Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

OST 1 Spt rials ences. V /. Par. 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Control module 
Laser »| AOM P| Telescope 
Photo- = 
| detector ['* Scanner = = 
[12 dio axils DADL -2 
DADL -1 
Delay time | ] 
measurement | 
| Special processor >| Onboard comput It — 
| Onboard control system | 
Figure 1. Distance measurement system based on linear FM with pulse compression. 
n is the number of an image element (number of sensing) in a 
Vaäop is the Doppler velocity along a direction of a laser beam; 
& is a delay time measurement error. 
Mean square deviation of an error &, depends on value of a 
signal/noise ratio on an output of radio-frequency module of 
laser locator and can be expressed in a first approximation as 
follows [Dansac, J., Meyzonnette, J. L., 1985]: 
3, Ym (3) 
AF A Aj Aw 
A is intensity of the received signal; 
Ay is average intensity of noise. 
Table 1 shows how mean square deviation £, depends on the 
signal/noise ratio in case of sensing of a frontal plane, and 
corresponding to it values of mean square deviations of 
measurements of distance and velocity. 
A/AN Ô(& 2 ) € ô(R) M 0(V)M/c 
10 0.8-10°* 17 0.6.10" 
15 0.65105 1.4 0.5.10! 
20 0.56.10 1.2 0.42.10! 
50 0.35-10* 0.75 0.2610"! 
In reality, accuracy will be noticeably worse as scanning is 
carried out continuously and resolving of range/velocity 
uncertainty is made by results of sensings of different regions of 
a surface which can lie on essentially different distances. 
The way of processing of the delay times sequence is suggested, 
that allows to increase accuracy of vehicle own velocity 
measurement, with a’ simultaneous possibility of distance 
measurement on each sensing. For this purpose it is possible to 
use that fact, that value of vehicle own velocity is slowly 
varying function, whereas time of scanning of one line does not 
exceed 0.01 s. 
Therefore, to increase accuracy of velocity measurement it is 
possible to accumulate and average information on each line. At 
that it is possible to consider velocity to be constant during a 
line. Then having averaged value of velocity with use of all 
sensings on a line, it is possible to calculate distances in each 
clement of a previous line. In practice, however, it is more 
convenient to calculate distances for each element right after 
information is received. To do this, it is necessary to make 
extrapolation of velocity value for the period of the next line, 
and to calculate distances for each sensing based on this value. 
Thus, two loops of calculation are formed: a vehicle own 
velocity calculation and oscillator management loop; and a 
distance calculation on elements of a line of sensings and image 
transformations loop. 
Let's obtain necessary expressions. Doppler shift of frequency 
AF yp is determined as 
AF o = = 
where À is radiation wave-length; Vy is radial velocity. 
To maintain system mode of operation in an operating range the 
part of Doppler shift of frequency is compensated by radio 
heterodyning. Then the signal delay time, caused by Doppler 
effect and heterodyning, is expressed as 
dop -— 
Where AF 
cycle; Fie 
horizontal vi 
Total delay t 
up to probec 
the second p 
happens wit 
decreases du 
+ — 
Le = 
f del — 
From here 1 
y -— 
for section o 
Processing ! 
Let's consic 
1. By result: 
vehicle own 
At that, for 
considered i 
1S NO receive 
sensings are 
the current « 
passed thres 
on the surf: 
example, at 
building to 1 
1.e. when no

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