Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
The use of LEDs in the DSW allows especially for a much 
more efficient implementation of sequential color capture 
than has been used in the past. It is faster. Previous models 
all employed a rotating colour wheel with red, green and blue 
optical filters to make the colour separation while the scanner 
stood stationary at a given location in the film. This capture 
process was slow since it was a mechanical device that 
required at least 1 second to move between filters. Since the 
switching time between colour LEDs depends on electronic 
constants instead of mechanical ones, there is significant 
room for improvement. The change times have now been 
brought down in the new model to less than 100 
milliseconds, or 10 times as fast. We are reaching the point 
where three band colour captures in the new model are as 
fast as black and white captures in the DSW600. Of course, 
the other salient benefit is elimination of mechanical 
susceptibility to failure. The new source is illustrated in 
figure 2. 
3.3 The sensor 
The third of the key technologies improved in the new model 
is the sensor itself. Faster and larger sensors that are also 
lower in noise translate directly into speed and quality 
improvements. The DSW uses area sensors, created or 
influenced by the digital photographic camera industry. The 
current developments in this field have emphasized 35 mm 
film format equivalency, of which state of the art is about 11 
megapixels, causing a 9 um sensor pitch. To accommodate 
high speed photography, the readout rates have been greatly 
improved over the cameras of five years ago. The standard 
computer PCI bus is now becoming the bottleneck and we 
look forward to the next generation PCI XPRESS bus. The 
Redlake ES11000 1l-megapixel camera tested for the 
DSW700 is illustrated in figure 3. 
Figure 3. Redlake ES11000 1 I-megapixel sensor 
This speed advance is partly due to the use of multiple 
readout points on the chip, or taps, which can multiplex 
several slower pixel streams into a single high-speed stream. 
Also the individual tap speed can be higher while still 
preserving a clean 12-bit readout owing to the advanced state 
of the art in CCDs. The result is that composite readout 
speeds of 60-320 MB/sec are available. Since higher speed 
still commands a higher price, we choose the best 
compromise for our product’s price/performance at any given 
time and can readjust the mixture when prices decline. 
As a result of all these technologies, noise in the system has 
declined to where average capture variations are below | 
percent, both short- and long-term. This creates a cleaner, 
more consistent scan and allows research efforts to be 
redirected away from perfecting raw capture towards higher 
level image processing, such as dodging or automatic light 
balancing in roll-film scanning. 
3.4 Other improvements 
Ever since the DSW200, the heavy, carefully designed and 
manufactured cross-slide system, with its band drives and 
heavy motors, has enabled scanners to be calibrated to «2 um 
rmse on each axis. Nevertheless, improvements in encoder 
technology have emerged over the years and the latest 
generation of non-contact heads on the 0.5 um encoders 
fitted to the DSW reduce backlash. In addition, with 
consideration for the larger sensor requiring fewer stage 
movements, the stage may be run at a slightly slower speed. 
The benefits for the stage should be greater accuracy along 
with less mechanical wear, while still achieving a 
significantly increased scan production rate. 
3.5 Software developments 
The launch of the DSW700 is accompanied by a new release 
of the SCAN, Image Utilities and FastDODGE software 
suite. The main enhancements, of course, have been 
necessitated by the changed hardware, for example new 
software functions to control the LED light source and the 
Redlake ES11000 11-megapixel sensors chosen for the initial 
series of the new model. At the same time, improvements 
useful to all scanner customers have been added, for example 
the availability of the JPEG2000 format on output. 
As noted earlier, the big gain from the LED light source and 
11-megapixel sensor is in speed. The published 
specifications for the DSW700 are expected to be less than 2 
minutes for a black and white scan at 12.5 pm and about 3 
minutes for colour. The latter implies that a 500-foot roll can 
be scanned in around 24 hours at 12.5 um, a most significant 
As a result of the encoder upgrade described in section 3.4 
above, the DSW700 stage should usually calibrate to <I pum 
rmse on each axis, a performance superior to most 
comparators or analytical plotters, though the published 
specifications is expected to state a more conservative 1.5 
um precision. 
On the radiometric side, the major improvement lies in the 
reduction of Newton rings, the severity of which has been 
dramatically reduced. But the combination of the LED light 
source and the high-performance sensor has reduced capture 
noise, speeded up capture time and improved tonal 
sensitivity. These all have the very practical benefits of 
making scan set-ups and project times much faster and easier 
than before. 
The arrival of the DSW700 opens up a wide range of upgrade 
possibilities for existing customers. DSW300, DSW500 and 
DSW600 models may all be updated to DSW700 status. All

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