Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

Alex Dam?, Andrew Calarco and A. Stewart Walker? ' 
* Leica Geosystems GIS & Mapping, LLC, 10840 Thornmint Road, Suite 100 
San Diego, CA 92127, USA 
? Leica Geosystems GIS & Mapping, LLC, 61 Inverness Drive East, Suite 200 
Englewood, CO 80112, USA 
(alex.dam, andrew.calarco, stewart.walker)@gis.lerca-geosystems.com 
Commission I, WG 1/2 
KEY WORDS: Scanner, Scanning, Digital, Film, Photogrammetry, Workflow 
High performance scanning is a routine part of the digital photogrammetric production workflow. Modern scanners offer geometric 
precision similar to analytical plotters and high quality CCD sensors capable of faithfully capturing the information in the aerial 
photograph at 12 bits per channel to provide excellent dynamic range and tonal set-up. Modern practice is typically based on 
scanning positive or negative roll films. One of the critical requirements of the best scanners is high optical resolution at very high 
speed, motivated by the desire to complete roll-film scans overnight. Currently this can be done on the Leica DSW600 Digital 
Scanning Workstation for black and white photography owing to its industry fastest scan times of 2 minutes per 23 x 23 cm frame. 
No scanner can yet do this for a 500 foot colour roll. Recent improvements attempt to extend this performance on the DSW to 
colour, while at the same time improving image quality and control. Leica Geosystems has undertaken a number of innovations 
aimed at these goals, including: large format 12-bit sensor; novel LED illumination system, to increase amount and uniformity of 
light, enlarge the illuminated area to maximize scanning speed, reduce cost and improve reliability; coatings on stage plate and cover 
glass to eliminate Newton Rings; higher performance linear encoders to optimise geometric integrity; software refinements, 
including ease-of-use features and JPEG2000. These advances are incorporated in a new model, the DSW700, but most are available 
to users of existing scanners by means of a well defined upgrade program. 
1 INTRODUCTION respond to customers’ increasing demands for scanning 
performance, in terms of geometry, radiometry, speed and ease- 
Scanning is an accepted, proven phase of the digital of-use. A summary of the various models introduced is given in 
photogrammetric workflow. Since the late 1980s, Leica Table 1. 
Geosystems and its predecessor companies have striven to 
Model First CCD Bits | Pixel size Scanning times | Host Main innovations 
shipment | (mega- range (um) | (minutes) 
pixels) (b/w, color, 
12.5 pm) 
HAI-100/ | 1989 2%0.25 8 12.5, 25 60, 180 MicroVAX, | Scanned whole image, not patches; 
DSW 100 Unix PC two sensors for different 
DSW200 | 1994 4.2 10 5-15 10, 30 Sun High speed via large format sensor 
DSW300 | 1997 1.6, 4.2 10 4-20 5, 14 Sun Ultra Roll film 
DSW500 1999 16,4 2.6.3 | 10 4-20 3,7 Sun Ultra, Xenon strobe illumination, PC host 
DSW600 2002 8.0 12 3-22 2.8 PG 12-bit sensor, easy pixel size 
Table 1. Main features of Leica DSW scanners 
included an innovative stroboscopic illumination source 
under software control, a 6.3 megapixel sensor and a PC 
host, all providing yet more performance. The DSW600 
followed in 2002, the primary innovation being a high 
performance 12-bit sensor. Throughout all this hardware 
development, the software kept pace, moving through a 
range of platforms and continuously adding functionality, 
The 4.2 megapixel sensor in the DSW200 gave the DSW line 
the market lead in speed, to which Leica Geosystems has 
held ever since. The exhibition of the DSW300 model at the 
XVII Congress in Vienna (Dam and Walker, 1996) enabled 
customers to exploit not only higher performance than the 
previous DSW200 model, but, importantly, was capable of 
accommodating roll film. The DSW500 (Dam er al. 2000) 
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