International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004
that this scanner cannot be used for photogrammetric tasks
without additional geometric correction of images.
Affine transformation was used as the second transformation
model (eq. 3)
where: X,Y - grid point coordinate in plate coordinate system
(in um)
X,y - pixel coordinate of grid points
ai,bi - coefficients
Achieved RMSE based on residuals after affine transformation
is about 30 um for each axis, with maximum errors up to 70
um. Overview of error vectors after applied affine
transformation is given at Figure 4.
^g mni piu 108117
Figure 5: Error vectors after collocation with filtering was
Affine transformation (eq. 3) has been used before collocation
in order to remove trend.
Scannin = ; Empirical
B Affine Collocation pue
parameters covariance
My Mx My Mx | CovY | CovX
(um) | (um) | (um) | (um)
4 £24: x
—3 100 um
Figure 4: Error vectors after affine transformation.
As for the previous case, it can be concluded that errors still
contain systematic part, but much smaller in magnitude
comparing to the one after Helmert transformation. Also it is
clear that this systematic influence is locally changing. Still,
overall geometrical accuracy is insufficient for digital
photogrammetric tasks.
The third mathematical model used is previously described
linear prediction by least square (collocation). Achieved RMSE
based on residuals after collocation with filtering is about 4.2
um for the first and 8.5 um for the second axis. Maximum error
for any grid plate was not exceeding triple value of RMSE for
that plate.
Figure 5 represents error vectors after collocation with filtering.
Random arrangement of error vectors might lead to conclusion
that systematic part of an overall error is mostly eliminated.
36.51 | 32.14 | 4.14 | 9.76 0.90 0.84
38,73 |.29.90 | 392.1-9.70 | 030 0.85
35.01 | 28.85 | 3.80 | 935 | 0.90 0.84
35.40 130.261" 3.6] 928 | 0,90 0.85
3847.| 29.80 | 3.54 | 0.234 | 0.91 0.85
1200 dpi 3470 | 2731 | 3.51 | 376 | 090 | 0.54
grayscale [3626 | 31.69 | 3.59 | 878 | 0.91 | 0.86
35.04 | 28.85 | 3.61 372 0.91 0.86
35.15 * 29.32 | 3.69 8.9] 0.91 0.85
33.31 | 29.97 |} 398 8.70 0.91 0.84
33.04 | 29.78 | 3.80 | 8.30 0.91 0.85
38.24. 1 39.14 |- 335 S39 «3.09 0.84
1000 dpi 33.01:71.29.71 | 4.69 | 345 0.86 0.83
Grayscale | 34.33 | 29.62 | 4.48 | 8.63 0.87 0.82
34.29 | 29.97 | 4.96 | 8.92 | 0.86 0.81
1600 dpi 34.16 | 28.06 | 4.30 | 7.98 | 0.86 0.83
Grayscale | 33.87 | 27.77 | 4.01 2 98 0.86 0.84
33.71.1-27.70-1.3.90.] 7.46 1 0.87 0.84
1000 dpi 53.67 | 2781 | 5.53 7.64 0.85 0.82
RGB 32.06 | 27-41} 504 |. 7,37 0.86 0.83
33.81 | 27.01 | 5.260 | 7.73 0.85 0.81
1600 dpi 3335 |.27.66 | 4.14.1. 7.75 0.86 0.83
RGB 33.92 | 28.29 | 4.48 | 8.40 | 0.86 0.81
33.37 | 28.04 | 4,28 | 8.65 0.86 0.81
Mauro | 34.67 | 29.01 | 4.17 [854
Mmax 36.51 [32.14 65.23 | 9.76
Mmin 3335 {2701 {-354 0 737
Range 3.16 513 1.99 | 2.38
Table 6: Parameters of the scanner geometric accuracy
Table 6 shows the results of the scanner global geometric
accuracy. RMSE values based on residuals after affine
transformation and collocation with filtering are given. My
shows RMSE based on residuals after coordinate transformation
in the dir
RMSE bas
direction ©
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Figure 7.
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