stage the Ground Control Points (GCPs), Check Points 
| (CPs) and Tie Points (TPs) will be selected. For Rasht region, 
One of the problems about this model is that the user has no with using the provided digital maps, the 17 GCPs and CPs (all 
idea about the model and one doesn’t know how the model of them are full control point) have been selected. These points 
handles the satellite orbit metadata. Thus, the user has no idea are in accuracy of 1:25000 maps. Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 
what will happen if the accuracy of one parameter increases 4 show the distribution of the GCPs and CPs. 
igure 3. the distribution of GCPs/CPs in the enhanced images 

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