Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
to the rank of the matrix - X, * Xj (Koch, 1999). It is computed 
The acceptance or rejection of the test statistic will partly 
depend on the assumed level of significance, which is the fixed 
probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. Assuming a 
certain level of significance, if the computed value is greater 
than the critical value (T,) of the test statistic (i.e., T > T,), the 
null hypothesis is rejected and hence, the two IOP sets are 
deemed to be significantly different from each other. 
Statistical testing for the purposes of evaluating camera stability 
includes a number of assumptions that make it impractical to 
use. It assumes a normal distribution for the estimated IOP 
without any biases; it assumes that the variance-covariance 
matrices associated with the IOP sets are available; and it does 
not take any possible correlation between IOP and EOP into 
consideration. Furthermore, Habib and Morgan (2004) 
demonstrated that statistical testing generally gives pessimistic 
results for stability analysis even though the two sets of IOP 
may be similar from a photogrammetric point of view. Lastly, 
the differences in IOP should be evaluated by quantifying the 
discrepancy between bundles of light rays, defined by the two 
IOP sets, in terms of the dissimilarity of the reconstructed 
object space. This will provide a more meaningful measure of 
the differences between the [OP sets. Due to these shortcomings 
of statistical testing, two alternative techniques for evaluating 
camera stability are utilized in this research and explained in 
the next section. 
3.22 Similarity of Reconstructed Bundles 
In this research, two methods for evaluating the similarity are 
used. One method is a comparison that is confined to the image 
space and the other is an object space comparison. 
3.2.11 Image Space Comparison 
In this method, two IOP sets define two bundles of light rays 
that share the same perspective center, Figure I. The degree of 
similarity between these bundles can be evaluated by 
computing the mean spatial angle (angular offset) between 
conjugate light rays, while assuming that the image coordinate 
systems associated with the two bundles are parallel to cach 
m Ele ] 
Bundle II 
© Original Grid Vertices 
@ Distortion-free Grid Vertices 
Figure 1 — Two bundles with same perspective center and parallel image 
coordinate systems 
The steps to derive a quantitative measure for the degree of 
similarity between the two bundles can proceed as follows: 
i. Define a synthetic regular grid in the image plane. The user 
can specify the size of the grid cells and the extent of the 
grid with respect to the image size. The extent of the grid 
should cover the entire imiage (i.e., 10095 of the image). 
i. Remove various distortions at the defined grid vertices 
using the involved IOP from two calibration sets. 
ill. Assuming the same perspective center, define two bundles 
of light rays using the principal distance, principal point 
coordinates and distortion-free coordinates of the grid 
iv. Compute the spatial angle between conjugate light rays 
within the defined bundles. 
v. Derive statistical measures (i.e., the mean and standard 
deviation) describing the magnitude and variation among 
the estimated spatial angles. 
The above methodology for comparing the reconstructed 
bundles assumes the coincidence of the optical axes defined by 
the two IOP sets. However, stability analysis is concerned with 
determining whether the reconstructed bundles coincide with 
each other regardless of the orientation of the respective image 
coordinate systems. Therefore, there might be a unique set of 
three rotation angles (c, q, x) that can be applied to the first 
bundle to produce the second one while maintaining the same 
perspective center, Figure 2. 
P.C. (0,0,0) 
Aram, s) 
Figure 2 — Image Space Comparison where bundles are rotated to 
reduce the angular offset 
As shown in Figure 2, (xy, yy -cj) and (xg, yi, -ci) are the three- 
dimensional vectors connecting the perspective center and two 
conjugate distortion-free coordinates of the same grid vertex 
according to IOP; and IOPy, respectively. To make the two 
vectors coincide with each other, the first vector has to be 
rotated until it is aligned along the second vector. This 
coincidence of the two vectors after applying the rotation angles 
can be mathematically expressed as: 
Xu *, 
Yr i= 4 Rod, yr, 2) 
— Cy = : 
To eliminate the scale factor (4), the first two rows in Equation 
2 are divided by the third one after multiplication with the 
transpose of the rotation matrix to give the following equations: 
= DaXg tUa yy T3 Cr 
f Xy ave Tails 
; D, Xy t» Ygj 76g 
nt sn T'as Yn “1x3 CN 
Equation 3 represents the necessary constraints for making the 
two bundles defined by IOP; and IOP; coincide with each other. 
The rotation angles (w, ¢, x) are estimated using a least squares 
adjustment. The variance component (6.2), the variance of an 
observation of unit weight, resulting from the adjustment 
procedure represents the quality of the coincidence between the 
two bundles after applying the estimated rotation angles. 
Assuming that (xi, yj) in Equation 3 are the observed values, the 
corresponding residuals represent the spatial offset between the 
two bundles, after applying the rotation angles, along the image 
plane defined by the first IOP set. Therefore, assigning a unit 
weight to all the constraints resulting from various grid vertices 

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