Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

too small. This problem can be avoided by integrating: instead 
of transferring each single electron, the charge-carriers are 
integrated locally over a certain period of time into a charge 
packet creating energy large enough to be easily detectable as 
output. The next link in the imaging chain is the transport of the 
integrated charge packets from the integrating sites towards the 
output of the device. 
CCDs, silver-halide crystals in photographic emulsions and 
even the human eye are "photon counters". While CCDs are 
regular arrays of receptors of identical size, photographic emul- 
sions consist of a random three-dimensional arrangement of 
receptors in size significantly smaller than CCD cells. In prac- 
tical applications, CCD images can be built up one-dimension- 
ally (line-scanner) or two-dimensionally; all cells in the light- 
sensitive part of a CCD are biased in the integrating mode. A 
camera based on the full-frame CCD imager will be making use 
of a mechanical (or LCD) shutter. After opening this shutter, 
impinging photons will generate charges which are collected 
until the shutter is closed. Nexi, the charge packets are 
transferred first to a CCD output register and then io the output 
stage where they can be converted to an electrical voltage. in 
the case of photography integration of the effeci on a larger 
number of exposed and processed crystals by means of a sgan- 
ning aperture is necessary. 
Research is continuing to increase the performance of salid- 
state image sensors. Improving fabrication technology, optimiz- 
ing design and creating new device architectures, all have the 
same goal: increasing the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the sen- 
sor for a given application or a given resolution. The number of 
signal electrons can be specified in terms of the number of 
photons impinging on the sensor e the receptor area 4,4, 
the quantum efficiency » and the integration time 7;, : 
Fin! electrons 7 EX A receptor X nx T 
The performance of imaging systems can be compared by 
means of the detective quantum efficiency (DQE) which is 
derived from the signal-to-noise ratios of the image input and 
output processes: 
DQE = (S/N) out (S/N)Yin 
The number of noise electrons for CCDs can be split up into 
three main noise sources : 
— photon shot noise, equal to the square root of the number of 
signal electrons, given by the equation above, 
— noise electrons generated in the CCD channels (e.g. incom- 
plete transfer, shot noise on dark current, fixed-pattern 
noise, ...), all summed in ngs, 
— output amplifier noise n 
and written as: 
; = : 2 2 
f ieisel electrons NH eise electrons * n sens + n out) 
Amplifier noise and sensor noise are independent of the input 
signal; they are, however, strongly dependent on readout fre- 
quency, chip temperature and integration time. Another impor- 
tant noise source is the light fixed-pattern noise; this noise is 
static and is related to the non-uniformities between the various 
pixels of the imager, and it is proportional to the light input; a 
typical value for this noise source is 1%. In addition to the 
various noise sources in the imaging part of the sensor itself. 
another important noise source is the output amplifier. The 
small analog circuitry used to convert the electrons into a 
voltage and to buffer the output voltage towards the outside 
world, adds some uncertainty to the signals in the form of noise 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Photographic emulsions are very effective in recording infor- 
mation. Only four electrons are needed to form a latent image 
spot on silver-halide crystals of an estimated average size of 
(0.5 um)? a magnification factor of 250000000 results per crys- 
tal. The DQE can be estimated as 
DQE = SNR? - (signal / density variation 7 AD? / o*j 
= (0.434? x 7) /(H x À x @p) 
Typical values for the density variation op within an aperture A 
are 0.02 to 0.03, 7 is the gradient of the straight-line section of 
the applicable characteristic curve and H is the exposure in 
DQE values for the three different types of sensors all are in the 
area around 196. Optimum exposure levels vary as does the 
range of exposure levels which is most limited in the case of 
photographic emulsions One way of increasing the DQE is to 
optimize the light sensitivity of the devices. At extremely small 
light inputs, however, the detection limit of any signal is deter- 
mined by the remaining noise floor. The dynamic range is also 
partly defined by the noise level of the imager and the output 
amplifier. Further reducing the various noise sources is just as 
important as increasing the light sensitivity of the devices. 
Since most noise sources have different origins, it 1s not possi- 
ble to tackle them all at once; several mechanisms are technol- 
ogy related, others have to do with the design of the device, 
some can be minimized by the processing of the video signal, 
and others cannot. 
The concepts of transmittance and reflectance are very similar 
as will be shown shortly. In the case of scanning a transparent 
photo, the amount of energy transmitted will be measured. In 
the case of digitally recording an image, the amount of energy 
reflected at the scene will be recorded. While we speak mostly 
of transmittance, we mean also reflectance. Reflectance p is 
defined as the ratio of flux reflected from the sample («b,) and 
that reflected from the reference surface (®;): 
p 0;/do, 
Similarly, transmittance r is defined as the ratio of flux trans- 
mitted through the sample (®,) and that incident onto the sam- 
ple (®;): 
Consider a piece of material of a thickness d which passes half 
of the incident light: 7= 0,5. If several pieces of the same 
material were placed on top of each other, on would observe 
that with a doubling of the thickness half of the transmittance 
would be obtained. The inverse of the transmittance is called 
opacity O, and it would double with a doubled thickness as 
shown in Table 1. 
Table 1. Thickness of Material, transmittance and opacity 
d O 
4 $ 16 
A human observer would sge decreases in brightness not cor- 
responding to the geometric progression of opacity but propor- 
tional to the thickness; the laíter js obtained by introducing the 
transmission density D as the logarithm of the opacity (or of 
the inverse transmittance): 
D = log - log(|/r) 
The proportic 
Table 2. 
Table2. TI 
Reflection de 
Assuming th 
range of 3,0, 
normal 1-byt 
over the valu 
fore to a den 
presented by 
clear materia 
shown in the 
13-bit and 14 
Table 3 2 
D D (8) 
3.05 0 
2.90 12 
2.75 25 
2.60 38 
2.45 50 
2.30 3 
2:15 75 
2.00 88 
1.85 100 
1.70 113 
1.55 125 
1.40 138 
1.25 150 
I 10 163 
0.95 176 
0.80 188 
0.65 201 
0.50 213 
0.35 226 
0.20 238 
0.05 231 
0 255 
While the d 
range, the t 
achieve simi 
13 to 14 bits 
Density req 
country dep: 
film and th 
mined by t 
achieved at 

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