Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
The purpose of camera calibration is to determine numerical 
estimates of the IOP of the implemented camera. The IOP 
comprises the focal length (c), location of the principal point 
(x,, y») and image coordinate corrections that compensate for 
various deviations from the assumed perspective geometry. The 
perspective geometry is established by the collinearity 
condition, which states that the perspective center, the object 
point and the corresponding image point must be collinear. A 
distortion in the image signifies that there is a deviation from 
collinearity. The collinearity equations, which define the 
relationship between image and ground coordinates of a point in 
the image, are: 
S n, 7 Xo) tr (Y, -Y)-n(Z,-72Z4) - 
—€ E ; : : = = + Ax 
ha (X = Xo) +m(Y, 7 Yo) e rZ, Zo) 
a "P 
y, y,-€ C ia : EU E os e Zl Ay e: 
nz (X, E Xo) + m (Y, = Yo) Hs 3(Z, = Zo) 
x, and y, are the image coordinates 
X,4,Y,andZ, are the ground coordinates 
Ax and Ay are compensations for the deviations from 
are the IOP of the camera 
are the ground coordinates of the exposure 
station (perspective center) 
Ili, Fos...» K33 are the elements of a rotation matrix that are a 
function of c, ÿ and x 
Xp» V, and c 
Xo» Yo, Zo 
Potential sources of the deviation from collinearity are the 
radial lens distortion, de-centric lens distortion, atmospheric 
refraction, affine deformations and out-of-plane deformations 
(Fraser, 1997). These distortions are represented by explicit 
mathematical models whose coefficients are called the 
distortion parameters. The relative magnitude of these 
distortions is an indication of the condition and quality of the 
In order to determine the IOP of the camera, including the 
distortion parameters, calibration is done with the use of control 
information in the form of a test field. In a traditional 
calibration test field, numerous control points are precisely 
surveyed prior to the calibration process. Image and object 
coordinate measurements are used in a bundle adjustment with 
self-calibration procedure to solve for the IOP of the involved 
camera, EOP of the imagery and object coordinates of the tie 
points. As mentioned earlier, establishing a traditional 
calibration test field is not a trivial task and it requires 
professional surveyors. Therefore, an alternative approach for 
camera calibration using an  easy-to-establish test field 
comprised of a group of straight lines is implemented in this 
Object space straight lines prove to be the least difficult and 
most suitable feature to use for calibration. They are easy to 
establish in a calibration test field. Linear features, which 
essentially consist of a set of connected points, increase the 
system redundancy and consequently enhance the geometric 
strength and robustness in terms of the ability to detect 
blunders. Corresponding lines in the image space can be easily 
extracted using image-processing techniques such as image 
resampling and application of edge detection filters. Moreover, 
automation of the linear feature extraction process can be a 
reliable and time-saving approach. For camera calibration 
purposes, object space straight lines will project into the image 
space as straight lines in the absence of distortion. Therefore, 
deviations from straightness in the image space can be modelled 
and attributed to various distortion parameters in a near 
continuous way along the line. 
Several approaches for the representation and utilization. of 
straight lines have been proposed in literature and all suffer 
from a few drawbacks. In these approaches, the IOP estimation 
follows a sequential procedure (Brown, 1971; Guogqing et al, 
1998; Prescott and McLean, 1997; and Heuvel, 1999). First, 
linear features are used to derive an estimate of the radial and 
de-centric lens distortions, which is then followed by a 
traditional calibration to determine the principal distance and 
principal point coordinates. The estimated parameters in the 
calibration will be contaminated by uncorrected systematic 
errors such as affine deformations, which are not compensated 
for during the first step. Another approach by Bräuer-Burchardt 
and Voss (2001) assumed that distorted lines can be modelled 
as circular curves, which might not always be the case. Chen 
and Tsai (1990) introduced another method that requires the 
knowledge of the parametric equations of the object space 
straight lines, which mandates additional fieldwork. 
In this research, Habib et al (2002-a, 2002-b) proposed a 
calibration test field consisting of straight lines that are 
represented by two points along the line in the object space. 
Acquired imagery over the test field is used in a bundle 
adjustment with self-calibration procedure to simultaneously 
estimate the IOP of the implemented camera and the EOP of the 
exposure stations. For a detailed explanation of the bundle 
adjustment procedure, the representation, selection and optimal 
configuration of straight lines in imagery, and the automated 
linear feature extraction process, refer to Habib et al (2002-b) 
and Habib et al (2004). Once the calibration procedure has been 
carried out, the IOP of the camera that are derived from two 
different calibration sessions can be inspected. 
The desired outcome of stability analysis is to determine 
whether two sets of IOP are equivalent to each other. The 
following sections describe possible approaches for comparing 
two IOP sets to analyze camera stability. 
3.1 Statistical Testing 
The statistical properties of two IOP sets can be described by an 
assumed normal distribution, which has a mean of the true IOP 
(IOP4) of the implemented camera. For stability analysis, a null 
hypothesis (H,) can be tested for possible rejection under the 
assumption that the two IOP sets are equivalent. Accepting the 
null hypothesis simply affirms that there is no significant 
difference between the two IOP sets and the internal 
characteristics of the camera are stable. Assuming that the two 
IOP sets are uncorrelated and that the true IOP of the camera 
does not change between the two calibration sessions, the null 
hypothesis is: 
Hoi IOP, = IOPT or Ho: e= IOP, IOP = (0, S1 ER Zu) 
Where: IOP, and IOP, are the estimated IOP sets from the two 
calibration sessions, and X, and X are the corresponding 
variance-covariance matrices.A test statistic (T), which is used 
to determine whether or not the null hypothesis is rejected, 
follows a y” distribution with degrees of freedom that is equal 
to the rank « 
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