Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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iy. 2003, 
V .].Lebedev 
Etalon Plant, 2A Novatorskaya Str., 220053 Minsk, Belarus — vil lebedev(@yahoo.com 
Commission 1, WG 1/2 
KEY WORDS: Vision Sciences, Digital Geometry, Photogrammetry, Application, Scanner, Raster 
A discrete location of photo-sensitive elements in CCD and in other matrixes leads to the distortions of shape, reduction of sizes, 
shift, etc. of the objects in an image. As a result, the distortions influence on the accuracy of the objects coordinates measuring. In 
this paper, we estimate the corner points coordinates measurement errors for arbitrary oriented rectangle and the other objects with 
mutually perpendicular boundary segments. We derive the formulas for calculation of the errors depending on the angle orientation 
of the figures. Estimations are based on the properties of digital straight segments and geometrical constructions. Some applications 
of the results are discussed. 
In image reading, using the scanners on the basis of CCD and 
the other matrixes of photo-sensitive elements, on their object 
coordinates measuring accuracy influences to a considerable 
extent the discrete location of the elements in a matrix. The 
influence of geometrical distortions are less significant even in 
low-cost scanners (Cramer, Bill, and Glemser, 1994). On 
coordinates measuring accuracy also influences the point spread 
function of a digitizer. For example, if binary image is digitized, 
the result is a gray scale image, that is its boundary is fuzzy. But 
the methods for recovering the binary images solve this problem 
(see, for example, Pavlidis and Wolberg, 1986; Li et al. 1986; 
Medioni and Yasumoto, 1986). Then the errors remain because 
of the finite resolution or super-resolution of the scanner (see 
Pratt, 1978; Cohen and Dinstein, 2000). In this paper, we 
estimate the corner points coordinates measuring errors of the 
rectangular-shaped objects that are arbitrary oriented relative to 
the axes OX, QY of the Cartesian coordinate system XOY 
superposed with the digitizer coordinate system. Corresponding 
estimations we derived (see Lebedev and Zolotoy, 2001; 
Lebedev, 2003), but for special angles of orientation and side 
lengths of the figures. 
We assume that an image is read by the receptors field being the 
integer valued grid with the constant step equal ] and the 
pointed photo-sensitive elements are located in its nodes (see 
fig.1). Let the image is quantized in these points on two levels 
(0 is a background, 1 is an object), and contour element of the 
object is an unit element with four neighbouring elements in 
vertical and horizontal directions having at least one zero 
element. The shortest closed broken line connecting the contour 
elements ( assuming that they are eight-connected) constitutes 
the object contour. Let name this contour as the black contour 
(according Freeman, 1970). Similarly, introduce the white 
contour notation, i.e. the shortest closed line connecting the 
eight-connected zero elements bordering in the sense of the 
four-connection with the black contour elements. The domain 
lying between the black and white contours determines the so- 
called zone of non-sensitivity (Pisarevsky et al, 1988). The 
expressions for description of such zone has been given (Dorst 
and Smeulders, 1984). The width B of this zone influences on 
the measuring errors A = (Ax, Ay) of the rectangle corner points 
coordinates. In one's turn, the width f depends on the angle of 
the rectangle orientation ¢. In next section we will be derive the 
equations for this dependence. 
o—— 000 0 
Figure 1. A digitized rectangle (1 is black contour; 2 is white 
Let a side of a rectangle lies in the first octant of the Cartesian 
coordinate system and its slope is tgo = p/q, where p and q are 
integers and p/q is irreducible fraction (p S ¢). Then the chain 
code of the directions of digital straight segment belonging to 
black or white contour and corresponding the side of a rectangle 
is the periodic Freeman's sequence L — ],,...,1, (or its reverse 
sequence L, 1,1; wherel is OQ or 1, j — 1,2....,q (Pham, 
1986). Using the proof of the proposition 3 from the Pham's 
work ( see Pham, 1986), we can show that 
L-0..0 1.5 lh QOrL79...0,1.. isl) (1) 

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