Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Due the nature of systematic errors, they are less problematic 
since they can be compensated for through calibration. A 
consistent pattern and magnitude of error can be modelled 
into a spatially reference calibration applied to each image 
collected on the scanner. 
Random errors are those that do not follow any discernable 
pattern and therefore may not be removed through a 
traditional calibration procedure. If the magnitude of the 
random error is small, it should not affect the reliability of 
the imagery for photogrammetric use, however, should this 
error be large and show a high variability it may not be 
2.1 Data Collection 
The analysis began through repeated scans of a precision 
grid plate. The plate was constructed of BK-7 optical glass 
and was etched with eighteen horizontal and vertical lines at 
a spacing of twenty millimetres covering an area 260 mm 
squared. This created a grid pattern with 324 grid 
intersections. The plate was scanned ten times on both a PG 
(Leica Geosystems DSW600 Photogrammetric scanner) and 
a NPG scanner ($10,000 US high performance graphic arts 
scanner — manufacturer name withheld), with no wait period 
or delay between scans. This was performed to establish the 
precision of scans collected in quick succession. The images 
were collected at 12.5 jum (2032 DPI) and consisted of only 
one image band. Once completed, the intersections in each 
scanned image were compared to the expected calibrated 
intersection locations and X and Y-axis error values 
Data Analysis 
In an effort to determine whether a systematic pattern of 
error or one that was largely random existed, both global 
summary and local analyses of error were performed. 
Summary statistics were calculated, including average error, 
standard deviation, minimum error, maximum error, 
skewness and kurtosis. The first four metrics provide an 
indication of the magnitude and variability of error. The 
latter two offer a sense of how well the errors follow the 
predicted normal distribution of random errors. To further 
test for a systematic pattern in error, a more detailed analysis 
was performed. The errors within the first scan from each 
scanner were used as an empirical calibration. The X and Y- 
axis errors from this scan were subtracted from the corollary 
intersection error in each subsequent scan. If the residual 
values showed a significant reduction in magnitude, this 
would imply that the film scanner in question is capable of 
supporting some degree of calibration to control error. 
In addition to summary statistics, the X and Y-axis errors 
were plotted spatially to identify any regional trends in the 
error patterns. For each dataset, a standard deviation value 
based upon the ten scans, was determined for both X and Y- 
axis error at each grid intersection. These values were 
interpolated to model a contiguous surface for visualization 
of error variability 
3.1 Results of Global Error Analysis 
Summary error information is presented in Table 1. While 
the mean error for both NPG and PG scanners deviates little 
from zero, there are clear distinctions between the standard 
deviation (sigma) values. The PG scanners produced sigma 
values that were less than 0.07 pixels showing a strong 
central tendency. The NPG units showed much higher 
sigma, with 0.77 and 1.13 pixels respectively for the X and 
Y-axes. The large sigma values demonstrate a strong 
variability of error in the NPG scans. 
BI X  Axi|NPG Y  AxisPG X AxisPG Y Axis 
Error Error Error Error 
Mean _|-270261E-08  |-3.78701E-09  |3.00821E-09  |-1.67563E-09 
Std Dev |0.774339714  |1.138040972  |0.06837934  |0.066504326 
Skew  |0.343904154  |-0.515024721  |0.019562816  |-0.045172838 
Kurt |0.46377147 -0.187309652  |0.900246728  |0.782021849 
Min |-2.66069 -3.68723 -0.24816 -0.242151 
Max |2.22324 2.72771 0.31695 0.280056 
Range |4.88393 6.415 0.56511 0.522207 
Table 1 — Summary Error Statistics (in pixels) for PG and 
NPG scanners 
The absolute range of values was also markedly higher on 
the NPG scanner than the PG unit, showing a higher degree 
of variance in both magnitude and algebraic sign of error. 
As mentioned earlier, in an effort to quantify how much of 
the error was due to systematic sources, an empirical 
calibration was used. The errors from the first scan 
performed on each scanner tested were subtracted from each 
of the nine remaining scans. The results are presented in 
Table 2. 
NPG X Axis NPG Y Axis PG X Axis PG Y Axis 
Error Error Error Error 
Mean |-3.68627E-08 2.61438E-10 7.32449E-10  |-9.59827E-10 
Std Dev |0.375661004 1.042602416 0.040442633 _0.040098813 
Skew  |2.314461622 -0.368984042 0.051477459  /|0.192260271 
Kurt 7.936765987 0.174791663 0.305202294  [1.145695749 
Min -0.690781 -3.68723 -0.1398593 -0.140139405 
Max 2.22324 2.5712 0.1503055 0.193613 
Range j2.914021 6.25843 0.2901648 0.333752405 
Table 2 — Summary Error Statistics (in pixels) following 
calibration, for PG and NPG scanners 
Following calibration, the scans from the NPG unit showed 
only modest reduction in errors and still maintained an 
unacceptably high overall error. Interestingly, the NPG X 
axis errors appear to have been affected to a greater degree 
than the Y-axis errors. The Kurtosis value for NPG X axis 
rose dramatically, indicating a very strong peaked 
distribution, where before calibration the kurtosis was only 
very moderately positive. It would appear that calibration 
was effective at removing some systematic error from NPG 
scanners but the magnitude of the remaining error continues 
to preclude their use in photogrammetric production. The 
photogrammetric unit also saw a reduction in error following 
in nature. 
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